AI和Shaq當時入圍名人堂的一些訪談 - 籃球

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2016-04-06T01:45

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作者: taylorliao (Page) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] AI和Shaq當時入圍名人堂的一些訪談
時間: Tue Apr 5 15:57:36 2016

今天 Allen Iverson 能夠入圍名人堂真的超感動,







Thank you all very much. Hello again, basketball fans. Welcome to
everybody watching around the world on NBA TV, and the NBA app. We are
live from All-Star Weekend in Toronto, Canada. I look around, so many important
people, so many important people behind. You're going to hear some great names
and some great stories here today. It's a great honor for me to host this event.

謝謝大家,哈囉各位籃球迷。歡迎世界各地收看NBA TV、NBA.com還有NBA.app的球迷們。

The Hall of Fame is a wonderful museum and a center for the living history of
basketball, the game we all love. During today's historic event, we'll learn
important and breaking news. First, we'll discuss some very exciting changes to
the Hall of Fame election process that were announced in December, and the
amazing list of nominees for this year's class.


Next, we will learn the names of the Hall of Fame annual award winners to be
recognized at this year's enshrinement in September. There is more good news to
report today. The Hall of Fame and the Zales Corporation have just agreed to a
multi-year deal for the production of the Hall of Fame class rings.
Congratulations to all concerned. We welcome Zales to the Hall of Fame family.

眾神殿裡。另外今天還有一個很棒的消息。名人堂 和 Zales Corporation(美國珠寶商)

Finally, we'll reveal the names of the finalists for this year's Hall of Fame
class, the class of 2016. What we will not announce today are the class of 2016
members from the Direct Elect Committees. Those committees include the early
African-American pioneers, veterans, international and contributors committee.
The class members chosen by those committees will be introduced with the full
class at the Final Four in Houston on Championship Monday on April 4th.

只有來自Direct Elect Committees委員會的成員,在這些委員當中包含一些非裔美國籍先

There are many noteworthy nominees for these committees, including Yao Ming,
Vlade Divac, Toni Kukoc, Marv Albert, Mannie Jackson, Johnny Most, Jerry
Reinsdorf, along with many more. If you want a complete list of the nominees
for these categories, it's available here for the press or online at

今年不乏許多值得提及,進入候選名單的人選,其中包含 Yao Ming、Vlade Divac、Toni
Kukoc、Marv Albert、Mannie Jackson、Johnny Most、Jerry Reinsdorf以及其他幾位。在

Before we begin today's program, I want to introduce the remarkable group of
people up here on stage with us here in Toronto. From the Hall of Fame class of
2004, we have Jerry Colangelo; from the class of 1987, Rick Barry; from the
class of 2015, Dick Bavetta; from the classes of 1979 and 2010, Oscar
Robertson; from the class of 1997, Alex English; from the class of 1999, Wayne
Embry; from the class of 1996, The Iceman, George Gervin; from the class of
2012, he's right behind me, Reggie Miller; from the class of 2000, Isiah
Thomas. That's a sign of love, Isaiah. From the class of 2015, Spencer Haywood;
from the class of 1991, Nate "Tiny" Archibald. And I saved the best for last,
from the class of 1974, Bill Russell.

我們有2004年名人堂的Jerry Colangelo;1987年的 Rick Barry;2015年 Dick Bavetta;
1979年和2010年 Oscar Robertson;1996年冰人:George Gervin;2012年在我正後方的這一
位 Reggie Miller;2000年 Isiah Thomas;2015年Spencer Haywood;1991年綽號Tiny的
Nate Archibald。當然好酒藏甕底,1974年的 Bill Russell。

Before we begin today's program, I want to call up one of our legends to get
his thoughts today. First, Chairman Colangelo, would you join us? I'd also like
to invite one of the nominees from the international committee, Mr. Yao Ming.
Ladies and gentlemen, Yao Ming. Let's hear it.

