Ana Ivanovic March 25, 2010 - 溫網 Tennis

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2010-03-27T21:01

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March 25, 2010

A. IVANOVIC/P. Parmentier
6-4, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Nice match today.

ANA IVANOVIC: Thank you. I thought I played really well. I thought it was good
to have a win, yeah.

Q. How do you feel in where you're at right now in your game? Obviously you've
tripped up a little bit in the last, you know, six, seven, eight months. How
are you feeling now? You feel like it's evening out, coming back?
妳認為妳現在的處境為何? 過去幾個月妳似乎有點受挫,現在的感覺呢? 找回球感了嗎?

ANA IVANOVIC: Definitely. I feel I improved a lot over last month. Obviously
working with a new coach, with Heinz, I can see the improvements actually
almost on daily basis. It's very encouraging.
I felt like I've been playing really well for a while now, so it's been
disappointing to lose so early at Indian Wells.
But, you know, I just keep working hard and, you know, try to do my best out
I played well today, and I kept my composure and just stuck with what I've been
working on, and I've been working hard.

Q. Heinz Gunthardt?


Q. Great coach. When you look back a little bit, do you feel like it was a
little bit too much too soon and it kind of overwhelmed you, either on the
court or off the court?
很棒的教練. 試著回顧過去,妳是否會覺得一切來的太快太沉重,無論在球場上還是球場外?

ANA IVANOVIC: I don't think it was that. I don't think also it was related to
my position in ranking or the result. I thought it was more just overtraining a
little. My mind just was not in a place that I wanted to compete because it was
just so tiring.
I was spending so much time on the court working and off the court doing
fitness and everything. And then recovery was neglected and some other stuff.
So it was very hard for me to compete and to find the freshness and enjoyment
to compete again. That was lacking.
Then in the beginning, obviously few disappointed losses came in so obviously
your confidence goes down. So it's kind of a circle and Catch-22.
But I'm feeling really good at the moment. So, you know, I have that behind me.
You know, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, so I believe in that.
我不認為是那樣,我不覺得這跟我的排名和賽果有關. 我覺得只是過度訓練而已,
我沒有想比賽的動力是因為我太疲累了. 花許多時間在場上練習.還有體能訓練等等等.
疏忽了讓身心恢復和做一些事. 所以我很難在比賽中找到新鮮感和享受感而想再次比賽.

Q. Who do you feel was pushing you so hard? Was that you, your parents, your
coach? Who was pushing you so hard?
是誰讓妳身處那麼艱難的處境? 妳,妳父母,妳的教練?

ANA IVANOVIC: It was myself. Also, you know, the coach is in some way. But it
was my mistake as well, because I love to practice and I love to train and I
love to compete. So I wouldn't say I'm tired.
I would just sort of push myself and be really quiet and like this. But inside
I thought, you know, this is too much. So it's just, yeah, I think I learned a
lot about myself as well, and needed to express some of the feelings or
concerns I have.
You know, through the conversation with the coaches and with the team around me
I saw that, but I kind of was really quiet and didn't express that as much.
但內心真正所想的卻是這太多了. 就是這樣,我從我身上體悟到不少,
我需要適時表達我的感受和想法. 透過和教練們的對談,和我的團隊,

Q. A lot of other girls were in similar boat as you. Jelena Jankovic had
trouble after she reached No. 1; Maria Sharapova to a certain extent. That was
more injury-related, but Jankovic also said she trained too hard. Jankovic is
coming back. Do you see her win at Indian Wells last week as kind of a good
thing for you to see?
有很多女孩兒跟妳在同一條船上. Jankovic在登上第一後,也適逢些困境,Sharapova也是,
跟傷勢也有很大關係. Jankovic也說她訓練的太多了,Jankovic狀態也回來了,

ANA IVANOVIC: Yeah, definitely. I mean, it's great to see her back and playing
well. But I think if you look not only in tennis, but in any sport you cannot
point to one person who didn't have, you know, some disappointing losses and
tough times through their career.
Unfortunately, there is no other way to the top, you know, than from the
bottom. But, you know, it's kind of encouraging. Every player or every person
deals with disappointments and losses differently.
I just sort of have to stick with what I believe is right. Now I'm surrounded
with really good people and good coaches. I'm very excited and motivated to
play again and to get to the top.
I just have to keep that in mind and learn from what happened and not dwell
about it and not live in the past. Just take positives and take that it has
happened, and just perform and play like it's a new me.
當然,我是說很高興她重新找回球感並有好的表現. 如果不單只看網球的話,
每個選手或每個人處理低潮的方式都不同. 現在的我必須堅持我所相信的是對的.
現在我身邊有許多好人跟好教練. 我很高興也再度有競爭和成為頂尖的動力.
我須要銘記在心並習得經驗而非沉迷於過去. 保持正面的態度.

Q. Last question for the new me: Your goals. I mean, once you reach No. 1, is
it automatic, I have to be No. 1 again, or do you have other goals?
最後一個問題,關於新的妳,妳的目標是? 妳曾經達到第一位,這是自然而然的,

ANA IVANOVIC: No, my goals are actually to win a Slam. I was very fortunate I
won a Grand Slam and became No. 1. I mean, it's great to be No. 1 because
that's been my dream since I was a kid.
But winning Grand Slam is something special. I think it's something people
remember even more than just the position you have.
So that's definitely my goal, and I know I have a potential to do it again. I
just need to, yeah, to keep working hard.
成為第一的感覺很棒,是我從小的夢想. 但贏得大滿貫是很特別的,


如有錯誤 或能更通順之處 請多指教 謝謝

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Robert avatar
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