Andy in LA LA Land! - 網球

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2008-08-06T13:38

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Andy and Team Roddick have set up camp in Los Angeles for the 82nd
Countrywide Classic. For the first time since his withdraw from last week’s
Master Series in Cincinnati, Andy returned to the courts. Andy, John and Doug
practiced for an hour on Stadium Court in Los Angeles Monday.

Both Coach John Roddick and Athletic Trainer Doug Spreen acknowledged that
Andy’s condition has improved since last week but they are still taking the
necessary precautions for a full recovery. Andy was enthusiastic and in high
spirits to be back in action. “I hate not playing and I hate withdrawing
from tournaments…It’s the most hollow feeling every when you have to walk
off because you’re hurt and you know people have come to watch you play.”

As the top seed at the Countrywide Classic, Andy was given a bye and is
scheduled to play Thursday Evening. Andy will play the winner of Vemic vs.

Andy和它的團隊為了這個82屆全國性經典比賽已經在Los Angeles下榻。在上禮拜辛辛
那提名人賽離開後的第一時間,Andy立刻返回球場。Andy, John and Doug在Los Angeles
Monday的Stadium Court(球場名)練習一小時。

兩個教練John Roddick和陪練員Doug Spreen承認Andy的狀況自上週後已經有改進但他


身為Countrywide Classic的最高種子,Andy第一輪是輪空的他的賽程排定第一場比賽在
星期四.他將和Vemic vs. Warburg的勝利者比賽。



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All Comments

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2008-08-10T16:32
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2008-08-13T06:55
withdraw翻成退賽會不會比較接近andy的意思? 畢竟他才因落枕
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2008-08-13T15:09
而不得不退出辛辛那提 = ="

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2008-08-02T11:24
◎ID:j770923 ◎喜歡的運動:棒球(只會看)、籃球、網球(正要學)、桌球、游泳 ◎何時開始喜歡Henin及原因:我開始注意網球的2005年。 喜歡一個人是不需要原因的~ ◎想對Henin說的話:隨著妳的退休,我也跳出了女子網球的世界。 ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2008-08-02T03:28
※ 引述《shak (Lupone is the best)》之銘言: : Dear Henin : 我以為我接受了你的退休 接受了你邁向自己美好的未來 看著你開心的笑容 : 那為什麼我還是看不慣那些批評你的言詞 那些在你退休之後依然出現的討論? : 你是怎麼辦到的? 無視於那些 ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2008-08-01T14:56
Dear Henin 我以為我接受了你的退休 接受了你邁向自己美好的未來 看著你開心的笑容 那為什麼我還是看不慣那些批評你的言詞 那些在你退休之後依然出現的討論? 你是怎麼辦到的? 無視於那些言論依然作你自己? 之前還在打比賽時,你是不是也曾經被這些話傷害過? 我 ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2008-07-28T13:33
雖然我們最愛的Henin沒有參加這次的北京奧運, 但小妹我還滿想就近去看看奧運網球賽的, 只是心中在想啦!還沒實際規劃! 不知Henin板的各位大大們,有沒有此規劃,可以讓我參一腳的!? 感謝大家嘍!!^^ - ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2008-07-25T03:45
Singles - Third Round M Cilic (CRO) d [6] A Roddick (USA) 64 46 64 去年打進八強輸給最後的冠軍Nole 今年沒加到分就算了還在16強出局....................... 感覺又是一個低潮要來了 下週的Cincinnati請 ...