Agassi的好朋友Sargis Sargsian的訪問紀錄 - 網球

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By Jacky
at 2004-09-07T14:47

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感覺他是一個很可愛的球員 祝福他之後也能越打越好 :)

Saturday, September 4, 2004

S. SARGSIAN/P. Mathieu
4-6, 4-6, 6-4, 6-2, 7-6


Q. Couple of easy matches back to back.

SARGIS SARGSIAN: Yeah. It's exciting.

Q. How tired are you?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: I'm tired, but, I tell you, my legs, they going to hang
in there, I think. I think I'm mentally tired, you know, with all this
stuff. But just for me the most important thing is my legs.

Q. Can you describe your emotions after tonight's match, when you fell
to the ground there.

SARGIS SARGSIAN: You know, it's just such a relief. Such a close match,
you want to win so badly. It's one of your biggest matches. I don't know.
It's an amazing feeling, I tell you.

Q. Could you ever imagine after the Massu match that you'd come back
and have such a similar match in terms of length and excitement?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: I'll tell you, no, definitely not. Definitely I didn't
think it would be a match like this. It's hard to beat Massu's match.
We probably did today. So I don't know.

Q. Have you stopped smiling since the end of the match?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: I tell you what, when you -- it's like you're in
a different world when you win these matches. You don't even always smile.
Like right now, I'm talking, I feel like it's not me talking, you know,
it's just the words don't come out. It's a weird feeling.

Q. Can you try and describe it.

SARGIS SARGSIAN: Gosh. I don't know, it's tough to describe.

Q. You're down two sets tonight. What in you told you you had enough
left to come back and win three?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: I just -- the first two sets, I didn't feel like
I was playing my best. So that just kept me positive, you know.
I always felt like if I would find my game, I would have a good chance
to win, even though I was down two sets. So it was like the whole first
three sets, you know, I felt like I was in a search of my game.
And I was lucky. I picked it up, my game, in the third and fourth.

Q. In 1995, you were one match away from meeting Andre in the Round of 16.
At that time it would be a great opportunity. How excited are you
to play Andre in a Grand Slam?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: It's like a dream, you know, to play against such
a legend on such a court, on such a big tournament. I don't know.
Hopefully I play good. Hopefully we have a good match.
Hopefully he doesn't kill me (smiling). (:PPPP)
I don't know. Hopefully I'm fresh for that match.

Q. Did you speak with him in the last days?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: Yeah. I've spoken to him every day. He's actually
been unbelievable helpful to me. After Massu's match, he helped me out
with some electrolytes, with some pills to recover, which he's been using.
He's just an amazing friend. I actually spoke to him five minutes ago.
He says he's going to help me out tomorrow also, even though we play
each other. I don't know.

Q. Is it because of the Armenian roots, one of the reasons why you
get along very well with him?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: Maybe. Maybe it is a reason, but I don't think so.
I mean, I don't know. You should ask him why. I mean, because we are
friends - I've said this before - because we are friends,
it's because he wants to be my friend. He is Agassi, everybody wants to
be friends with him. To me, he's like a big brother, you know.
He's an unbelievably nice guy. He's an unbelievable friend,
as good of a friend as you can possibly have. I just look at him as
a big brother. The way he talks to people, the way he treats good people,
the way he treats bad people, the way he talks, the way he behaves,
just I don't know. He's -- I love the guy.

Q. If you had to put your finger on his very best quality,
the thing you really like the best about him, what would you say?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: His heart. He has an amazing heart.

Q. What's it like to practice with him?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: It's good practice (smiling). The intensity's
as high as it possibly can get. It's the best practice you can get.

Q. Are your matches being televised back in Armenia?
Are people at home able to watch any of this?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: I don't know. I don't know.

Q. We don't know too much about Armenia. Is there a special bond
amongst Armenians in the USA? What's the best quality of the
Armenian people?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: They're very friendly people. They're the kind of
people that, let's say if you're a guest or something, you will be treated
-- I say they will open the best bottle of wine for you. T
hey will not drink it themselves. It's very, I don't know,
very good people.

