Agassi to Play in Delray Beach - 網球

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2006-01-20T16:43

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The Delray Beach International Tennis Championships snagged the biggest prize
in its 14-year history today when Andre Agassi requested a wild card to play
in the ATP tournament, which will be held in the Delray Beach Tennis Center &
Stadium January 30-February 5.

Agassi, the winner of eight Grand Slam titles and 60 ATP tournaments, will
open his 2006 season— his 21st season in pro tennis—in Delray Beach.

“We’re ecstatic that Andre is coming to Delray Beach,” said tournament
director Mark Baron. “This is the first time in the last 14 years that
circumstances have allowed him to play in this event. It’s a great
opportunity for South Florida fans to enjoy the incredible level at which he
plays in a stadium as intimate as ours. He’s such a wonderful personality.”

Agassi finished the 2005 season ranked No. 7 in the world. It was the 16th
time in his career that he finished in the Top 10, tying him with Jimmy
Connors for the top spot on that all-time list. America watched and cheered
as the 35-year-old tennis icon made a spectacular run to the finals of the
U.S. Open last fall with consecutive five-set wins over Xavier Malisse, James
Blake and Robby Ginepri.

Agassi joins what arguably is already the best draw in Delray Beach ITC
history, one that features Ginepri, Blake, seven-time ATP winner Tommy Haas
and Olympic silver medalist Mardy Fish. Also entered are 2005 Delray Beach
ITC champion Malisse and runner-up Jiri Novak as well as Boca Raton’s Vince
Spadea, who finished No. 19 in the world in 2004. Ginepri and Blake finished
the 2005 season No. 16 and No. 24, respectively, after their strong U.S. Open

The Delray Beach ITC is the first of 15 ATP tournaments that will be held in
the United States in 2006. Box seats, reserved series seats and individual
session tickets to see Agassi and his fellow pros are on sale through (the official tournament website) or through the Delray
Beach ITC Ticket Office (561-330-6000). Single session grandstand tickets
range from $10 to $20 while box seats are $50 to $75.

Championship packages that include preferred seating for all 11 sessions are
$220 while the Weekender package (quarterfinals through finals) is $150. Box
seat packages begin at $930 for two seats and range up to $2,000 for four
premium courtside seats. Box seats include premier parking and an array of

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06澳網第五天 總結

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2006-01-20T16:29
因為昨天寫完第四天的戰果分析後有點懶, 今天就結果來談談吧! 單打今天剩Henin孤軍挺進,1勝0敗. 雙打今天2勝3敗,Misa還是閃亮哈燒少女. 在本人的吹捧下,讓我很有面子地持續晉級! =========================== ...


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2006-01-20T16:24
如題~ 想請問一下 第三輪男單 Federer是台北時間早上8 點比賽嗎? 謝謝回答~ - ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2006-01-20T16:07
作者:紅土情人123 From: 愛過的人,隨著時光的流逝,好象漸漸已被淡忘,其實卻只是沉澱在記憶裏;在某年某月 某日的某個清晨或黃昏,一個留言,一首老歌,一個似曾相識的情景,甚至一句不經意的 話,都會 ...

晶報:珍惜 阿加西

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2006-01-20T16:03 2006年01月06日17:01 深圳新聞網-晶報   且行且珍惜。說這話的人一看就知道,是一個滄桑的人,內心豐富,但不善於表達。   阿加西為了延長接近黃昏的職業生涯,執意退出澳網。在一片惋惜聲中,他沒向任何 人說抱歉,他知道這是對自己的負責,也是對榮 ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2006-01-20T15:04 可愛到不行.完全投降! 尤其是這張: ...