Aldridge下季的動向成謎? - NBA

By Ina
at 2015-04-19T15:00
at 2015-04-19T15:00
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來源: ProBasketballTalk
作者: Dan Feldman 2015/4/17
LaMarcus Aldridge said he wants to finish his career with the Trail Blazers.
He also rejected Portland’s contract-extension offer before the season.
Though that move was mostly financially motivated, it will allow him to hear
pitches from other teams this summer.
And he might listen.
Aldridge曾表示, 想整個職業生涯都待在拓荒者, 但他在本季前卻拒絕了拓荒者所開的延長
合約. 雖然目的可能是想在下份合約拿更多的錢, 但這也代表著他將在暑假時聽取更多的
Lillard being the face of the franchise might not bother Aldridge. Aldridge
reportedly wanted to be traded a couple years ago, and though he denied that,
he admitted to being “extremely frustrated.” Then Lillard emerged as Trail
Blazers general manager Neil Olshey built a strong roster, and Aldridge got
much happier.
But that doesn’t mean Aldridge will definitely re-sign with Portland.
The Spurs and Mavericks have been linked to the native Texan, and if he
expresses a sincere desire to explore the market, he’ll draw plenty of other
Lillard現在身為拓荒者的門面, 而這也許不會影響Aldridge. 因為先前幾年, 曾有報導
指出Aldridge要求交易, 不過這個消息被他本人撇清, 但也不得不承認那時的他
"極度沮喪." 而在Lillard到來之後, 總管Olshey也組了一套有競爭力的陣容, 這讓
但, 這並不完全表示他下季會與拓荒者重新簽約.
假如他真的認真考慮投入自由市場的可能, 那這將會吸引許多球隊爭奪Aldridge, 而且
Aldridge又是德州人, 小牛馬刺與他的地緣關係也許會讓Aldridge列入考慮.
I think LaMarcus Aldridge is actually a lot more in play than people think.
How can you really improve that group up in Portland? I think Neil has done a
great job up there, but it’s Portland. He’s never quite fit in, and they’
ve made it really clear that Damian Lillard is the face of their franchise.
而另一種說法來自ESPN的記者Ramona Shelburne. 他對Aldridge之後動向做了分析:
"Aldridge下季的去留絕對比想像中還複雜." "即使總管Olshey對陣容的補強做了很好,
但Aldridge是在拓荒者 --- 那個已經表明很清楚是要Lillard當老大的球隊. Aldridge
If Aldridge re-signs, his max contract projects to be worth about $109
million. If he leaves, about $81 million.
Aldridge – especially if he’s unsure about staying in Portland – should
consider signing a one-year contract.
Max contracts are divided into three tiers based on player experience – 0-6
years, 7-9 years and 10+ years. Aldridge has played nine seasons, so he’d
become eligible for the highest tier in the summer of 2016 – right when the
new national TV contracts will drastically raise the salary cap.
假如Aldridge下季與拓荒者重簽, 那最高的總額將達到109m, 如果是與他隊簽約,
假如Aldridge對於待在波特蘭還是有些遲疑, 那他可先簽一年的合約.
而合約薪資上限是由球員的年資決定, 分別是0-6年, 7-9年以及10年以上, 而今年是
Aldridge第9個賽季, 所以他在2016暑假將可以獲得最高上限的薪資. 而那時剛好是薪資帽
- 本季與拓荒者重簽(紅色)
- 與其他球約簽約(黑色)
- 先與拓荒者簽一年約, 之後再重簽(褐色)
- 先與拓荒者簽一年約, 之後與其他隊簽約(灰色)
Of course, there’s be risk in waiting a year. Aldridge turns 30 this summer,
and he might not draw a max contract in the summer of 2016. His jump-shooting
style seems to age reasonably well, but if he loses a step defensively or on
the glass, that diminishes his value.
對Aldridge而言, 先簽一年約也是有風險的, 他即將滿30歲, 而等到2016年的話他可能
簽不到頂約. 他的跳投打法非常適合他現在的年紀, 但年紀也會讓他的防守能力下降,
雖然大部分的消息指出他會重簽, 不過其他選擇也不是不無可能.
心得: 薪資合約小弟不是非常了解, 有請各位大大解釋, 不過我猜Aldridge會與拓荒者
作者: Dan Feldman 2015/4/17
LaMarcus Aldridge said he wants to finish his career with the Trail Blazers.
He also rejected Portland’s contract-extension offer before the season.
