Andre enters Stockholm - 網球

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2005-09-15T07:33

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這樣一來,Andre前進上海的可能性是越來越高了! :)
Go! Andre~

Andre Agassi has entered the if...Stockholm Open played from the 10th to the
16th October on Indoor Hard. Agassi reached last years final, losing to
Thomas Johansson in three sets. It will be Agassi's first tournament loss
since losing to Roger Federer in the final of the US Open.

Agassi back in Stockholm
The american super star, Andre Agassi, will return to the capital of Sweden
and has signed up for the if... Stockholm Open. Agassi lost against Thomas
Johansson in an epic final last year in Stockholm.

- It is nice to welcome Agassi and many other good players back to Stockholm,
said Per Hjertquist, the Tournament Director of the if... Stockholm Open.

Many excellent competitors will play in the tournament this year and the cut
off is as low as 61. French teen sensations, Richard Gasquet and Gael
Monfils, will challenge Agassi as well as the former champion, Paradorn
Srichaphan and the Olympic gold medallist, Nicolas Massu.

Thomas Johansson and Robin Soderling are the only Swedes yet to qualify for
the main draw. Johansson is the reigning champion after defeating Agassi in
the final set tiebreaker last year. Soderling had his breakthrough in
Stockholm two yars ago when the young baseliner reached the final.

However, the in form home favourite, Jonas Bjorkman, did not make the cut.
The experienced Swede will have to hope for one of three wildcards to the

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All Comments

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2005-09-19T00:44
考慮再次前進上海的最後決定在於 葛拉芙和小孩會不會去呢??


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2005-09-14T18:13 2005年09月13日05:11 深圳新聞網-晶報   沒人懷疑費德勒的強大。沒人懷疑,費德勒至少已經接近了桑普拉斯當年的境界。只 要沒有大的意外,桑普拉斯的14個大滿貫紀錄遲早會被費德勒打破。   然而在紐約,費德勒的光芒永遠不會蓋住對面那個比他足足大 ...

阿加西:格拉芙是我學習的榜樣 會為家人結束打球

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2005-09-14T17:23 2005年09月14日12:47 《足球·勁體育》   實習記者汪雅雲報導 誰才是亞瑟·阿什球場裏真正的英雄?雖然瑞士天王毫無意外 地捧起了男單冠軍獎盃,但能讓所有觀眾起立歡呼、由衷敬佩的人是35歲的安德魯·阿加 西。在剛剛閉幕的美國網球公開賽壓軸大戲、男 ...

貝克爾:阿加西應急流勇退 因為你不會有更好的機會

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2005-09-14T17:21 2005年09月13日13:50 新華網 新華網柏林9月12日電(記者戎昌海)作為阿加西曾經的對手,早已退出網壇的德國網球 明星貝克爾,在為13日出版的德國《商報》撰寫的專欄文章中,建議在剛剛結束的美國網 球公開賽中奮勇奪得亞軍的美國網壇老將阿加西應乘機a ...

費德勒稱王 尊稱阿格西是傳奇

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2005-09-14T17:02
※ 引述《ouch (Soma)》之銘言: : 【記者彭薇霓/綜合外電報導】 : 費德勒在第1盤第6局利用上網的一記正拍破了對手發球局,且在第8局就得到6個賽末點, : 卻都沒能把握,最後利用自己的強勢發球拿下首盤。 恩~~~第1盤第8局得到6個賽末點,只打一盤就是了啦? : 阿格西第2盤猛攻球王的 ...


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2005-09-14T11:55 佳文 -- 習慣聽海哭砂,斷線離人,機場望天散心。 矜持征服心痛,領悟塵緣,感受自由靠近。 - ...