Q. Who is the most famous athlete in Armenia?


Q. Who is the most famous Armenian athlete? Not you?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: I don't know. I mean, I don't know. There's so many.
It's hard to say. It's only Armenians, play for other countries.
Armenian who is playing for Armenia?

Q. Just any sport. Is there a soccer player, boxer?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: Do you want me to say me?

Q. I'm curious.

SARGIS SARGSIAN: We don't have one that really stands out. Put it this way.

Q. If I understand correctly, you're based in Florida.
Have you had any contacts with the tennis playing community in Burbank,

SARGIS SARGSIAN: Yes, I do. Actually my coach, who has been coaching
me since I was 7 years old up until I came to the US when I was 20,
he lives in Burbank. I have a couple other very close friends who
also live there. I played a challenger there actually before.
I've been there a couple times. So I know a lot of people.
I do speak to them sometimes, once in a while.
I do have a lot of contacts there.

Q. Do you think they're celebrating in Burbank?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: I'm sure. I'm sure.

Q. Your style seems to lend itself to these long matches.
Do you make conditioning a big thing? Do you consider yourself
extremely well-conditioned for a tennis player?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: I think so. I think I have good genetics.
I think that's the most important. I was born lucky. I'm very fast
on the court. I have a body that doesn't get injured a lot.
So, yeah, those are the most important: the speed and endurance,
which I have worked on it before. And with my game, too,
I definitely need to do some runnings. It's definitely one of my weapons,
my condition.

Q. What's the coolest thing the USTA executive Arlen Kantarian has
said about tennis and you?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: What's the coolest thing he said about tennis in Armenia?

Q. Or you.

SARGIS SARGSIAN: About me? I don't understand the question.

Q. Has Arlen spoken to you?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: Yeah. He's a great guy, too. I've spoken to him
almost every day here. He's actually been helping me out a little bit
with the tickets for my Armenian fans. Him and Jim Curley, too,
they've been amazing.

Q. It helps to have Armenians in high places?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: Oh, yeah. I tell you this, this tournament,
I always played unbelievable, for some reason the last four, five years.
Even like this year is a perfect example. I've had, I consider,
a pretty horrendous year. I really struggled. But coming here,
you don't even -- like I didn't feel like I was coming here in a good
condition, like I was in a good form. But just the atmosphere in the city,
which is my favorite city in the world, and this tournament and my fans,
I don't know, it just clicked. I just start playing good.

Q. Knowing how much Andre would like to win another Slam, especially here,
as good a friend as you are, would you feel bad if you beat him
on Monday?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: No, no, no. I want to win badly. I'm not going to
feel bad. Yeah, I'm definitely going to give my best and I'm sure
he's going to give his best, too. If I lose, then I really hope
he wins the tournament. But if I win, I'll be happy.

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Monday, September 6, 2004

A. AGASSI/S. Sargsian
6-3, 6-2, 6-2


Q. All your hours on the tennis court prior to Andre, did that help,
hurt or what?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: Well, definitely it didn't help. But I was pretty fresh
today for some reason. I was fine. I was fine. Just my knee broke down
a little bit in the second set. I don't know what happened.
Like my muscles, everything else, I felt my speed, I was fine.

Q. Can you characterize this tournament, what it's meant to you with
those two fantastic matches?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: It's been amazing. It's been amazing, especially
in a year like this where I've struggled. I didn't feel like I was
playing my best coming to this stretch. To pull out matches like
I pulled out against Massu and Mathieu, I don't know, it's unbelievable.

Q. So it's a very positive tournament?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: Very positive. Very positive.

Q. What did you and Andre talk about at the end of the match, if anything?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: No, he just asked me what was wrong with my knee.
Then I kind of wished him good luck. He told me, "Great tournament."
That was it.

Q. Was the old man here today?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: Yeah. He was in the box.

Q. How old is he now?


Q. Is he still playing?


Q. He did quit?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: He doesn't play any more.

Q. Did you come into the court today thinking that you had done
what you had to do or did you really believe you could do it today?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: You know, for me it's strange to play Andre,
to be honest. I really hope this is the last time I play him.
I feel like -- I don't feel like I have a game plan against him.
You know, like I don't know how to win the points. Like I've played
like Federer or something before. I mean, I lose obviously most of
the times, but still I feel like there is a way, I have a game plan.
But with Andre, you cannot serve and volley, you cannot play him
from the back, you know, you cannot hustle because you know
he's not going to miss, he's going to make you run till tomorrow morning.
I don't know. I don't like playing him. He just plays so fast.
He rushes you so much. It's very uncomfortable.