在開始之前,我想要請當中的幾位傳奇來說幾句話,首先我想歡迎主席 Colangelo,可以上
來說幾句嗎? 還有我也想邀請另外一位,國際委員會中的 Yao Ming先生,各位先生女士,
我們歡迎Yao Ming分享一下。

Jerry, first of all, I'd like you to share your thoughts on the new process
that allows players like Yao Ming and others to be eligible this year.

Jerry,第一個我想邀請你跟我們分享,像是把 Yao Ming 還有其他候選人列入選拔資格這

First of all, we took a hard look at what other Halls of Fame
are doing in terms of a wait period, and we were on the far end the wrong way.
So in reducing the wait period from five years to four years, it resulted in
this particular class a few people being eligible to be nominated and hopefully
be elected. So Yao Ming happens to be an individual who has had a remarkable
impact on the game of basketball in so many ways. Internationally, he's been a
real ambassador for the game, and he's very worthy of that nomination.

Jerry Colangelo:「首先,我們就退休年限上,仔細檢視了一下,而我們發現一直以來方向
這樣就得以讓一些人列入候選資格,並希望可以被選入。所以 Yao Ming 恰巧是一個以籃球

RICK KAMLA: No doubt about it. Thank you, Jerry, very much.

Yao, how does it feel to be nominated for the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall
of Fame?

Rick Kamla:「當然是無庸置疑的。非常謝謝你 Jerry。」

Rick Kamla:「Yao,被能被提名進入名人堂的感覺怎麼樣?」

YAO MING: Of course, very excited and I feel very honored to be here and to be
nominated by the Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame is a symbol for all of the
basketball people who fight on the court or off the court. And for myself, it's
so exciting and I'm very appreciative for the community and all the people who
have chosen me.

Yao Ming:「當然是非常令人興奮,我也感到非常榮幸能夠參與並被提名,名人堂象徵並榮

RICK KAMLA: Maybe one last time, Shaq's right over there, we can jump center
one last time, right, Yao?

Rick Kamla:「或許最後一次,Shaq 也在現場,我們可以在舞台上玩一下跳跳樂對吧? Yao?

YAO MING: Well, I just worry about when we stand on the podium together, can
that floor handle our weight?

Yao Ming:「ㄜ...我擔心當我們一起站在舞台上的時候,真的可以承受我們的重量嗎?」

RICK KAMLA: Yao, thank you very much. Congratulations.

YAO MING: Thank you.

RICK KAMLA: Yao Ming, Jerry Colangelo.

Rick Kamla:「非常感謝 Yao,也恭喜你。」

Yao Ming:「謝謝。」

Now, on to today's exciting news. The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame
annually gives its Curt Gowdy [.....]

-----------------------跳到後面Kevin Johnson、AI、Shaq的訪談------------------

I'd like to ask Jerry Colangelo, Kevin Johnson and Allen Iverson to join us on
stage, Shaquille O'Neal as well. Let's give them a round of applause as they
make their way to the stage.

Rick Kamla:「我想要邀請 Jerry Colangelo、Kevin Johnson 和 Allen Iverson一起到
舞台上,還有 Shaquille O'Neil 也是,在他們上台的時候,讓我們給他們熱烈的掌聲。

And KJ, this is the second consecutive year we've been up here on this stage.
You've been nominated once again. Congratulations. How do you feel about that?

Rick Kamla:「KJ,這是你連續兩年入圍到這個台上,恭喜你再次被提名進入名人堂。

KEVIN JOHNSON: I feel very excited until I saw that Allen Iverson was
nominated. I retired because of Allen Iverson. He came down and he did that
crossover thing, and I tried it and he laid it up and hit me on the butt
running by and I knew it was time to go.

