after 2004 US Open/QF lost to Federer - 網球

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2004-09-10T10:56

Table of Contents

R. FEDERER/A. Agassi

6-3, 2-6, 7-5, 3-6, 6-3

An interview with:

THE MODERATOR: First question, please.

Q. Have you ever been to Wrigley Field. They say that's a windy place.


Q. Was wind a factor?

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, the wind's a big factor today. It's the same for both
guys. It just comes down to a few points. He played a few points, that key
fifth set, better than I did. Was over in a hurry.

Q. Looked like it was very difficult to play on I guess it's the north end,
back in that deuce court area. Lots of balls going sideways?>

ANDRE AGASSI: The wind was very one-sided as far as from one end of the
court. When you have a little wind, if you can use it to your advantage
with different shots, it becomes an asset to have it on your back. But
when it's that strong, you need ?? it's sort of a ?? it's between wanting
to take a full swing because you need the spin to control, but any pace at
all and the ball just gets away from you. So you're always sort of trying
to walk a line out there. When you're against the wind, you can at least
hit through it and make a few shots.

With the wind was a key side today and that's the side I ended up getting
broken on. That's the side he was broken on in the fourth set.

Q. The quarterfinal showing here a good showing for you? Is it

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, it's disappointing to lose today.

Q. Do you feel like -- you seemed like you lost two sets, the third and
fifth, when you were in control, had the positive feeling. Looked like you
had him in trouble.

ANDRE AGASSI: Third set more than the fifth. I mean, the fifth set was in
balance the whole way. I mean, it was -- we were both taking care of our
serve and we both knew that at any time something could give for one of us.

The third set I felt like I was in control. I had a lot of opportunities
early. You know, just didn't convert.

I mean, I think that's one of the things that he does really, really great,
is he can sort of hang in there and then if you drop your intensity just a
touch, or if you're a little ?? if the wheels come off for a second, he can
really capitalize. That's what he did last night in the third.

So I came out here today feeling like I was playing the better tennis,
and thought, you know, thought that today could have been a really good day
for me. Just disappointed there, the way that sort of went towards the end.
But he dealt with it better than I did.

Q. Are there a lot of similarities between him and Pete? You say he'll take
advantage of something like that all of a sudden.

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, similarities so far as that they can put pressure on
you from the front of the court or the back of the court. I mean, Pete
could always let one ball go from the baseline and it would get you in
trouble right away, or he could come forward and make you hit a pressure
shot in a crucial situation over and over again. So in that sense, over
and over absolutely.

I didn't come up with it when I needed to today. I had game point to close
out that game and that was a crucial side to hold today. Every time you
escaped holding serve on that time, you had the advantage with you. I just
didn't quite do it.

Q. You talked a lot about the Majors. Can you assess your year and talk
about now how you feel about it and where you're going.

ANDRE AGASSI: That's a little hard sort of straightaway. I mean...

Q. You came in here off a big win in Cincinnati, playing a great level
last night and today with the wind. Probably thought you had a real good
chance to go a little bit further here?

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, absolutely. You know, I mean, I came in here expecting
to make somebody play a great match to beat me, you know. And with the
standard I was playing in Cincinnati and here, it was going to take the
highest quality player playing great tennis. I mean, you know, there's only
so much you can do out there. You got to just hope it sort of falls your way.
Again, it's pretty disappointing.

So before I sort of assess anything or make any plans, I just need to sort
of let everything settle down and make sure I'm making some good decisions.

Q. At the end of the year, when this season is over and you have a chance
to reflect on what you want to do in 2005, the fact that you came in here
and competed against the No. 1 player in the world, how much of a factor
will that be, when you sit down to determine whether to continue on? Are
family factors and privacy factors more of a factor than how you're playing
right now?

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, what I've said for four years now, which is if I'm out
there forcing the best players in the world to play their best tennis, if
I'm out there with other players not looking forward to playing against me,
I mean, that's everything it's always been to me on the court. And I feel
a sense of responsibility and obligation to give back to a sport that's
given me so much in my life.

So I'm going to keep going as long as I feel I have the realistic hope of
putting together great matches and finding a way to win. I mean, you know,
at least I hope that's my criterion. That's the only game plan I have, is
to keep trying to improve until I decide I can't do it.

Q. Was this the worst wind conditions of your experience?

ANDRE AGASSI: This is as bad as it gets. I mean, I think anything sort of
more than this, there would have to be some serious consideration into
postponing matches. I mean, at some point, if chairs are starting to blow
over, that's a problem, so...

I mean, you could make it the players' problems up to a certain point,
then it gets a little absurd. Today was as extreme as it gets where two
players would have to deal with it. Yeah, it was one of those days that
wasn't going to lend to quality tennis. But the one element of tennis that
is the most important still exists, which is two players have to compete
against each other and find a way regardless what the circumstances are.
That's what he did today.

