An interview with: Ana Ivanovic - 溫網 Tennis

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By Hardy
at 2009-09-02T20:45

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An interview with: Ana Ivanovic

Ana Ivanovic

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Tough one, Ana?

問: 很難過吧?

ANA IVANOVIC: Definitely. I created a lot of chances for myself, and I'm
really disappointed that I made a few mistakes in the important moments and
my forehand let me down on a few occasions and obviously it hurts.

Ana: 絕對是。我替自己製造很多機會,我很失望我在些重要時刻犯了些錯誤

Q. The forehand is usually the shot you can count on the most. You had some
good looks in the tiebreaker?


ANA IVANOVIC: Yeah, I mean, definitely. I still can picture many of those.
You know, 6-5 in the third and deuce I believe and I had -- I played great
and set myself up and made the mistake, in the net every time. It's a little
frustrating. And then on match point, maybe it was wrong shot. Also, a few
times I think I made a wrong shot selection, as well.

Just also a little bit to do with confidence, just some of the shots I think
weren't the right shots but were not really coming. That was really

Ana: 是啊,絕對有。我還可以說出有哪些。第三盤6-5 duece時,我想我有--


Q. How comfortable are you with your shortened service motion?


ANA IVANOVIC: Yeah, well, another reason I did that was to protect my
shoulder, because I started having some pains, so that's why I abbreviated
the motion. I feel a lot better and I think my speed has gone up. Last couple
of tournaments I used this motion and I feel a lot better, actually, a lot
more safe with my serve. And then obviously my shoulder didn't -- I didn't
feel any problems with it.

I could serve faster, but it's been only a few weeks. But, you know, maybe
once my shoulder gets stronger again, I can go back to the normal movement.

Ana: 我那樣做的另一個理由是保護我的肩膀,因為我開始有些疼痛,所以那為何


Q. With a different motion on your serve, doesn't that throw a different
element into your toss?


ANA IVANOVIC: Well, actually, it helps my toss, because it's abbreviated, so
then I feel like I can control it much more. It's coming smoother rather
than, you know, having lots of different like aspects of the serve. So I
think my toss has become a lot better with this new movement.

Ana: 實際上這幫助我拋球,因為比較簡單。所以我覺得可以有更多控制。那比

Q. What's difficult about the toss, anyway? Seems not to be a difficult part
of the game.


ANA IVANOVIC: Yeah, serve should be the easiest part, because the only shot
you control completely. Yeah, it's -- I think it just -- it's very hard to
describe, because what happens is that sometimes when I toss, I either
release too early or I flick it and I release too late. It's just so hard to
describe. It's like, you know, I tried also to do exercises with heavier ball
so I get more feel for it. I mean now it's feeling better so I worked on that.

Ana: 發球應該是最簡單的,因為你可以完全控制。只是很難說為什麼有時候

Q. Is it possible you could be thinking about it too much?


ANA IVANOVIC: Well, I think I've been thinking about everything too much and
trying to address lots of issues with my game, and at the moment I feel like
I have a plan in place and I know what I have to do in each area of my game.
But just at the moment I think it's a little disbalanced. My fitness is at
one level, mind at another, my game is at another level. I think these all
these things have to marry to get into the right direction and have to fit.

Ana: 我想我總是什麼都想很多,然後試著指出我球技中的問題,現在我絕得像是

Q. You had a very stable group around you for a while, and then a lot changed
this year. Along with your results, is it hard for you sometimes not to just
close your eyes and say, I wish it was January 1st? Because this season has
been so difficult.


ANA IVANOVIC: Yeah, I do. I do many times. I wish that.

But, you know, I think it's been, you know, as much as it hurts and was
disappointing, you know, times so far, I feel I learned a lot from it. I
learned a lot about myself and you know, people around me and about what I
have to do and in order to become a better player, because there was a point
that, you know, I really trusted the team around me, so I didn't question
many things that were happening.

Many times, you know, I didn't know why I was doing certain things. So now we
have, with the changes that happened, I'm more aware of certain things and
more aware of the things that helped me get better. That's obviously really
good things.

Now I know for myself what's going to help me to improve, and you know, what
kind of work it's going to help me, rather than just rely 100% on a coach,
because many times they can't feel -- all the time they can't feel what I
feel. That's one thing that I feel I learned in last month or two.

Ana: 有啊,我希望了好多次。




Q. You played a terrific defense, I think. You showed a lot of spirit,
especially when you were going down in the third set. You were 1-4. You lost
two serves. Suddenly you become the underdog and you play great. Is it maybe
in your mind that when you're down you're very, very strong and suddenly you
lose your mind when you are...


ANA IVANOVIC: I don't think it was that. I think it was just that in some way
I accepted her game, and I stopped stepping up in the second set in the
middle of the second set and she started playing a lot better. And, yeah, she
just started to play her game rather than, you know, me stepping up like I
did in the beginning. You know, I tried to change that momentum.

Yeah, I know I managed to do it towards the end of the third set, and you
know, like I said, I just feel that my mind and my body and everything, it's
not on the same level. I was really fighting. I felt like that was something
that I had, and just, you know, to fight until the last moment, and you know,
my forehand in my game let me down a little.

