An exclusive audience with tennis ace Andy Murray - 美網 Tennis

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By Rebecca
at 2010-06-15T00:03

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An exclusive audience with tennis ace Andy Murray, by Hugh MacDonald

獨家專訪網球王牌Andy Murray

Hugh MacDonald

14 Jun 2010
His public and private faces are worlds apart, yet one thing binds the two
together: the will to win.


Here Andy Murray grants a rare private audience to Hugh MacDonald as the
world No 4 prepares for his greatest challenge yet: winning Wimbledon.

世界排名第四的Andy Murray在準備他的最大挑戰——贏得溫布頓——的同時,
給了Hugh MacDonald一個絕無僅有的私人專訪機會。

He walks with the gait of someone who has just realised he left his winning
lottery ticket in the trousers he donated to the charity shop. But Andy
Murray is happy. He's near a tennis court, after all.


His shambling progress around Roland Garros, the home of the French Open, is
greeted with cries of "Ongdee, Ongdee", as youngsters recognise one of the
best tennis players in the world. The open, one of the four major world
titles, is at its height and Murray is one of the chief attractions. At 6ft
3in and more than 13 stones, Murray is big in stature, substantial in world
fame. He cracks an oddly gentle, shy smile at the children and signs

在法網基地Roland Garros附近他拖拖拉拉的前進著,年輕人認出他是世界上最好的網
球員之一而「Ongdee, Ongdee」(法國腔的Andy)的叫著迎接他。這個四大滿貫之一

He makes his way to the media centre where the world's press ask the
questions that are always asked. How is he? Can he win? Will he win? And what
about the World Cup? Murray dodges the last with a nimble step. His "anyone
but England" gag of four years ago produced an extraordinary backlash against
the young Scot. Murray, at 23, is older and quieter.


"When I first came on the tour at Wimbledon, it was new to me," he tells me
after the press conference. "I was innocent and naive and I got away with it
then because people liked it. I was young and they gave me some room. They
found stuff funny. But that disappears when you become more famous. Now you
cannot make a joke about stuff. At least, I tend now not to make jokes about


He is alert and adept at press conferences, but he offers little. "You have
to be a bit stand-offish. If not, there can be hassle," he says in a small
room in the bowels of Roland Garros.

就可能會引起軒然大波。」他在Roland Garros深處的一間小房間裡這麼說。

Murray is playing the fame game. It is one where he incurs a substantial
loss. He does not, cannot, reveal himself fully to the public through the
press. The result is that there is a skewed perception of him in Britain.
At Roland Garros, the youngsters clamour around him and shout loudly when
he is on court. And he was made for Flushing Meadows, New York – the
raucous crowd there takes him as one of its own. Murray likes the noise
and mayhem that leaks from the stands in the cavernous Arthur Ashe stadium.
The New Yorkers like his attitude. He plays to win and does not apologise
for that.

Murray現在在玩的就是fame game,在這fame game中他曾遭受重大的損失。他不要(
曲的。在Roland Garros,年輕人在他身邊吵吵鬧鬧、當他上場他們就大聲喊叫。而
紐約的Flushing Meadows(美網)更是適合他,嘶吼的美國觀眾們把他當成自己人。
Murray喜歡聳立的Arthur Ashe球場看台傳來的噪音和混亂。紐約客喜歡他的態度:

But it is different on home shores. There is the constant complaint that
Murray is dour, even sour, a gripe that emanates almost exclusively from
Middle England and its chroniclers. Yet in private he is dryly humorous,
unfailingly polite and generous. To describe Murray thus invites charges of
a grovelling obsequiousness, but it is the product of personal experience.


The mixture of deep emotion and sardonic wit is rarely witnessed by the
public. Murray is famed for his fist-pumping gestures, his fanatical roars
and his battering of the racket in frustration. All this occurs on court.
His belligerence evaporates in contact with the real world.


Does Murray regret that people do not know him? He shrugs. It is not a
gesture of rudeness, merely acceptance. That is the way it is. However,
Murray revealed a little of himself after his defeat in the final of the
Australian Open this year in Melbourne. Thrashed in three sets by Roger
Federer, Murray was disconsolate. The year before, Federer had cried when
beaten by Rafael Nadal. Murray wept when receiving the runner-up prize. He
turned to Federer and said: "I can cry like you, Roger. It's a pity I can't
play tennis like you."


It was a moment of genuine humility and quiet dignity in defeat. Murray had
approached the ceremony with some trepidation. "I knew as I was going up
there that it was going to be difficult," he recalls. "I said to Roger,
'I'm feeling pretty emotional – I might cry.' When I started crying, I
knew I wasn't going to hold it together. It happens to everybody." It does
not, of course. Few people endure a professional setback in front of
millions. Not many can crack a joke when months, perhaps years of hard
work fail to gain the prize. Defeat for the sportsman involves public
humiliation. It is part of the fame game.