Kevin Johnson:「我感到非常興奮直到我看到 Allen Iverson 的名子也在名單中。我會
退休就是因為 Allen Iverson,他加入聯盟然後做那些 crossover,然後我也想嘗試用這招

ALLEN IVERSON: Listen, listen, I'll tell you a story. When I was a rookie, you
know what you did to me (laughing). You know what you did. And I remember
Maurice Cheeks was our coach, and he said -- you know, because I was crying.

Allen Iverson:「等等、等等,我告訴你們一個故事,當時我還是一個新秀,你知道你對我
Maurice Cheeks對我說,坦白說因為我當時在哭。」

KEVIN JOHNSON: Somebody's getting this on tape, right, that I made him cry?


ALLEN IVERSON: That was the only time somebody destroyed me like that. And
Maurice Cheeks told me, don't worry about it, AI, one day you'll get somebody
36-9-9. Y'all go back and look at it, and that's what he did to me. He killed

Allen Iverson:「那是我生涯中唯一一次被電的這麼慘,然後 Maurice Cheeks說,不用擔

(1997 76sers vs Suns at 27/2/1997)
Allen Iverson 30:00 3-15 1-5 1-2 1 2 6 1 0 4 5 8
Kevin Johnson 42:00 13-22 2-2 8-8 1 3 8 2 0 2 4 36

RICK KAMLA: KJ, thank you. All right, Allen, it is good to see you again. It is
good to see you again. What I want to ask you, can the story of basketball be
told without Allen Iverson?

Rick Kamla:「謝謝KJ。OK Allen,能再次見到你很開心,我想要問你的是,當談到籃球故
事的時候,可以不提到 Allen Iverson 嗎?」

ALLEN IVERSON: No, no (laughing). I'm a product of Michael Jordan, Isiah
Thomas, Magic Johnson, Charles Barkley, Shaquille O'Neal, all those guys that
paved the way for us. You know what I mean? They had no idea -- well, they
might not have any idea of what they did for us as kids, wanting to be like

Allen Iverson:「不可以,不可以(現場笑)。我可以說是 Michael Jordan + Isiah Thomas
+ Magic Johnson + Charles Barkley + Shaquille O'Neil還有好多人為我們鋪路前輩的綜
合體。你懂我意思嗎? 他們根本就不知道,不對,他們可能不知道他們對我們這些當時還是

RICK KAMLA: Who was the number one inspirational figure in your life to get you
to this stage, nominated for the Hall of Fame?

Rick Kamla:「你覺得誰是讓你今天能夠被名人堂提名,可以在這個台上影響你最大的人?」

ALLEN IVERSON: I would say my mom, definitely.

Allen Iverson:「毫無疑問的,我會說是我媽媽。」

All right, Shaq, watch this. You know what? I tried to get creative with a
question or two for you. But your coaches didn't get creative with you, they
just got it to the big fella and everybody else got out of the way. So?

Rick Kamla:「OK Shaq,等等你知道嗎? 我嘗試想一兩個有創意的問題問你,但你的教練
都可以很沒創意的把你這隻大鯊魚丟到場上,然後大家讓開就好,所以(示意 Shaq 自己開


SHAQUILLE O'NEAL: First of all, I'd like to thank all these guys on stage. You
guys inspired me so much, except Rick Barry. He came to LSU one time and wanted
me to shoot free throws underhanded. No, Rick. I can't do it, Rick. I'd rather
shoot zero percent. I can't do it. I'm too cool for that.

Shaq:「首先,我養感謝今天所有在台上的人,除了Rick Barry之外,你們都讓我得到很大
啟發。Rick Barry有一次到LSU然後要我用櫻木花道式的方式罰球。不行的Rick,我不能用

But as a youngster, I started playing basketball at nine years old, and my
father, who had a high school education, was an Army drill sergeant. I wish he
was here for this day because he told me this day would happen and I never
believed him. So we go to a park and he said, Son, I'm going to teach you how
to be like Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. At nine
years old, I had no idea who those guys were. So I was like, OK, dad.