Q. When you saw the conditions this morning, did you think that they would
help you more than Roger?

ANDRE AGASSI: I've always -- I mean, nobody likes the wind. The question
is do you sort of like it more or less than your opponent. I can't really
speak to how he feels about playing in the wind, but I've always had good
results in the wind just because my game is pretty adaptable to it. I don't
have a high ball toss, and I don't have big swings so I can play with some
margin and percentages.

But you still have to execute. So, you know, I would have enjoyed perfect
conditions today because I thought the standard was pretty high last night
and would have loved to have seen that continue. But, you know, it's taken
me 34 years to get myself to not complain about the circumstances and do
your best to deal with it. This morning when I woke up, it was about me
dealing with it the best I can.

Q. Last night it appeared as if you were trying to play to his backhand
a lot. Today it didn't appear that you did or couldn't. Did the conditions

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah. Absolutely.

I mean, today, hitting the ball in the dead center of the court was a great
shot (laughter). Literally, if the ball left my racquet and was in play, it
was my advantage. If the ball left his racquet and was in play, he had the
advantage in the point. With his movement, he's going to turn a lot of those
mid?court balls into forehands. My only alternative was to try to pick up
the pace, play to a smaller section of the court. In those conditions,
you're going to miss every other one.

So it was the center of the court was the only shot to hit. Occasionally
to play something short if you were against the wind, make somebody come
forward and try to control it with the breeze on their back, was tough.

Q. Back to the third set last night, which you seemed to be controlling
pretty well until you got to the 11th game. The break game, you seemed to
lose focus a little bit. Had the doubling, then the backhand that hit the
top of the net on the breakpoint. Was there something going on mentally,
did you just lose it quickly or...?

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, keep it in context. I mean, he played two great points
to get me Love-30 that game. I played two great points to get back to
30-All. We were serving 30-All, 5-All, one set apiece, there's a lot of
choices to make out there, "Am I just going to lay this serve in and let
him continue what he was -- had already put together as a pretty good game
Or where or when do I take my chance?"

I try to hit a quality second serve out wide to his forehand that went
long. So it was anything -- if there's anything true about being able to
say it was a good double-fault, it was a good double-fault. It was aggressive
with a purpose.

The next point, you know, he played a good shot. I tried to feel that
backhand up the line but, you know, he covers the forehand so well, you
always feel like you're playing to small margins.

Like I said going out in this match, I got to play well, I got to play
decisively and with conviction. And you don't sit back and say, "This is
low percentage or that," you just take your shot if you have the instinct
that it might be there, and you assess it later. That's what I did.
Hindsight's 20/20.

Q. In the Wimbledon final this year and last night and today, it looked
like Roger Federer was getting beat. Yet this guy somehow or another comes
out on top. Can you put your finger on some explanation as to how he does

ANDRE AGASSI: It's a lot of tennis out there. I wouldn't say anybody's
getting beat. I mean, I was -- I hope that I go out there presenting my
own problems for guys, and that was what I wanted to do out there last
night and today.

I feel like I have a good game to match up against him. I can make him
play -- I can force him to play his best tennis, and that, to me, is a
credit to his standard. I think what you see out there is a great player
who is bound to have close matches and he's going to have a lot more.
But the quality of his game allows him to pull through most of those.

Q. Is Roger's competitive fire underrated?

ANDRE AGASSI: He's won two Slams this year and he's going for his third.
You underrate it? I don't think the players do. I know I certainly don't.

Q. Topspin lob that took you to the second deuce, that was guided to
perfection, I would say. Did you have a good approach?

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, good considering the circumstances. I mean, you
literally try to hit the approach to the center of the court, you force
a guy to pass you in those conditions, and if there was no wind out there,
that was a short enough ball where I could have maybe put it away.

But we both felt that way a thousand times out there today. You know,
when I hit the ball to the thick of the court, I came in, and he threw
it up in the air. I mean, that ball's moving around so much, I felt like
it could have got held up on the service line or it could have went 12
feet long. You know, it was perfect. It was a good shot. I mean, I threw
one up earlier when we were out there. It found a hole and I ended up
winning a point. It was a good shot he hit.

Q. With so little difference between you and him and Roddick and the
other players at the level you're playing at now, does that give you
incentive you can make the commitment to keep playing, pushing your own
body for another year, two years, three years, whatever?

ANDRE AGASSI: I mean, contrary to what it seems like you're hearing, I
never had an intention not to play. You know, everybody's my game
plan is to play until I can't do it, so...

You know, I certainly want to be able to assess my level of play, and at
some point my level of play will dictate my decisions. But as of right now,
I'm trying to win tournaments, and I believe that with that focus, I can
still do that.

