after 2004 US Open/QF lost to Federer - 網球

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2004-09-10T23:52

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Agassi從來沒想過要退休或放棄, 雖然30歲以後四年來每次訪問大家都在問
所以請放心 Agassi會繼續帶給大家好網球的 :)

Agassi set to play on

Andre Agassi is keen to continue playing despite defeat to Roger Federer
in the US Open quarter-finals on Thursday.

The 34-year-old American has repeatedly been asked when he will retire
but feels he has more to offer.

"I'm going to keep going as long as I feel I have a realistic hope of
putting together great matches and finding a way to win," he said.

"My gameplan is to play until I can't do it. I believe with that focus,
I can still do that."

He added: "Contrary to what it seems like you're hearing,
I never had an intention not to play.

"Before I make any plans, I need to have everything settle down
and make sure I'm making good decisions.

"And I feel a sense of responsibility and obligation to give back to
a sport that's given me so much in my life."

Tags: 網球

All Comments


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2004-09-10T10:20
住也是個大問題,特別是在墨爾本,而且還在澳網比賽的期間。 最省事的還是跟旅行社接洽,看他們能夠提供怎樣的住宿地點, 考量價格覺得可以就讓他們安排,省得自己花時間到處晃。 不過如果要自己找的話,我的心得在此: 要省錢的話: 墨爾本有大量的廉價青年旅館,大概二十塊澳幣一個晚上,比較 有名的就是YHA系統,在 ...

You are my hero

John avatar
By John
at 2004-09-10T04:28
恕刪~ 其實還好吧,AA的擊球控制還是維持在巔峰, 雖然速度又慢了一點,體力上限又下降了一點, 但還不至於到經不起攻擊的地步,至少, 我相信本次的澳網他還是可以維持一定的戰力, 要在拿下大滿冠也非完全沒有希望, 其實我內心也是多麼期望老天多給他一點眷顧, 既然昨天都可以在關鍵時刻下雨了,今天第四盤都可以關鍵觸 ...

You are my hero

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2004-09-10T03:57
我發現,我好久沒看到你的現場比賽了.... 因為電視很少播,因為自己常常偷懶.... 因為 不想看到你輸球..... 我不喜歡聽到主播一再提及你的年紀,也不喜歡他們一直討論你何時要退休, 或許這是我不討厭那個脾氣有點暴躁,還一再搶去你風頭的小朋友的原因, 因為無論何時何地,他總是駁斥記者對你的懷疑 ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2004-09-10T03:50
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: dan2312 (做自己喜歡的自己) 看板: Tennis 標題: [閒聊] 輸了~ 時間: Fri Sep 10 03:44:16 2004 可惜,AA輸了~ 不過真的是輸的莫名其妙阿~XD~ 只能說:老天是公平的阿! 昨天的比賽再打下去,感覺上AA應該是 ...

Re: 好!!

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2004-09-10T03:34
※ 引述《agassioo ()》之銘言: : 雖然輸了 不過這真是一場好比賽哇! : 看Agassi和Federer的對決果然精采 : 不過又覺得替Agassi感到一絲可惜哇~ : 就差那麼一點點... : 不過兩個人都很棒!! 打的好!! 其實這是一場另類的Rally Game, ...