信他。當時我們去一個公園,然後他說:"兒子,我要教你怎麼像 Bill Russell、Wilt
Chamberlain 還有 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar一樣。"當時我才9歲,我根本不知道這些人是誰,

So he told me how to block shots and keep it in bounds like him. He taught me
sky hook, but it was too old school for me, so I transitioned to the jump hook.
Taught me to be dominant like Wilt.

,所以我把它變成拋投,他也教我怎麼像 Wilt 一樣有統治球場的能力。」

And as I started playing, I met the great George Gervin in San Antonio. I was a
high school All-American in San Antonio. And believe it or not, football was my
sport. I wanted to play football. I never wanted to play basketball. And me and
George had an event one day. This was around the same time Jon Koncak had
signed [for] $15 million for three [years]. And I wasn't that smart, but I knew
15 and three was $5 million a year. So I was like, Oh, so if I play basketball,
I could make about $5 million a year? And I already had it set, I wanted to
make $8 million for 10 years. I already had it in high school. I had my little
house out in the Dominion. I had a house, I had a Mercedes and a Jimmy Blazer

「後來我就開始打籃球,也在聖安東尼奧遇到傳奇 George Gervin,當時我在聖安東尼奧還
從沒想過打籃球。然後當George Gervin我們一起參加一個活動,當時也差不多 Jon Koncak
剛簽下了 3yrs/$15M 的合約,當時我也沒這麼聰明,但我知道15M等於一年賺5M,所以我就
年每年都賺$8M。我高中的時候就已經在計劃了,我當時有了一間小房子在 Dominion,
有房子,還有一台 Mercedes跟一台 Jimmy Blazer卡車。」

So I started playing basketball, and I just wanted to be like the great Bill
Russell, Kareem, Wilt Chamberlain. And I developed my own style.

「所以我就開始打籃球了,而我只想成為像是 Bill Russell、Kareem、Wilt Chamberlain

Later on in my career, people started comparing me to them. So I was like, If
they're going to compare me to the greats after representing the game with the
greats, it's an honor. Hopefully I get voted in. I still really don't know what
today means. I don't. Like I got the call, said they changed the rules and
you're nominated. I don't really know what that means and I'm very, very
superstitious. So until I get the real call, I just want to say, Thank you,


Isiah, you know you've been a mentor to me for a long, long time. Oscar
Robertson, everybody up here. I just wanted to represent you guys. Because like
AI said, you guys paved the way for us. And Dick Bavetta, I don't like you
either. You gave me 10 technicals and you threw me out of the game twice,
twice. Oh, yeah.

另外 Dick Bavetta,我也不喜歡你,你給過我10次技術犯規(現場笑+Bavetta笑),還判我

But I'm just happy to be here. Hopefully I get in. And Yao Ming used to travel
all the time, would shoot the fadeaway and they never called that. But I'm just
happy. I've got my kids here, I've got my woman here, so this is a big honor
for everybody including myself. But, again, thank you guys for paving the way
for us. We wouldn't be nothing without you guys.