Q. So why do you like him so much?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: I don't know on the court. But off the court, he's nice.

Q. There are a lot of foreign players in American college tennis.
You were not the first and certainly not the last. If you had it
to do over, would you play college tennis in America or would you
have gone straight on into the pros?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: No, no, for sure I would. What I would change,
I would go to college when I was a little younger. I went there, I was 20.
Because for me it was great. For me even at that age, I still needed
some practice, some kind of growing up to do. So college was great for me.
Maybe for some other kids, it's not the best thing,
but for me it was very good.

Q. Patrick McEnroe said he thought, frankly, that any kid in America
who wasn't higher than the Top 15 in the Juniors should go to
college rather than trying to go on into the pros.
Do you think that's a good idea?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: I think so. I think so. Because I don't see
-- if you are good enough to be a pro tennis player, I don't think
going to college one or two years is going to hurt you.
Yeah, you might start make the money a couple years later,
but you're going to be mature. I think it can hurt you if you go to
the pros earlier because mentally you going to start losing matches
and it can really affect you mentally.

Q. How many years did you play? It was Arizona State, right?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: Yes, two years.

Q. How many years have you been on the tour now?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: Since '95. Eight years, nine years.

Q. It didn't really slow you down? In fact, you say it helped your
social growth.

SARGIS SARGSIAN: It helped not so much my social growth as my
because I just needed the training.

Q. Did you have a good coach?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: Yeah, Lou Belken. He was pretty good.

Q. I'm sorry?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: Lou Belken. He still coaches in Arizona State.
He was pretty good.

Q. Will you go back for a degree someday?

SARGIS SARGSIAN: No. No way. Too much studying. (:PPP)

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All Comments

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2004-09-12T07:05
好羨慕喔 我也想當Andre的朋友~~
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2004-09-13T08:32
推 Everyone wants to be friend with him


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2004-09-07T09:10
我朋友告訴我在美國不會在重播了, 那請問一下台灣會不會重播? - ...

Re: 第四輪Sargsian vs. Agassi

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2004-09-07T05:08
※ 引述《asd1 (asd1)》之銘言: : Agassi def. Sargsian 6:3 6:2 6:2 : Sargsi由於前兩輪都激戰到五盤(有一場打5小時) : 未得到充分休息 加上腳傷復發 後兩盤打的有點力不從心 : 終場Agassi輕鬆擊敗好友Sargsian : 下場將對上因對手棄賽不戰而 ...

Re: 第四輪Sargsian vs. Agassi

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2004-09-07T05:05
※ 引述《asd1 (asd1)》之銘言: : Agassi def. Sargsian 6:3 6:2 6:2 : Sargsi由於前兩輪都激戰到五盤(有一場打5小時) : 未得到充分休息 加上腳傷復發 後兩盤打的有點力不從心 : 終場Agassi輕鬆擊敗好友Sargsian : 下場將對上因對手棄賽不戰而 ...

第四輪Sargsian vs. Agassi

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2004-09-07T04:56
Agassi def. Sargsian 6:3 6:2 6:2 Sargsi由於前兩輪都激戰到五盤(有一場打5小時) 未得到充分休息 加上腳傷復發 後兩盤打的有點力不從心 終場Agassi輕鬆擊敗好友Sargsian 下場將對上因對手棄賽不戰而勝的Rogi 希望A.A能有更棒的表現! Go! Go ...

Re: 耶~

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2004-09-07T04:54
※ 引述《BOOGIEWOO (........)》之銘言: : 晉級ㄌ : 希望能幹掉Federer 恭喜Andre! 不意外的 6-3, 6-2, 6-2 贏囉!!! 即將碰上Federer 這樣超強卡司應該終於會擺到夜間賽事了吧... Andre有短短又有點輕鬆的熱身機會 Federe ...