Andre在Houston首輪賽後訪問 - 網球

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2003-04-23T09:02

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Agassi Wins 2003 Debut on Clay

American improves to ATP-best 19-1 with straight sets victory against
Croatia's Zeljko Krajan

Agassi reached the semifinals in Houston last year.

Top seed Andre Agassi only needed 47 minutes to beat Zeljko Krajan of
Croatia 6-2, 6-0, on Tuesday afternoon, in his first clay court match
of the season. Agassi lost eight points on his serve and faced only one
break point while improving his match record to an ATP-best 19-1 on the
season. Agassi plays Irakli Labadze in the second round on Thursday.


Agassi: "It was a great first (on clay) match for me today and I got the
lead early and hit my shots well. When you play someone for the first
time you don't take anything for granted and I feel good about my game

On getting ready for his first clay court match of the season: "You have
to go through adjustments in practice on clay and you're playing different
shots. There's a lot you need to go through but you cannot do anything
until you play matches."

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All Comments


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2003-04-23T08:47
: (1)Andre Agassi (USA) vs Zeljko Krajan (CRO) (1) A. Agassi(USA) d. Z. Krajan(CRO) 6-2 - 6-0 以輕鬆的比數拿下本季第19勝,同時又已經7連勝了 - ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2003-04-22T17:21
: → lister:這個是紅土的比賽場地 是嗎 推 04/20 : → ouch:當然囉...紅土賽季內的比賽場地沒有例外 推 04/21 : → zerkchu:去年是greenclay的樣 ...

Re: 本期的ace雜誌封面人物

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2003-04-22T11:44
※ 引述《Sano (我要賺錢養寵物...)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《ouch (消失的福隆)》之銘言: : : 四月號的ace封面人物 : : 就是Andre喔! : : 裡面還有Andre小時候的照片呢!(原來他小時候就跟Jaden一樣是金髮的啊) : : ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2003-04-20T06:56
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: zerkchu (zerkchu) 看板: Tennis 標題: 休士頓男網賽籤表 時間: Sat Apr 19 08:14:54 2003 (1)Andre Agassi (USA) vs Zeljko Krajan (CRO) Brian Vahaly ...

Re: 本期的ace雜誌封面人物

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2003-04-19T23:18
※ 引述《ouch (消失的福隆)》之銘言: : 四月號的ace封面人物 : 就是Andre喔! : 裡面還有Andre小時候的照片呢!(原來他小時候就跟Jaden一樣是金髮的啊) : 裡面也提到了不少Agassi預校的事蹟 : ...