Andy and Mandy Back On? - 網球

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2006-07-29T10:49

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而Zach Braff(Mandy現任男友)常常跟女人亂來很傷Mandy的心.

Mandy Moore and tennis star Andy Roddick, who broke up in 2004 after more
than a year together, recently shared an intimate lunch at the poolside
Backyard restaurant at L.A.'s W hotel.

Beating the California heat under an oversized canvas umbrella, Roddick and
Moore were animated and close during their meal. At one point, two bikini-clad
women sashayed past their table, catching Roddick's glance. But after Moore
turned her head mid-sentence to see what caught his attention, she quickly
engaged him in a conversation that brought his gaze back to her.

Could something more than friendship be brewing? Rumors have been circulating
that the actress's relationship with beau Zach Braff is on the rocks. Stay
tuned ...

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2006-08-01T22:28
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2006-08-04T01:33
我很喜歡Mandy ><""
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2006-08-04T12:23
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2006-08-06T07:47
Mandy唱歌很好聽 很喜歡她的 a walk to remember


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2006-07-29T01:11 Head Flexpoint Radical Racquet mp ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2006-07-29T00:25
剛剛又跑去espn的討論區 發現許乃仁已經回覆大家說 今年美網確定有 但跟去年一樣 只從八強開始轉撥 並只有台灣地區轉播權 至於Agassi的比賽 許乃仁也表示如過Agassi打不進八強的話 節目將採用去年播小威對詹詠然的比賽方式 先錄影之後再播出 這表示我們確定第一週的比賽看不到orz 不知道有沒有像去年 ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2006-07-28T21:17
請問澳網的場地是比較適合辛吉絲的打法嗎 他在這個場地打得特別出色 - ...

辛吉絲確認參加韓國公開賽 「公主」亞洲之旅獨缺中國

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2006-07-28T19:24
新浪體育訊 首爾7月28日,韓國網協在今天正式宣佈,「瑞士公主」辛吉絲已經 確認參加9月在首爾舉行的韓國公開賽,這也同時意味著,辛吉絲將不會參加同期舉行 的廣州國際女子公開賽。   曾盤踞網壇的世界第一後座長達209周的瑞士名將辛吉絲在今年年初宣佈復出後, 就取得了一系列的不俗成績,這也讓她的世界排名從年初 ...

[八卦] 莎娃去看Andy比賽...

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2006-07-28T19:20
感覺滿配的 不過Andy比莎娃矮耶XDDDDDDD 真想看他們站在一起的畫面:P - ...