ATP Belgrade organisers announce a spectacle! - 溫網 Tennis

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2008-12-06T01:23

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ATP Belgrade organisers announce a spectacle!

The best Serbian tennis player said today that being host to the ATP
tournament in May next year, Belgrade has definitely put Serbia to the world
tennis map.


"After excellent results of all our tennis players recently, we've managed to
put Serbia on the tennis map of the world. Serbia deserves that. Belgrade
lives for tennis, at least that's my impression", said Novak at the press
conference in the Old Palace building.

這是塞爾維亞應得的. 貝爾格勒在我印象中是為網球而存在.
Novak在Old Palace舉行的記者會上那麼說.

The tournament in May 2009 will be organised by Family Sport, with 500.000$
prize money (around 390.000 euros). The directors are Nikola Pilic and
Novak's uncle Goran.

比賽將在2009年五月由Family Sport規劃,獎金總額是50萬美金(約39萬歐元).
將由Nikola Pilic和Novak的叔叔Goran擔任理事.

"I've already had talks with some players about their coming to Belgrade, but
I couldn't do it more seriously, until we were sure we were going to get the
tournament organisation, which happened only in the end of the season. We
will certainly do that now", added Djokovic.

直到我們已經確定我們能進行比賽的規劃, 在球季末時才得知.
我們現在正著手進行, Djokovic補充.

"It's not the most important thing that Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and Andy
Murray play in Belgrade. It's important that we have high quality matches,
because no one of us has experience in organising tournaments, except Nikola

Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and Andy Murray在貝爾格勒比賽並不是最重要的事.
重要的是我們將有高質量的比賽,畢竟我們沒有人有舉辦比賽的經驗, Nikola Pilic除外.

"Pilic's experience is necessary, I will also help, because as a player I've
seen what those small tournaments lack in. We also got a good schedule,
because the clay season starts 2 weeks before our tournament", said Novak.

Pilic的經驗是必須的, 我也會提供協助, 因為身為球員,我知道那些小比賽所缺乏的.
我們也得到一個很好的時間點, 紅土賽季在我們比賽兩週前開始, Novak說.

Goran Djokovic said that "Family Sport" had got the licence for the
tournament that had previously been held in Amersfort, where Novak won his
first ATP title in 2006, on indefinite period of time.

Goran Djokovic說, "Family Sport"已經取得比賽的許可, 之前是在阿姆斯福特舉行,
也是Novak在2006年贏得第一個ATP冠軍, 在不明確的那段期間.

Pilic and he promised that the tournament in Belgrade would be the best in
the world among the other of the same prize fund.


"The first year is always unpredictable, but we'll bring interesting players,
and organise the best tournament of that grade", said Pilic.

第一年總是不可預期的, 但我們將邀請好球員和把比賽辦到最好, Pilic說.

Belgrade mayor Dragan Djilas thanked the Djokovic family, and described the
fact that Serbia's capital will host an ATP tournament as "a great thing".

貝爾格勒市長Dragan Djilas感謝Djokovic家族.

"This is fantastic thing for Belgrade, especially for all the children, that
dream to become like Novak one day. We're back on the European map where we
belong", said Djilas, and expressed hope that Belgrade would organise a WTA
tournament in 2009 as well, which Ana Ivanovic and tennis association of
Serbia are trying to achieve, separately.

這對貝爾格勒來說是奇妙的, 特別對於孩子們, 有天可以像Novak一樣.
我們將重回歐洲的版圖,我們所屬於的地方, Djilas說.
Ana Ivanovic和塞爾維亞網協正分別試著達成.

The chief sponsor of the Belgrade tournament will be Telekom Srbija. Other
sponsors will be PTT Srbija, Srbijagas and NIS.

貝爾格勒主要贊助商將是Telekom Srbija.
其他則有PTT Srbija, Srbijagas and NIS.

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Novak's Photos  

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2008-12-06T07:55
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2008-12-06T14:26
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2008-12-06T20:58
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2008-12-07T03:30
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2008-12-07T10:02
塞爾維亞球員應該都會參加吧 top 10幾個去就難說了


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2008-12-06T00:41
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