Age mellows Agassi - 網球

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2003-06-14T08:47

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Age mellows Agassi

In his dotage, Andre Agassi seems to have gone soft.

In years gone by, Agassi has walked out of press conferences where people
have asked him about his private life, or, on one famous occasion, about
whether he liked strawberries and cream.

But now at the age of 33, he is happy to make the right noises, paying
tribute to the tournament, the fans, his opponent, the lot.

"I wish I had played here more over the years. It is a great tournament
and the club is beautiful. It is a great opportunity to play some of the
best players in the world," he said.

"For me to feel as good about my game this early really allows me to

"Had I have just come over a week before Wimbledon it would have taken
me all that time to feel comfortable on the grass."

Malisse plays the ace card

Who says there's such a thing as pressure?
Towards the end of his match against Agassi, Malisse should have been
feeling the heat.

But what did he do when locked a 4-4 in the second set? Hammer down four
straight aces and hold to love.

Agassi said: "There are many different ways to hold serve and hitting
four aces is one of them. Greg Rusedski did it to me the last time I
played him. I didn't enjoy it."

But Agassi, who looks in such good form he must be one of the favourites
for Wimbledon, had the last laugh.

Malisse only hit one ace in his next game and was broken by Agassi, who
then held serve himself to win the match.


Second best

Students of statistics might be interested to learn that in each of Friday's
quarter-finals, the player named second in the draw won the match.

If that oddity is repeated in the semis, Agassi will beat Andy Roddick and
Henman will win his match against Sebastien Grosjean.

And the final has Agassi beating Henman. Which isn't exactly unlikely now,
is it?


A fit of the giggles

Brace yourselves. Wimbledon is fast approaching and with it the unbridled
hilarity of pigeons landing on the court, ballboys tripping over and the
ball getting stuck in the net.

At Queen's on Friday, Frenchman Sebastien Grosjean top-edged a return of

The ball flew up in the air behind him and came down to land on the head
of a cameraman. Cue a few guffaws.

Give that same crowd a couple of weeks, transplant them five miles south
to the All England Club and the same incident wins the award for biggest
laugh of the year.

Tags: 網球

All Comments


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2003-06-13T23:09
6-4 7-5 輕取 Malisse 自己的發球局穩穩的全部拿下 so grand~~ beautiful and great played ^^ 賽後在場上的訪問Agassi很可愛喔... 主持人問他說第二盤的 9th game Malisse 以直落四球ace拿下是怎麼回事? 畢竟他面對的是全世界第一 ...

阿格西 晉身「一千俱樂部」

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2003-06-12T14:05
【記者雷光涵/綜合倫敦外電報導】 卅三歲的美國名將阿格西昨天在倫敦皇后草地網賽晉身「一千俱樂部」,成為史上 第七人,不過他在第一千場比賽贏球後表示:「品質比數量重要。」 十七年前,金髮浪子阿格西首度在加州進軍職業賽,第一場比賽順利拿到首勝,第 二輪就吞下生涯首敗,輸給瑞典的韋蘭德。 阿格西覺得,一千場比 ...

阿格西 職網千戰雄獅

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2003-06-12T14:02
【編譯林滄陳/綜合外電報導】 美國網球名將阿格西10日在倫敦草地網賽第二輪,賣力出擊,以7:6(7:5)、6:4 擊敗澳洲籍對手魯薩克,以勝利慶祝職業生涯第1000場比賽。 對17年前在加州拉昆塔贏得職網生涯首場比賽勝利的阿格西而言,能在溫布頓網賽之 前的重要熱身賽中,達到生涯第1000戰的里程碑,意義非 ...


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2003-06-12T11:32
記者陶培揚 /報導   生涯1000場比賽,美國網壇老將阿格西比想像中還贏得艱辛,11日在 皇后俱樂部賽的第二輪,以7-6(5)、6-4擊敗澳洲的路查克,晉級第三輪。 這是阿格西第二次參加皇后俱樂部網賽,沒想到在生涯的1000場,碰上路 查克的糾纏,第一盤就打到搶七才驚險拿下,到第二盤開局回穩才掌控勝 利 ...

Queen's club Day 4 -order of play

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2003-06-12T10:37
Centre Court - Start at 1:00 PM =andgt;TPE 8:00 PM (1)L Hewitt (AUS) vs D Norman (BEL) G Rusedski (GBR) vs (3)A Roddick (USA) C Saulnier (FRA) vs (7)T ...