But I think it has also to do with the confidence, because many times when
I'm in a position, I just don't trust myself like I did before, because,
yeah, I just -- I didn't go through that kind of situations, you know.

Ana: 我不認為是那樣。我想我就是隨著他打,在第二盤中途他開始打得很好。



Q. Is it maybe the mind fighting the instincts?


ANA IVANOVIC: It is that, you know, a little bit, too. When I follow my
instincts, I play great. Then I think I can make other shots and I feel maybe
I should go different, different direction. That's when bad shot selection
comes. That's just, you know, mind and emotions.

Ana: 也有點是那樣。當我跟隨我的直覺,我打得很好。然後我想可以打其他方

Q. I remember one moment you win the French Open and they tell you you're No.
1 and you say, I didn't even know that. Is it maybe that suddenly the mind
came in and resisted to move from there and the instinct went down, maybe?


ANA IVANOVIC: It's hard to say. Maybe. But, yeah, I don't really know. I
think it's just that when I start to -- when I start to not maybe have the
results that's expected I was going to have, that's when my mind games play.
That's when I started to think and analyze about everything that's been
happening and trying to, you know, fix something that maybe it wasn't broken.
It was just, you know, not there for a while. And I had to keep doing the
same thing.

But I tried to go different directions and tried to search for it elsewhere.
And that's when I feel like I went on a little, forcing, trying to change
technique and some kind of areas of my game that were not necessary to do so.

So now I'm really back to basics and back to what I was doing. It feels a lot
better. I mean, I'm practicing really good. I'm really happy. I just feel I
need some time and I need some time of hard work. Because it's really hard,
you know, two sessions a day and work real really hard when you have all the
time tournaments and competition coming, because you want to be fresh for
your matches.

So that was a little bit of a Catch-22. Maybe, you know, at this moment I can
use these weeks that I have before maybe next tournament to work on some
areas and rest and, you know, have fresh mind.





Q. How surprised were you though that as good as you've been and as good as
you can be that you go to the end of the US Open and you look at your Grand
Slam results this year and they're clearly below the level that you're
capable of playing?


ANA IVANOVIC: Yeah, it's very disappointing. You know, it hurts. I can tell
you that.

You know, I'm sure I will have sleepless nights. But I have to accept it and
try to put this year behind me, and try to learn from it. I'm sure next time,
you know, I have no doubt I have potential now to be back in the top. And
once I get there, you know, you struggle few tournaments. I know that this is
the time. True it's going to help me catch myself a lot earlier and not let
myself, you know, go this far.

Ana: 對啊,很失望。那很難過。


Q. With all you've been through, do you sometimes feel older than 21?


ANA IVANOVIC: Yes. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, sometimes I have to think how old
I am. Yeah, definitely.

Ana: 對啊。有時候我必須想想我是幾歲。

Q. About how old do you feel right now?


ANA IVANOVIC: 25 maybe (laughter.)


Q. That's not so bad.


ANA IVANOVIC: And probably in a few days I will look like that with bags
under my eyes.


Q. There are so many highs and lows in that match. How do you keep your
emotions in check in a match like that?


ANA IVANOVIC: Oh, did I? I didn't think I did. They were all over the place.

Ana: 我有嗎?我不覺得我有耶。我情緒都顯示出來了。

Q. What do you tell yourself to keep them in check, anyway?


ANA IVANOVIC: I try to breathe. Yeah, I try to take a deep breath and just,
you know, try to maybe, you know, walk, just play with the strings or fix the
hair or something. Try to, yeah, focus.

Ana: 我試著呼吸。我試著深呼吸,走路,玩拍子的弦或摸摸頭髮。試著專注。

Q. Distract yourself a little?


ANA IVANOVIC: Yeah, exactly.

Ana: 對啊。

Q. So you're going to take a long vacation or are you just going to work,
work, work again?


ANA IVANOVIC: I honestly don't know. I really don't know. I have to think
about some things first on my own and then with the team and discuss and see
what's going to be the best.

Obviously I'm very, you know, motivated to get back in the top, but it just
feels like I was saying it just feels like Catch-22, because I constantly
playing and trying to play at the level that I feel I'm not at. It's
disappointing and it's frustrating, so I just want to get a time and work
hard on like all the match, off competition.

Ana: 說實話我也不知道。我需要先想想,然後跟團隊討論。


Q. You haven't had a substantial break in a long time, right? You've been
either rehabbing or practicing.



Ana: 是啊。

Q. Or playing.


ANA IVANOVIC: Exactly. That's something that I spoke actually today. Today
actually before my match I spoke to my coach, because I just said, you know,
I feel like I constantly kept going and going. It's really hard, because even
though I had some time off, I was still doing like a little bit of fitness or
rehab or something. So my mind was still in tennis.

I feel like I want to have -- I feel happy that, you know, this season, it's
going to be a longer off season so I have longer time off and completely
switch off and, you know, I haven't had proper holidays in years. So I'm
looking forward to that.

Ana: 是啊。那是我今天實際上在說的。賽前我跟教練說,因為我說我總是在



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Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2009-09-05T11:29
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2009-09-08T02:13
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2009-09-10T16:57
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2009-09-13T07:41

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By Skylar Davis
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