Al Kaline dies at 85 - 棒球

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2020-04-07T13:25

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※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1UZ0Gysm ]

作者: harrishu (永康崔拉斯) 看板: MLB
標題: [外電] Al Kaline dies at 85
時間: Tue Apr 7 12:40:25 2020

Al Kaline, a Hall of Famer who played all 22 years of his career in Detroit,
earning the nickname "Mr. Tiger,"died Monday, a team official confirmed to
ESPN.Kaline was 85.

Al Kaline, 這位生涯22年都效力於底特律老虎,人稱「老虎先生」的大聯盟名人堂選手

Kaline, an All-Star in 15 seasons and a 10-time Gold Glove winner in right
field, retired shortly after recording his 3,000th hit in 1974 and joined the
Tigers' broadcasting team. He continued to work for the Tigers after his
retirement from the booth in 2002.

生涯於明星賽出賽15次(總共入選18次)及拿下10座右外野金手套的Al Kaline,在1974年擊

He became the first Tiger to have his number retired, with the "No. 6" by
which he was known in the clubhouse going up on the walls in 1980. He was
also elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame that year, his first on the ballot.


"Baseball lost a titan today," Tigers chairman and CEO Christopher Ilitch
said in a statement. "Anyone who knew Al Kaline would describe his gentle
soul and passion for baseball as an unbelievably powerful combination, making
him one of the most respected players in Major League Baseball history."

"棒球界今天失去了一位偉大的巨人。"老虎球團主席兼CEO的 Christopher Ilitch在聲明
中表說道。"任何認識Al Kaline的人都知道,他溫文儒雅的個性以及對於棒球的熱愛,使

The cause of death was not immediately known, but the Detroit News reported
that Kaline had recently suffered a stroke.


Born and raised in Baltimore, Kaline joined the Tigers right out of high
school, making his major league debut in 1953. By 1955, he had become the
youngest player ever to win the American League batting title and finished
second to Yogi Berra in voting for the AL MVP.

打擊王的選手,且在當年的美聯MVP票選當中以第二名的成績,輸給當年洋基的Yogi Berra

Like many players of his era, Kaline worked in the offseason after getting
into the majors. He was a salesman in a Baltimore sporting goods store --
even after he won the batting title in 1955.


"I was a terrible salesman," Kaline said. "Most of the time, I was down in
the basement practicing my swing."


Justin Verlander, who won the American League Cy Young Award with the Tigers
in 2011, lauded Kaline on social media Monday, saying "I hope you knew how
much I enjoyed our conversations about baseball," in a post on Twitter.

Justin Verlander,在2011拿下美國聯盟賽揚獎以及MVP的前老虎球員,在社群媒體上大

Hall of Fame pitcher Phil Niekro concurred. "This one hits hard," he told
ESPN. "Al, Harmon Killebrew, Brooks Robinson, Robin Yount, I loved seeing
them in Cooperstown because they were old-school, just real gentlemen."

名人堂投手Phil Niekro也同意這樣子的說法。
"這真的令人難過,像是Al、Harmon Killbrew、Brooks Robinson、Robin Yount這樣的名

Kaline made his lone appearance in a World Series in 1968, on the Tigers team
led by pitchers Denny McLain and Mickey Lolich. Kaline had been sidelined for
part of the season with a broken arm, and when he returned he was used mostly
as a pinch hitter or first baseman because the outfield trio of Willie
Horton, Mickey Stanley and Jim Northrup was playing well.

Kaline在1968年,跟當時由Danny McLain以及Mickey Lolich所帶領的老虎隊,一起闖進
能擔任代打或是一壘手,因為當時候隊上的三個外野手Willie Horton、MickeyStanley和
Jim Northrup都打得相當好。

When the Tigers clinched the pennant, Kaline went to manager Mayo Smith and
told him that he didn't deserve to start in the World Series. Smith ignored
him and played Kaline, who batted .379, hit two home runs and drove in eight
as the Tigers beat the St. Louis Cardinals in seven games.

當老虎隊在1968年拿下美國聯盟冠軍的時候,Kaline跟當時候的老虎隊GM Mayo Smith說



"The impact of his life is wide-reaching," Ilitch wrote, "and he will be
greatly missed by millions in Detroit, the state of Michigan and across the
baseball community."


Kaline finished his career with 3,007 hits, 399 home runs and a .297 career
batting average.


On his 80th birthday, he said: "To this day, I can't believe the life I've
had.I wanted to be a baseball player-and do the one thing I was good at.

在Kaline 80歲生日的時候,他說過: "到今天為止,我對於擁有這般的人生仍感到不可置

"Even now, I love it so much."
Tags: 棒球

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