Agassi Earns His VIctory - 網球

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2003-06-29T01:32

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Agassi Earns His Victory
Saturday, June 28, 2003

The number two seed emerged triumphant in a three hour 13 minute struggle to
defeat Morocco's Younes El Aynaoui 5-7, 6-4, 7-6 (7-4), 7-6 (7-4) on Centre
Court and advance to the last 16 of the men's singles for the ninth time in
his career.

It was a tough contest for Agassi, but he would have expected nothing less.
Although he has now beaten El Aynaoui five straight times, he will not have
forgotten that his opponent played a 21-19 fifth set at the Australian Open
in a five-hour quarter-final epic against Andy Roddick. But, like today, he
lost that one too.

With his wife Steffi Graf watching from the members' box, Agassi started
brightly but he missed two break points in the fourth game that would have
put him in early command. He duly paid the penalty when, with the set at 5-5
on serve, El Aynaoui broke for a 6-5 lead on an Agassi backhand that was
called out by the umpire, Javier Moreno, when the baseline judge failed to act.

Though it was a decision Agassi did not like, he buckled down in the hot
sunshine and had another break point at exactly the same stage of the second
set, the fourth game. This too was missed but as the 31-year-old Moroccan
began to tire in the conditions Agassi broke in the 10th game to level the
match with one hour and 22 minutes played.

Only some valiant serving and heroic hustling by El Aynaoui stopped Agassi
running rampant in the third set and, in fact, the Moroccan missed a couple
of break points in the third game. Without further danger to either man,
the set moved to a tiebreak in which Agassi jumped into a 4-1 lead and
eventually won by seven points to four.

In the fourth set, the 33-year-old Agassi still looked the fresher of the
two but El Aynaoui refused to buckle to the world number one. He saved three
break points at 4-4 that would have left Agassi serving for the match but
when he had three set points on Agassi's serve in the 12th game, he
surrendered them meekly with some poor slicing. it went to a second
tiebreak, where the American secured the one mini-break to go ahead by
five points to four and serve out for the match.

Written by ROnald Atkin

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Re: 終於贏了!

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2003-06-29T00:20
※ 引述《akgbking (大白鵝)》之銘言: : 從一開始看,EA的發球真是好的驚人,AA有的機會並不多, : 整場比賽AA只有5.6次破發機會,也只破了其中一個 : 而EA有的機會也不多,有破發跟成功的數據大概跟AA差不多 : 但是整場比賽的關鍵我覺得是「幸運球」 : EA唯一一次的 ...

Re: 終於贏了!

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2003-06-29T00:12
我看比賽看的超緊張的!! 來來回回3個多小時耶! 而且一堆deuce打來打去~心都要跳出來了。 看完第一盤時超級擔心的! 但看到第二盤我就覺得他找回感覺了。 我只能說... 可以在最後看到他親吻鞠躬的畫面,真是太好了!! 當最後一球打完的那一瞬間,我跟我妹從沙發上跳起來尖叫~! 就跟現場觀眾一 ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2003-06-28T23:53
從一開始看,EA的發球真是好的驚人,AA有的機會並不多, 整場比賽AA只有5.6次破發機會,也只破了其中一個 而EA有的機會也不多,有破發跟成功的數據大概跟AA差不多 但是整場比賽的關鍵我覺得是「幸運球」 EA唯一一次的破發就是在第一盤,靠著兩球有些幸運成分,成功破發, 也帶起他 ...

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2003-06-28T23:49
阿格西好厲害 30幾歲依然能夠保持那麼好的水準 我覺得他今天的比賽是越打越好 不愧是世界第一 不過今天他對手的發球實在滿強的 好多第一發阿格西都沒打好 還好贏了 這樣就有下一場比賽可以看了 - ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2003-06-27T14:12
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: somebodie (HiHi) 看板: Tennis 標題: 阿格西可望再破世界紀錄 時間: Fri Jun 27 14:12:16 2003 ...