「我真的很開心能夠在這裡,希望我可以進入名人堂。(回頭看Yao)還有 Yao Ming以前整天



--Chauncey Billups

Tags: 籃球

All Comments

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2016-04-06T06:20
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2016-04-06T10:55
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2016-04-06T15:29
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2016-04-06T20:04
Shaq也想打美足 果然那邊的人氣高多了
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2016-04-07T00:39
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2016-04-07T05:14
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2016-04-07T09:49
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2016-04-07T14:23
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2016-04-07T18:58
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2016-04-07T23:33
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2016-04-08T04:08
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2016-04-08T08:42
AI 生涯15年左右有12年在東區且包含巔峰期壓
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2016-04-08T13:17
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2016-04-08T17:52
感謝翻譯 不過我好像看到Shaq說我癢
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2016-04-08T22:27
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2016-04-09T03:01
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2016-04-09T07:36
推! 不過好好的文章就是有人要瞎扯跟內文沒關的
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2016-04-09T12:11
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2016-04-09T16:46
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2016-04-09T21:21
前面是喬丹時期吧 那時候哪來西強東弱
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2016-04-10T01:55
有些人不會看歷年戰績 在那瞎喊一通 慘
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2016-04-10T06:30
題外話問一下 他們分別是最高最重最矮的狀元嗎?
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2016-04-10T11:05
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2016-04-10T15:40
John avatar
By John
at 2016-04-10T20:14
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2016-04-11T00:49
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2016-04-11T05:24
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2016-04-11T09:59
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2016-04-11T14:33
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2016-04-11T19:08
那一年大家都知道湖人最終會達到總冠軍 但是就是
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2016-04-11T23:43
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2016-04-12T04:18
感謝 好文
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2016-04-12T08:52
推 翻譯
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2016-04-12T13:27
如果有心認真看ai 的背景,真的會很勵志,從保受質
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2016-04-12T18:02
整天走步 XD
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2016-04-12T22:37
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2016-04-13T03:12
翻譯推 P7 LINE2 '是不"隊"的' 改 "對"
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2016-04-13T07:46
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2016-04-13T12:21
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2016-04-13T16:56
推 打NBA可以賺比較多錢沒錯
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2016-04-13T21:31
AI那句 "No, No"應該翻可以(不提到AI)
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2016-04-14T02:05
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2016-04-14T06:40
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2016-04-14T11:15
翻譯推 超長欸
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2016-04-14T15:50


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2016-04-06T01:14
今天看完男子組彰中對基海後,多留下觀戰了一下女子組. 立仁與宜商實力雖有些差距,但仔細看了一下立仁的先發中鋒七號, 基本動作、速度、觀念都頗有程度不像是乙組的等級,像是國中就科班出身似的, 整隊也常常靠他一個人在打...... 有人知道他的名字嗎? 謝謝! - ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2016-04-06T01:02
就不夠強啊 以前靠體能被捧上天 就真以為自己有多強 基本動作差 進攻手段少 籃球智商低 套路被摸熟了其實超好守的 在國內根本被看破手腳沒什麼路用 但又拉不下臉承認自己其實就不過如此 特別是還曾經去美國取過經 結果到頭來還是只有體能比別人強能夠說嘴 只好裝作一副 自己大材小用有志難伸提不起勁 ...

台灣沒有一線控球 LYS

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2016-04-06T00:35
BY 李亦伸 富邦勇士菜鳥控球林書緯當選SBL年度第一隊,不讓人驚訝,驚訝背後的憂心和危機,更 令人擔心。 華裔球員林書緯菜鳥球季表現確實不差,場均12.1分、4.4助攻,三分球命中率2成77,投 籃命中率4成46,還算夠水準,他是七隊中先發控球數據最搶眼的後衛。 令人納悶的是,我們的控球那裡去 ...

第1節就打好 季後賽台啤3連勝達欣

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2016-04-06T00:22
中央社 – 2016年4月5日 下午10:12 (中央社記者李宇政新北市5日電)超級籃球聯賽(SBL)季後賽第2輪第3戰今天在新莊體 育館進行,第1節台啤就以29比9領先達欣,打好基礎,終場以94比75贏球,系列賽取得3 比0優勢。 半場台啤以47比31領先,第3節達欣靠著林冠綸三分球追成40 ...

〈北部〉企業贊助 萬能籃球隊員免學雜費

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2016-04-06T00:10
〔記者周敏鴻/中壢報導〕 中壢區萬能科技大學去年邀請曾任男籃國家隊教練的劉嘉發擔任總教練,並爭取到企 業界贊助六十萬元,讓籃球隊員都有免學雜費的補助,打球時無後顧之憂,希望爭取更多 榮譽。 萬能科大校長莊暢表示,向十三家企業爭取六十萬元的贊助款,讓所有籃球隊員都享 有四年免學雜費的禮遇,除 ...