Andrew Murray專訪-Sergio Aguero - 曼城足球俱樂部 Manchester City Football Club

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2013-08-27T12:39

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"We need to win a trophy": Aguero relishes the challenge

22 August 2013 Andrew Murray


After starting his campaign in style against Newcastle, Sergio Aguero chats
to Andrew Murray about humble beginnings, "mad lad" Balotelli and another
sizzling season ahead.


A smile envelops Sergio Aguero's immaculately groomed face. An impish glint
flashes into his deep brown eyes. "Hey, guys," he says to three young lads
who have been helping prepare Flixton FC's compact Valley Road ground in west
Manchester for a photo shoot, "fancy a bit of 2v2?" Agog, they have a
five-minute kickabout they'll be dining out on for years.


他向著三個幫忙準備Flixton FC拍照的年輕小夥子說:"嘿~夥計們,喜歡2對2嗎?"

Less than 24 hours earlier, and 22 minutes into Manchester City's opening
game of the 2013-14 Premier League season, Aguero had Newcastle United's
defence similarly bewitched. Despite missing every pre-season friendly with a
troublesome knee, the bustling forward controlled strike partner Edin Dzeko's
flick in an instant, shrugged off Steven Taylor's attentions and fired an
unerring finish beyond keeper Tim Krul. The second in a 4-0 win, it was the
least last year’s runners-up deserved.


Sitting down for an exclusive chat with in the Flixton centre circle,
the stocky Argentine animatedly explains how he did it. "Those goals are
always difficult to score but it was a beautiful moment," he says in his
native Spanish, a blur of hand signals enthusing their way through the
previous evening’s events. "I'd seen Krul at his near post earlier and knew
straight away I wanted to shoot across him with a lot of power and, thanks to
God, it went exactly where I wanted it to."





He's being modest, though – that finish was about more than divine
intervention. It was the goal only a Potretista, a street footballer, could
score. Brought up on the rough streets of Los Eucaliptos, one of Buenos
Aires' most notorious districts, the young Aguero grew up playing young and
old, skilful and rough. His former City boss Roberto Mancini once called him
"a photocopy of Romario, they're basically the same player". The Brazilian is
another dirt pitch-reared urchin of the underground.



阿KUN是在Los Eucaliptos的街道上長大的,那是BuenosAires最惡名昭彰的街道。

曼城前教練Roberto Mancini曾說:"阿KUN就像是Romario的複製品,他們基本上是相同的


“A football education on the street is a great start," Aguero recalls. "It's
had a huge influence on my career because it makes you strong, especially
when playing against older guys, and teaches you the spirit that's necessary
to become a footballer and be a winner. Every year there are fewer of us
street guys, and I think something is lost from the game. I hope that changes
because you learn skills and how to improvise in a way you don't anywhere





That street-inspired goal is the first of what Aguero hopes will be many in a
hugely important nine months at the Etihad, following a season without
silverware that cost Mancini his job. "We need to win a trophy," he says,
"and there's none more important than the Premier League. We definitely have
a team that can win the title, and why not the Champions League, too!”



What would it mean to knock their city rivals back off their perch this
season? "Our objective is to keep fighting to reach to the top, and if that
means taking on Manchester United all the better. We know any game against
them is a matter of life and death for us, especially the fans, and you have
to win it. We've got the team to beat anyone and we're ready for the
challenge. "You can't win everything, Chelsea and Spurs have good squads
too, but as players we need to find the commitment to do things better
because we've made some excellent signings and have the talent to do great
things this year. We go into the season wanting to win everything."








“Each manager has their style of play, which we have to respect and follow
because they're the boss,” believes Aguero. “Pellegrini's tactics are a bit
different, and he's been talking a lot about those in pre-season. I can't
give them away too much just yet, but you’ll see as the season goes on.”





“he never does the same thing twice, he's always inventing something new,”
former Atletico coach Javier Aguirre once said – as a second striker that
most enchants about the pocket Argentine. “For most of my career I've
played behind a striker, but close enough to form a partnership with them.
That's where I think I play best. I'm looking forward to playing with Dzeko,
Negredo and Guidetti this season and being right by their side.”

前馬競教練Javier Aguirre曾這麼說阿KUN:





Questions about Pellegrini’s predecessor Mancini are flat-batted. “Whenever
a team isn't at its best, the press are looking for stories to explain why,”
Aguero says. “Mancini never had a problem with anyone and we got on well
with him because he always had the club's best interests at heart. The club
have the right to decide whether he was going to stay or not at the end of
the season, but there certainly weren't any problems from us.” Off the
record, his team-mates have been much less magnanimous.





As the conversation turns to another departed colleague, Aguero’s eyes light
up at the mention of Mario Balotelli. “I’ll tell you what,” laughs City’s
25-year-old talisman, “Mario is crazy! I used to call him El Loco Lindo [the
Brilliant Mad Lad]. I got on really well with him – he was a great guy,
really funny, always joking around with the rest of the squad. Whenever your
back was turned in training, he'd start firing balls at you from anywhere!
Everyone would be in stitches when he did it because we accepted it was part
of his character. He was the dressing room joker, no question!


阿KUN(大笑):"我會告訴你為什麼的!!巴神超瘋的,我習慣叫他El Loco Lindo,我跟他的




“I’ll miss Carlitos Tevez, too. I’ve known him for a while and he's a
great player, someone I've always got on with, and it was great to spend a
couple of seasons here with him. He really helped me settle. I wish him all
the best at Juventus.”




“Oh, god, winning the league by 20 points without a doubt” he screams. “
I've already suffered enough to have to go through that again! In fact, why
stop at 20: why not 25, 30 points?! QPR was an incredible moment but what I
went through in that game was something I'm not sure I'd like to experience






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All Comments

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2013-08-28T01:19
推B大跟KUN的最後一句 XDDD
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2013-08-28T14:00
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2013-08-29T02:40
推翻譯~ 可轉阿根廷版嗎? 謝謝!

兩則 (老闆,小圭)

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2013-08-27T11:47
900萬英鎊不買球員買球隊曼城欲併購澳超勁旅 網易體育8月27日報導: 英超豪門曼城在上輪爆冷輸給加迪夫城之後,接連曝出佩萊格里尼欲引進德米凱利斯、貝 戈維奇等新聞。在今夏已經豪擲9000萬英鎊之後,外界分析認為藍月亮極有可能在近期繼 續燒錢,尤其在主力中衛傷停的情況下更是希望通過引援的方式補強后防 ...

這個報隊的怎麼有點強 Robert Pires

William avatar
By William
at 2013-08-27T09:35 前槍手Robert Pires在希臘渡假的時候,站在場邊看當地 居民踢足球,結果被認出來,被邀請加入同樂,結果又進 球又助攻小朋友。 很歡樂。 - ...

Man Utd 0 - 0 Chelsea

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2013-08-27T05:04
Man Utd 0 - 0 Chelsea 3 Shots on goal 4 9 Shots off goal 4 4 ...

Man Utd 0 - 0 Chelsea

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2013-08-27T03:58
Man Utd 0 - 0 Chelsea 1 Shots on goal 2 3 Shots off goal 2 2 Corner ...

Man Utd vs Chelsea

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2013-08-27T02:10
先發 切赫 伊凡諾維奇 卡希爾 特里 阿什利˙柯爾 拉米雷斯 蘭帕德 德布洛因 奧斯卡 哈扎德 ...