員的失敗就是跟當眾受辱直接相關。這也是fame game的一部份。

"I haven't really thought about what I have learned about myself," he says
quickly. The room seems to close in as he stretches his frame. He has just
dismissed questions about a difficult year with a casual but final stroke.
In the course of 12 months, he has lost a Wimbledon semi-final, exited
meekly from the US Open and lost the final of the Australian Open. He
suffered a bad injury to his wrists and his knee, where he suffers from a
bipartite patella (a split kneecap), hurts constantly. His first serious
relationship, with student Kim Sears, ended, though there remains speculation
that it has been rekindled. The private pain remains unspoken. Murray alludes
obliquely to the sporting anguish. Most professional observers believe he
was devastated by the Australian Open. His return to the circuit after
Melbourne found him vulnerable, beatable. The player who had at one time
reached the position of world No 2, behind the greatest player ever to have
wielded a racket, Federer, was being trounced by journeymen.

還有他的膝蓋因為天生的bipartite patella而持續疼痛;他的第一段認真戀愛(與Kim

"He needed time to heal," someone very close to Murray told me. The Scot is
routinely more circumspect. "I have worked so hard for the last three years
to get into the best shape possible," he says. "After the Australian Open I
felt not quite burnt out, but my body was aching." Murray had spent most of
December in Miami. His Christmas holiday away from the tennis circuit was
spent doing interval sprints, weightlifting and endless endurance work. "I
put a lot of effort in," he says of his festive exertions. He paid the price
after the 6-3, 6-4, 7-6 defeat by Federer. "It wasn't like I didn't want to
practise or go to the gym. I just felt tired a lot of the time. My results
reflected the fact I hadn't been putting in as much work as normal," he says.
"But then I started getting back to the gym, getting on the court more,
hitting the balls. It's as simple as that. Nowadays you need to take a break
and relax."

苦練。[我下了很多苦工。」他這麼描述他的假期活動。而在6-3 6-4 7-6輸給Federer

The idea of a workaholic such as Murray relaxing is mildly shocking. He
enjoys fantasy football, watching the sport – he's a Hibernian fan –
dabbles in property and contests basketball dream team competitions with
rivals John Isner and Andy Roddick of the US. But tennis has taken up his
life from such an early age.

像Murray這種工作狂跑去休息,這想法是有點嚇人。他選擇玩fantasy football、看
運動賽事(他是蘇格蘭足球隊Hibernian的球迷)、在自家地產漫步、跟John Isner和
Andy Roddick玩fantasy basketball(註:這個不太確定)等等。但是他從小就已經

There is a history of Murray that runs seamlessly from the toddler playing
swingball, through the child winning tournaments and the teenager winning
the US Open junior title, to the man sitting in front of me as one of the
greatest players in the world. But there is a life lived, too. It has had
its awful drama and its more mundane trials. Murray was in Dunblane Primary
School when Thomas Hamilton shot dead 16 children and a teacher in March
1996. He referred to the incident obliquely in his autobiography. He does
not speak of it today. Besides, what would one ask?

Thomas Hamilton槍殺16個兒童與一名老師的Dunblane小學就是Murray當時就讀的學

The young man is also different from all his friends, having left home aged
15 to train at a tennis academy in Barcelona. His outstanding talent
provided him with a ticket to professional tennis, but it also involved
a journey away from family and friends.


Is Murray aware of just how unusual his life is? "Yeah," he says. "A lot of
the guys from the academy are now coaching and my friends in Dunblane are
just finishing university. I feel like in some ways I may be immature but
in other ways you have to grow up really, really quickly."


Murray has had to make tough decisions for a man of his age, dismissing two
coaches and one agent, but he is brightly philosophical about his life.
"You do a lot of things that people don't have the chance to do," he says.
"By the time I was 17 I had been to pretty much every country and I had
lived in a foreign country for two years without my family. These are
things that are completely different from what other people do. Most of
it you love, but there are other parts that are very, very difficult."


Like fame?


"For me, it has always been about tennis. It's not about the other stuff,
like going to a movie premiere," he says. "I would way rather be at home.
Going to the cinema for me is a private thing. I try to live normally. Fame
is not something I would wish upon anyone, because I don't enjoy it." His
mission is to keep himself far from the front pages of newspapers.


