BA Top 20 Prospects - 美國職棒

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2004-10-10T14:48

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※ 引述《Schmeichel (似曾小小興亡)》之銘言:
: 我沒訂BA,這些是我在一個討論區看到的,放上來讓大家參考。

International League

3 Grady Sizemore, OF

Sizemore started slowly after a stomach virus left him 15 pounds lighter
than usual heading into the season, but he soon showed his full package
of skills. It has been some time since the Indians have had a player with
this many tools come out of its system.

He uses the entire field and has fine plate discipline, projecting as a
.300 hitter in the big leagues. Though he didn't show as much power as he
did last year in Double-A, he has strength and projects as at least a 20-20
player in the majors. His arm is his sole below-average tool, but he has
good instincts and is a very capable center fielder.

You want makeup? Brown calls Sizemore a manager's dream, while scouts
describe him as being the equivalent of another manager on the field.

"He's the kind of guy who drives his own car," Indianapolis manager Cecil
Cooper said. "He has such a strong desire to succeed. And that desire is
going to push him to find out just how good he can be and maintain that at
the highest level."

Drives his own car? Don't think I've heard that one before. I'll have to
ponder that for a minute.

2000 GCL R .293 55 205 31 60 8 3 1 14 16 2 23 24 .376 .380 756
2001 Midw A .268 123 451 64 121 16 4 2 61 32 11 81 92 .335 .384 719
2002 FSL A .258 75 256 37 66 15 4 0 26 9 9 36 41 .348 .351 699
2002 Caro A .343 47 172 31 59 9 3 3 20 14 7 33 30 .483 .451 934
2003 East AA .304 128 496 96 151 26 11 13 78 10 9 46 73 .480 .373 853
2004 IL AAA .288 102 423 75 122 24 8 8 51 16 10 42 72 .440 .361 801
2004 AL MLB .246 43 138 15 34 6 2 4 24 2 0 14 34 .406 .333 739

Eric Wedge說,「如果球季在今天開始,Sizemore會是我們的先發中外野手。」今年兩
次 call up,第一次有點虎頭蛇尾,但是九月上來之後表現非常搶眼。如果沒有意外發


"He's the kind of guy who drives his own car."我真的不曉得這是什麼意思 XD

19 Francisco Cruceta, RHP

Since coming over from the Dodgers as a relative unknown in the Paul Shuey
deal in July 2002, Cruceta has blossomed in the Indians system. He'll
compete for a spot in Cleveland's 2005 rotation after giving up three
earned runs or less in 12 of his 14 Triple-A starts.

Cruceta's natural sinker sits in the 92-94 mph range, and he generates that
plus velocity with a nice, easy delivery. His slider has become an
above-average pitch this season, and his changeup has shown flashes of
becoming a third quality offering.

He struggles at times with the command of his fastball, particularly early
in games as he tries to establish his other pitches. He sometimes leaves
it up in the strike zone, where it loses movement and is more hittable.

He also needs to trust his stuff more.

Year Lg. Lvl W L ERA G GS SV IP H R ER HR BB SO H/9 W/9 K/9 WHIP
1999 Dsl R 3 2 7.56 14 1 0 25.0 33 34 21 4 15 21 11.88 5.40 7.56 1.92
2000 Dsl R 4 2 3.31 21 6 3 49.0 33 29 18 1 36 49 6.06 6.61 9.00 1.41
2001 Dsl R 0 4 1.50 11 9 0 48.0 35 24 8 1 24 47 6.56 4.50 8.81 1.23
2002 SAL A 8 5 2.80 20 20 0 112.2 98 42 35 7 34 111 7.83 2.72 8.87 1.17
2002 Caro A 2 0 2.50 7 7 0 39.2 31 13 11 2 25 37 7.03 5.67 8.39 1.41
2003 East AA 13 9 3.09 27 25 0 163.1 141 70 56 7 66 134 7.77 3.64 7.38 1.27
2004 East AA 4 8 5.28 15 15 0 88.2 89 58 52 11 33 45 9.03 3.35 4.57 1.38
2004 IL AAA 6 5 3.25 14 14 0 83.0 78 35 30 6 36 62 8.46 3.90 6.72 1.37


補充一下,International League Chat with Chris Kline

Q: Ron Day from Chatham, Ontario asks:
I see Steve Finley as a good comp for Grady Sizemore. Perhaps Grady can
hit for a higher average than Finley, but may not quite reach Finley's
home run production. Is that fair?

