Agassi swipes Saretta - 網球

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2003-06-02T04:27

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Agassi swipes Saretta
By Matthew Cronin
Sunday, June 1, 2003

Andre Agassi played only five matches on clay before arriving in Paris
this season, but it looks like the 1999 Roland-Garros champion's intense
off-court training regimen has paid off, as he stomped young Brazilian
Flavio Saretta 6-2 6-1 7-5 to gain the quarter finals on Sunday.

After nearly being knocked out of the tournament in the second round by
free-swinging Croat Mario Ancic, the 33-year-old second seed has been
all business in his last two matches, sweeping aside the talented Xavier
Malisse in the third round and then completely controlling Saretta.

"It's basically like a new life," Agassi said. "I've found my comfort
zone out there, striking the ball well, moving and feeling pretty

Instead of grinding in Europe prior to Roland-Garros, Agassi chose to run
the sand dunes behind his house in Las Vegas. He knew that a lack of match
play could hurt him, but believed his lower body needed to be more toned
than his game.

"It was a physical approach I took," Agassi said. "I was in the gym and
on the hills, trying to get my legs and wind because physically I think
it's the most demanding of the tournaments."

Agassi was so relentless from inside the baseline that he forced Saretta
to run to the Eiffel Tower and back. On one such trip around the court,
the 22-year-old's shoes fell apart.

After two straight set victories, Agassi now is primed for an assault of
the title. But he'll have three significant mountains to climb before he
gets there, including one of two very competent dirtballers from
Argentina, Guillermo Coria or Mariano Zabaleta. Coria led two sets to one
when play was suspended at 9pm due to bad light.

"As far as I'm concerned anyone that speaks Spanish or Portuguese are
good wins," Agassi said.

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Re: 一邊看法網,一邊看F1...

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2003-06-01T23:34
為補充title的第二句之所以然 再寫一點好了 話說AA第二盤秋風掃落葉之勢, 我眼睛就開始觀注著旁邊另一個螢幕F1肥孟和KIMI的追逐戰, 一直幫kimi加油,只可惜還是差了那麼一點, 剛好在Monaco站結束後,這邊也就在進 ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2003-06-01T23:23
今天又跑去了Sandamp;S 意外的發現今天Andre的反拍的上旋,切球都相當的出色 (幾乎有那種紅土高手該有的武器都上手了...:) ) 前兩盤Andre的表現幾乎完美...只有11個UE,幾乎到了想打哪就打哪的境界! 打得Saretta ...

Re: Agassi v.s Flavio Saretta

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2003-06-01T22:53
※ 引述《youtwo (It does happen.)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《akgbking (大白鵝)》之銘言: : : 看著現在的比數,AA 6-2,6-1兩盤領先中 : : 看來8強應該是囊中之誤了 :) : 哈哈 恭喜Andre 6-2, 6-1, 7-5 直落三贏囉... ...

Re: Agassi v.s Flavio Saretta

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2003-06-01T22:35
※ 引述《akgbking (大白鵝)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Agassi429 (揍敵客本命....Killua)》之銘言: : : 今天排在第三場 希望能在八點以前開始打 : : 這樣才能從頭看到完 : : 我今天也要去看喔 : 看著現在的比數,AA 6-2,6-1兩盤領先中 ...

Re: Agassi v.s Flavio Saretta

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2003-06-01T21:54
※ 引述《Agassi429 (揍敵客本命....Killua)》之銘言: : 今天排在第三場 希望能在八點以前開始打 : 這樣才能從頭看到完 : 我今天也要去看喔 看著現在的比數,AA 6-2,6-1兩盤領先中 看來8強應該是囊中之誤了 :) -- 死兆の星 ...