Agassi says Graf to be mum again - 網球

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2003-05-23T14:48

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※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板]

作者: noanoa (Lleyki Double) 看板: Tennis
標題: Agassi says Graf to be mum again
時間: Thu May 22 19:40:59 2003

Agassi says Graf to be mum again

PARIS (AFP) - Andre Agassi says his promise to play mixed doubles with
Steffi Graf in next week's French Open had to be put off because his wife
is going to be a Mum again.

Agassi, here for his 15th French Open, promised a doubles appearance with
Graf after winning his eighth Grand Slam title in the Australian Open in
Melbourne in January.

"When I said we could mixed doubles with Steffi I didn't know the news," he
told the sports daily l'Equipe Thursday.

"It wouldn't be wise for a pregnant woman to play."

He said he didn't know whether 20-month-old Jaden Gil would be having a
brother or sister.

Graf, who won 22 Grand Slam titles, married Agassi in October 2001.

She retired in 1999 after winning the French Open for a sixth time .

Graf played mixed doubles with former world number one John McEnroe at
Wimbledon in 1999 when they reached the semi-finals.

The 33-year-old Agassi was the sport's oldest No 1 when he went to the top
of the rankings earlier in the year but if he wins here he will not be the
oldest French Open winner.

Andres Gomez of Ecuador was the last 30-year-old to win Roland-Garros,
beating a 20-year-old Agassi in the 1990 final.

Spaniard Andres Gimeno was 34 years and 10 months when he won in 1972 while
Australian Ken Rosewall and fellow American Franck Parker both triumphed
on the famous French clay at the age of 33.

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2003-05-25T06:02
喔喔 恭喜啊~
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2003-05-26T05:59
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2003-05-29T05:53
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2003-05-29T19:30
來來來 這回生個小球后吧:p
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2003-05-31T16:44


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2003-05-23T14:15
法國公開賽也要讓那些凡人看看你的厲害喔! 你是神啦! - ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2003-05-09T23:40
果然如大家所料退出了 應該是羅馬出發的不好 再加上考量體能的問題 放全力在法網上吧 雖然也因此無法多添積分 要以第二種子去打法網 不過這樣也比較沒有首號種子的壓力 對AA來說比較理想 當然簽表還是很重要的 也希望他多利用有空的時間 ...

Re: ㄚ格西輸了...

James avatar
By James
at 2003-05-09T11:00
※ 引述《free9 (左晃右晃..)》之銘言: : 世界頭號種子球員、美國網球明星(阿格西)5號在羅馬舉行的國 廣 告 : 際網球公開賽男子組首輪比賽中以1比2輸給了世界排名第60的西班牙選手(費雷爾),爆出了羅馬網球公開賽第一天比賽的最大冷門。 : 去年的同一項比賽上,阿格西在決賽中以直落3的傲人戰績擊敗 ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2003-05-06T12:32
世界頭號種子球員、美國網球明星(阿格西)5號在羅馬舉行的國 廣 告 際網球公開賽男子組首輪比賽中以1比2輸給了世界排名第60的西班牙選手(費雷爾),爆出了羅馬網球公開賽第一天比賽的最大冷門。 去年的同一項比賽上,阿格西在決賽中以直落3的傲人戰績擊敗了德國選手(哈斯)而獲得冠軍。然而在今天的比賽中,現年 ...

【轉載】徐乃仁專欄:當代網球大師「 Andre Agassi 」

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2003-05-02T15:52
ESPNSTAR.COM.TW   才剛剛成?ATP男子網球史上最老的世界第一,當代傳奇阿格西於美國時間4 月27日星期日在休士頓舉行的美國男子紅土錦標賽決賽上,後來居上以3比6, 6比3,6比4的比數擊敗第二種子的同胞後輩,也是大會的衛冕者ANDY, RODDICK,獲得2003年繼澳洲公開賽,聖荷 ...