A: Chris Kline:
Relatively fair, though I think Sizemore's power will be there as it
showed flashes of in 2003, when he a career-high 13. The players are
similar, but I think Sizemore is going to be the better player overall.
Once he learns the little nuances of the big leagues, he has all the
ability and the makeup to be an all-star caliber player for a long time.

Q: Crazy Dave Rogers from Buffalo, NY asks:
Where would Fernando Cabrera be on the list?? Does he have a better
ceiling then Cruceta??????

A: Chris Kline:
The best reliever in the league was Rochester's Jesse Crain, who probably
tolied longer in Triple-A than he needed to. But Cabrera was a close
second behind Crain. In terms of stuff, Cabrera dials it up to 96 mph,
and has a splitter, slider and change. Personally, I like Cabrera better
than Cruceta, for the ability to locate the fastball alone. Cruceta tends
to elevate too much, especially early in games, while Cabrera blossomed
in the closer role this year. Look for both to have an impact on the
Cleveland staff next season.

Q: Dustin from Cleveland asks:
Hi and thanks for taking my question. You said that Brandon Phillips and
Jhonny Peralta had gotten too many mlb at-bats to get mentioned here. I
was just wondering where they wouldve ended up on this list and what kind
of numbers you see them putting up in the bigs.

A: Chris Kline:
A LOT of questions regarding the Bisons' doubleplay tandem, so I'll try
to address them here. If they were eligible, both are pretty much top 10
guys. Phillips was sometimes brutal defensively, with 28 errors splitting
time between short and second. Still the Tribe has to be more than
encouraged with his turnaround from a dismal season last year. Peralta
still projects more as a 3B to some scouts, but can play either spot on
the left side of the diamond. The biggest change that led to his success
this year has really been four years in the making. When he was in Kinston
in 2001 and again in Akron the next year, his batting stance changed every
AB and he had no consistency whatsoever. Once he finally was able to relax
. . . and don't discount the rigors of learning to live in the States as
part of this, since he knew no English at all and is just natuarally a shy
person . . . he settled into one stance and had a career year. He's the
Indians answer at ss if Vizquel bolts.

最後一個問題問到 Phillips和Peralta這兩位內野新秀,因為他們大聯盟打數太多,
開, Peralta會是印地安人在游擊位置上最好的選擇,雖然他比較像三壘手。Wedge


All Comments


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2004-10-10T13:11
ALDS第二場比賽開始的時候 波士頓當地時間是晚上十點 九點五十,我從圖書館打包準備回家看球 其實不從圖書館離開也不行了 因為一到九點半 幾乎三分之一的男生都已經坐不住紛紛離席 剩下留在圖書館的人也都煩躁不安。 我走出圖書館的路上,聽到有人的對話是這樣: 「ㄟ,那個某某某,你明天不是有 midterm? ...

ALCS 先發陣容

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2004-10-10T11:02
NY 隊又出線了, 先比較本季兩隊對戰 19 場的成績 W L ERA IP AVG Wakefield 1-0 1.83 19.2 .179 Schilling 2-0 4.82 18.2 .239 Mar ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2004-10-10T05:37
今天下工後晚上十點回到寢室開始看replay....當然事前不 知道結果 事前因為花了幾乎全部的家產在天使板買了3-1的彩票 所以有些尖介... 不過比賽一開始,我還是無法克制red sox的魅力,不管我的錢了 全力替red sox加油吧! 比賽前半段,幹!Arroyo狀況好的跟什麼一樣,變化球超犀利 除 ...

問個問題 Johnny Pesky

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2004-10-10T02:33
剛剛在天使版看到我們紅襪農場培育出的小天使 Eckstein 與 Johnny Pesky 再度重逢啊 講到那個 Pesky 我還覺得說他的名字很眼熟好像在哪裡看過 結果發現是我家上個禮拜 Yard Sale的時候, 住樓上的老先生拿了一堆家裡的舊東西請我們幫他賣 結果我發現一些包碗盤的 Boston Gl ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2004-10-10T02:29
請依照申請看板時之板名 對印地安人隊及其相關事務進行討論 切莫在未經板友民主程序同意、且未申請更改板名通過之情況下 擅自公告更改討論方向 正如板友所言 即使季後也有很多事情可以討論 請勿因為你自己的不了解而影響該隊隊板運作 進一步的建議是 若您不能勝任 請回顧您在該看板的第一篇文章 並遵守後續文章中之許諾 ...