Though that move was mostly financially motivated, it will allow him to hear
pitches from other teams this summer.
And he might listen.
Aldridge曾表示, 想整個職業生涯都待在拓荒者, 但他在本季前卻拒絕了拓荒者所開的延長
合約. 雖然目的可能是想在下份合約拿更多的錢, 但這也代表著他將在暑假時聽取更多的
Lillard being the face of the franchise might not bother Aldridge. Aldridge
reportedly wanted to be traded a couple years ago, and though he denied that,
he admitted to being “extremely frustrated.” Then Lillard emerged as Trail
Blazers general manager Neil Olshey built a strong roster, and Aldridge got
much happier.
But that doesn’t mean Aldridge will definitely re-sign with Portland.
The Spurs and Mavericks have been linked to the native Texan, and if he
expresses a sincere desire to explore the market, he’ll draw plenty of other
Lillard現在身為拓荒者的門面, 而這也許不會影響Aldridge. 因為先前幾年, 曾有報導
指出Aldridge要求交易, 不過這個消息被他本人撇清, 但也不得不承認那時的他
"極度沮喪." 而在Lillard到來之後, 總管Olshey也組了一套有競爭力的陣容, 這讓
但, 這並不完全表示他下季會與拓荒者重新簽約.
假如他真的認真考慮投入自由市場的可能, 那這將會吸引許多球隊爭奪Aldridge, 而且
Aldridge又是德州人, 小牛馬刺與他的地緣關係也許會讓Aldridge列入考慮.
I think LaMarcus Aldridge is actually a lot more in play than people think.
How can you really improve that group up in Portland? I think Neil has done a
great job up there, but it’s Portland. He’s never quite fit in, and they’
ve made it really clear that Damian Lillard is the face of their franchise.
而另一種說法來自ESPN的記者Ramona Shelburne. 他對Aldridge之後動向做了分析:
"Aldridge下季的去留絕對比想像中還複雜." "即使總管Olshey對陣容的補強做了很好,
但Aldridge是在拓荒者 --- 那個已經表明很清楚是要Lillard當老大的球隊. Aldridge
If Aldridge re-signs, his max contract projects to be worth about $109
million. If he leaves, about $81 million.
Aldridge – especially if he’s unsure about staying in Portland – should
consider signing a one-year contract.
Max contracts are divided into three tiers based on player experience – 0-6
years, 7-9 years and 10+ years. Aldridge has played nine seasons, so he’d
become eligible for the highest tier in the summer of 2016 – right when the
new national TV contracts will drastically raise the salary cap.
假如Aldridge下季與拓荒者重簽, 那最高的總額將達到109m, 如果是與他隊簽約,
假如Aldridge對於待在波特蘭還是有些遲疑, 那他可先簽一年的合約.
而合約薪資上限是由球員的年資決定, 分別是0-6年, 7-9年以及10年以上, 而今年是
Aldridge第9個賽季, 所以他在2016暑假將可以獲得最高上限的薪資. 而那時剛好是薪資帽
- 本季與拓荒者重簽(紅色)
- 與其他球約簽約(黑色)
- 先與拓荒者簽一年約, 之後再重簽(褐色)
- 先與拓荒者簽一年約, 之後與其他隊簽約(灰色)
Of course, there’s be risk in waiting a year. Aldridge turns 30 this summer,
and he might not draw a max contract in the summer of 2016. His jump-shooting
style seems to age reasonably well, but if he loses a step defensively or on
the glass, that diminishes his value.
對Aldridge而言, 先簽一年約也是有風險的, 他即將滿30歲, 而等到2016年的話他可能
簽不到頂約. 他的跳投打法非常適合他現在的年紀, 但年紀也會讓他的防守能力下降,
雖然大部分的消息指出他會重簽, 不過其他選擇也不是不無可能.
心得: 薪資合約小弟不是非常了解, 有請各位大大解釋, 不過我猜Aldridge會與拓荒者
All Comments

By Jack
at 2015-04-19T20:09
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By Xanthe
at 2015-04-20T02:55
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By Connor
at 2015-04-23T18:43
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at 2015-05-01T03:45
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By Eden
at 2015-05-07T00:20
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By Una
at 2015-05-09T09:19
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By Liam
at 2015-05-09T14:46
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By Faithe
at 2015-05-11T01:06
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at 2015-05-12T11:29
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at 2015-05-16T12:49
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By Ingrid
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