Does he care what the press says about him? Does he bridle when they call
him Grumpy Andy or speculate on his private life? "If there is a paper there
and I have nothing to do, I will read it," he says. "I don't try to avoid
them. I don't read a lot anyway. It can be easy to take things to heart when
you read things about yourself in the papers, and sometimes when you're
reading something that isn't true it can be frustrating. It's better to
spend time with the people around you who know who you are, what you are
up to, the real truth …"

他在乎媒體說他什麼嗎?媒體叫他Grumpy Andy(暴躁Andy)或是揣測他私人生活的

He then smiles, immediately aware that he could be accused of having a moan
when he has earned more than $10m in prize money and has just signed a
contract with Adidas that will keep the wolf not only from the door but from
his postcode for the rest of his life.

(keep the wolf from the door是一句在形容很窮的片語,這兩行耍耍嘴皮而已,

"There are definitely perks," he concedes. Murray is mostly relaxed about
the public acclaim. "I always try to be very polite and sign as many
autographs as possible, pose for pictures with people. It's quite nice
when you go to the shops and people ask to have a photograph taken with
you. I like it when people come up and talk, but I get uptight and nervous
when I turn around and there is a camera phone in my face. You never know
when people are taking pictures."


Andre Agassi gave Murray a copy of his autobiography, Open. In it, the
American multiple grand slam winner admitted he hated tennis, but Murray
is a tennis fanatic. Surely he doesn't hate the sport? "Yeah, I can," he
says. "But it's not like a huge hate. It's more the waking up in the morning.
You're young, playing hard, away from home, friends and family. I know I
live this incredibly privileged life but it can sometimes be very difficult
because it does become your job. It's tiring. Your body aches and you wake
up knowing you have to train for four and five hours. I understand what
Agassi was saying, particularly if he was being forced to do something he
didn't want to do."


It is, however, something Murray wants to do. He is fanatical about sport.
"When I stop playing, I would be very interested in working with children
in sport, perhaps an academy or something like that," he says. Murray is
passionate about the benefits of sport and keen to promote it back in his


"One of the reasons I feel there should be more sport available to kids is
that when I was at school it was very difficult to exercise," he says. "We
didn't have the same programmes as there are in other parts of the world. I
had to miss the odd lesson to go to practise tennis."


He believes sport can be the basis of a good life. "There are a lot of jobs
in sport, so people can make a career out of it," he says. "If there were
more sports in school, it would definitely help. Not everyone is that good


Murray is aware that his comments could be seen as an attempt to seek
publicity. "It isn't," he says. "I don't want it to be a political thing
because I don't know quite what the government is doing, but I think it all
starts in the home with the foods you are eating. The schools could do a
good job of making kids exercise. These are the two easiest ways of
confronting it. It is a straightforward solution: eating healthily and


The world No 4 has a personal reason for promoting exercise. "I don't feel
good if I spend four or five days away from it," he says. "When I'm not
playing tennis, I still like to exercise. When I was younger, I used to
play golf, tennis, table tennis, football …"


The conversation in France is almost over. His presence in the tournament
will last just a few days more before he is disappointingly defeated by
the world No 15, Tomas Berdych of the Czech Republic, in the fourth round.
The trials of Wimbledon now await him.


Murray is relaxed about what he might face. "In many ways it's easier than
the other slams," he says. He will stay in his Sussex mansion and travel
every day to practise or play. "I get into a routine. I'm at home, with my
friends and family around me, which is relaxing. You're watching the same
TV you're always watching. You're making your own food. In a lot of ways,
once the tournament starts, it can be quite relaxing. When I'm in Paris,
the only TV I watch is when the tennis is on, but at home I can spend a
lot of time chilling."


Murray is hopeful about Wimbledon, calm about the maelstrom ahead. He rises,
shakes my hand and heads to the practice grounds. Later I watch him kick
and head a tennis ball across a net with his coaches and fitness trainer.
Murray is relaxed. The four friends compete furiously but break down in
laughter at a point won or a slagging that hits it mark.


More than 300 people watch. A Murray match of head tennis is, after all,
part of the fame game.

超過三百人正在看他。Murray的足網球比賽,終究也算是fame game的一部份。

Next week in The Herald and Sunday Herald: Andy Murray discusses his game
plan for this year's Wimbledon, and all the attendant hype.

下週Andy Murray將要告訴我們今年他溫布頓的game plan,還有隨之而來的誇張矚目。


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2010-06-18T06:18
Great interview! Thanx for translating!
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2010-06-21T12:34
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2010-06-24T18:50
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2010-06-28T01:05
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2010-07-01T07:21
看了好幾天終於看完了 XDDDDDD
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2010-07-04T13:36
好長 謝謝翻譯

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