Andy退出休士頓男網賽 - 網球

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2007-04-10T11:55

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It was with great disappointment that Andy had to pull from
the US Men’s Clay Court Championships Monday because of a
hamstring injury that he aggravated in Davis Cup play.

Andy had injured his left hamstring while lunging for a shot
in a quarterfinal match at the Sony Ericsson Open late in
March and was forced to retire against Andy Murray in the
Quarterfinals. Following intense physical therapy for a week
he opted to represent the United States this past weekend.
During his win over Fernando Verdasco, Andy tweaked the muscle
but was able to finish the match.“Luckily, the adrenaline
there was able to kind of get me through,” Andy said.
The injury “is not one that heals in two days”.

The US Men’s Clay Court Championships has always been a special
event for Andy and he is deeply disappointed that he will not be
able to compete this week. Andy will remain in Houston for a few
days to participate in some off court activities for the tournament.

Check back to for more updates.

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2007-04-14T20:16
George avatar
By George
at 2007-04-15T12:40
"aggravated in Davis Cup"...帶傷上陣...>"<
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2007-04-20T12:36
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2007-04-23T12:29
The injury "is not one that heals in two days”@@
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2007-04-26T08:39
ANDY要趕快好起來喔 ANDY加油
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2007-04-27T12:14
插播 這星期的ACE有ANDY的訪問 要記得看歐
James avatar
By James
at 2007-04-30T21:39
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2007-05-03T12:03
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2007-05-07T06:46
每個星期四晚上9:00 衛視體育台
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2007-05-10T19:22


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2007-04-08T17:25
差點以為走錯版哩 沒啥好說的 過了就算了 幫Henin下一場比賽加油 這才是最重要的吧!! 邁阿密 不也創下了最好的成績了嗎?? 至少 是進步阿 對小威 看看小威跟其他選手的對戰 有誰有這能耐給小威賞了個蛋? 紅土 是Henin所擅長 與其為了過去吵吵鬧鬧 不如給HENIN更多的期待還有鼓勵 這樣才比 ...

Re: 公主退出家庭生活圈杯

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2007-04-08T14:11
※ 引述《DanielMar (唉~)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《kenyen (考考 )》之銘言: : : 好像是因為臀部受了傷 : : 是蠻可惜的 本來可以當第1種子的說.. : : 但如果狀況沒有調整好去當偽種子早早出局也很不妙= = and#34; : : 所以我覺得 這其實應該是公主的戰略吧^^ : ...

Re: 公主退出家庭生活圈杯

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2007-04-08T12:13
※ 引述《kenyen (考考 )》之銘言: : ※ 引述《mingi (家是一生的牢籠)》之銘言: : : 繼我上篇說這場比賽似乎卡到陰之後 : : 我們的公主 居然也退賽了 : : 目前原因不明 可能她還沒準備好 看來最近狀況真的還沒調整好吧 : : 希望不要是受了什麼傷呀 : : ...

Re: 公主退出家庭生活圈杯

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2007-04-08T09:31
※ 引述《mingi (家是一生的牢籠)》之銘言: : 繼我上篇說這場比賽似乎卡到陰之後 : 我們的公主 居然也退賽了 : 目前原因不明 可能她還沒準備好 看來最近狀況真的還沒調整好吧 : 希望不要是受了什麼傷呀 : 根據公主往年的紀錄 : 她很少宣佈退賽的 可見 1336篇 ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2007-04-08T04:38
繼我上篇說這場比賽似乎卡到陰之後 我們的公主 居然也退賽了 目前原因不明 可能她還沒準備好 看來最近狀況真的還沒調整好吧 希望不要是受了什麼傷呀 根據公主往年的紀錄 她很少宣佈退賽的 可見 1336篇 S大推文提供的連結 所以希望他不要有什麼問題才好 公主加油 ...