Andre & Steffi with Genworth Financial - 網球

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2005-09-11T15:17

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不知各位看過這一支了嗎? :P
因為Andre夫妻檔都穿上了adidas... :D

很有Andre祖先的家鄉味 XD 劇情有趣啊!

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2005-09-12T23:44
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2005-09-16T03:26
好華麗的廣告 :P

Andre with Nike 2003

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2005-09-11T15:09 只出現一小段, Canand#39;t volley... check it out - ...

Andre & Pete with Nike 2002 另篇

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2005-09-11T15:04 The Sampras Family versus The Agassi Family... Cheers! - ...

2005 US Open: Agassi's Semi Final

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2005-09-11T15:02
(看完兩場男單睡到剛剛才活過來|||) 這場比賽的大部分時間其實是蠻悶的,觀眾的歡呼聲也少了非常多。 比賽初可能鑒於炎熱、為了保留體力,兩個人節奏都拉得很快,雙方 都試圖以果決的強抽來打死對方,但雙方也實在非常地不耐抽,鮮少 出現來回 long rally 的拉鋸,且攻擊過躁所產生離譜出界的 Unforc ...

Andre & Pete with Nike Commercial 2002

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2005-09-11T14:57 這應該是Andre andamp; Pete 在Nike廣告裡的最終回了吧, 2002... 節奏明快的一支...:) ...

Andre with American Express

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2005-09-11T14:51
大約是半年前的廣告, 很可愛, AE廣告...and#34; Long Live Parenthood , Long Live Dreamsand#34;篇 check it out! :D ...