Q. Was there ever any question of playing this match? Did you ask the USTA
to consider postponing a match?

ANDRE AGASSI: No, I did not.

Q. How do you assess the Federer?Henman semi?

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, day-to-day, I mean, there's wind like this, everybody
could stay home and we could just flip coins (laughter).

I mean, unless you toss the ball like Hrbaty, then that's...

I can't even imagine how he was feeling out there today, trying to throw
that thing up in the air (laughter).

But, yeah, Tim has a great game because he sort of does everything well,
too. I mean, I think at the end of the day Federer has just a bit more
fire power. You'd have to give him the advantage. But Henman can make
you play some pressure shots in pressure situations. He moves well,
does a lot of things well. Roger is going to have to be on top of his game.

But, you know, he's not No. 1 for no reason. It's because he deserves
the respect of having that advantage.

Q. Andy's shorter stroke on his serve, brings the racquet straight up,
is it likely to have less effect on him if the wind persists like that?

ANDRE AGASSI: Again, there's a level of wind that you go -- some people
play better in this, some people are better off. If there's a slight
breeze, Andy's serve is going to be bigger with the wind and he's still
going to be able to serve through the wind against it. Nasty combination.

But when you have wind so strong, it's just potluck. It really is. You
throw the ball up and you hope you hit it square. If you do, maybe something
good happens. But doesn't matter what your serve is like unless it's an
incredibly high ball toss, it's pretty dodgey. I mean, you can't expect
for things to go according to plan out there. You just got to compete a
little bit better than your opponent.

Q. When you go back to Las Vegas, what will you work on after assessing
your game now? The wind wasn't for you. When you look at the tapes, what
will you say, "This is what I've got to work on"?

ANDRE AGASSI: You know, you just -- I just find that I don't learn to hit
the ball better, you know, but I still feel like the better of an athlete
you are, the better you can play.

So training kicks in and keep trying to push yourself to get stronger.
Hopefully even move better. There's nothing quite like taking -- you
know, getting out here, playing your matches and letting your game fly
in pressure situations.

I mean, that's what makes it so tough today, because you get the chance
to win a game and you're thinking to yourself, "Keep the ball in the
court," and it's a whole different mentality with a match like today's

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2004-09-14T06:09
第一次認真的看完訪談耶 好長喔!!!
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2004-09-15T13:17
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2004-09-15T14:37
為什麼是噓呢??? >"<
Una avatar
By Una
at 2004-09-20T10:25
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2004-09-23T00:14
呼 真長 看完了


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2004-09-10T10:20
住也是個大問題,特別是在墨爾本,而且還在澳網比賽的期間。 最省事的還是跟旅行社接洽,看他們能夠提供怎樣的住宿地點, 考量價格覺得可以就讓他們安排,省得自己花時間到處晃。 不過如果要自己找的話,我的心得在此: 要省錢的話: 墨爾本有大量的廉價青年旅館,大概二十塊澳幣一個晚上,比較 有名的就是YHA系統,在 ...

You are my hero

John avatar
By John
at 2004-09-10T04:28
恕刪~ 其實還好吧,AA的擊球控制還是維持在巔峰, 雖然速度又慢了一點,體力上限又下降了一點, 但還不至於到經不起攻擊的地步,至少, 我相信本次的澳網他還是可以維持一定的戰力, 要在拿下大滿冠也非完全沒有希望, 其實我內心也是多麼期望老天多給他一點眷顧, 既然昨天都可以在關鍵時刻下雨了,今天第四盤都可以關鍵觸 ...

You are my hero

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2004-09-10T03:57
我發現,我好久沒看到你的現場比賽了.... 因為電視很少播,因為自己常常偷懶.... 因為 不想看到你輸球..... 我不喜歡聽到主播一再提及你的年紀,也不喜歡他們一直討論你何時要退休, 或許這是我不討厭那個脾氣有點暴躁,還一再搶去你風頭的小朋友的原因, 因為無論何時何地,他總是駁斥記者對你的懷疑 ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2004-09-10T03:50
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: dan2312 (做自己喜歡的自己) 看板: Tennis 標題: [閒聊] 輸了~ 時間: Fri Sep 10 03:44:16 2004 可惜,AA輸了~ 不過真的是輸的莫名其妙阿~XD~ 只能說:老天是公平的阿! 昨天的比賽再打下去,感覺上AA應該是 ...

Re: 好!!

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2004-09-10T03:34
※ 引述《agassioo ()》之銘言: : 雖然輸了 不過這真是一場好比賽哇! : 看Agassi和Federer的對決果然精采 : 不過又覺得替Agassi感到一絲可惜哇~ : 就差那麼一點點... : 不過兩個人都很棒!! 打的好!! 其實這是一場另類的Rally Game, ...