AA第一輪賽後訪問 - 網球

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2003-08-27T20:41

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Q. We've seen two of your contemporaries retire, Pete and Michael.
You've been referred to as the last of the old guard. What are your thoughts on
that nomenclature?

ANDRE AGASSI: You know, it's a weird feeling. You know, you feel
like you just sort of expect to leave the dance with the ones you came with,
you know. When they decide that it's time for them, it's a sad feeling. You
know, there's no two ways about it. I don't look at Pete being gone as anything
good for anybody, excluding maybe him. Same with Michael. Just great competitor
I'm certainly proud to still be doing this this long and at this level. But
sometimes you just wish things would never change.

Q. Not only are you doing the dance, you're doing the jitterbug.

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, I feel pretty good. Every day is a different
challenge that's asked of you. Today was certainly that. I felt great about the
way I was playing, the way I was hitting the ball, the way I was moving, the
way I played the bigger points. A lot of crucial points that could have made
that match a lot closer. So I felt pretty good.

Q. In the past people played to an older age, now 32 or 33 is Social
Security ages. Is that your perception? If so, is there a reason for that?

ANDRE AGASSI: It's not perception. I mean, there's just not many
32 -, 33-year-olds out there playing. If they are, the question is where are
they playing in reference to where they played in the past?
I think a lot of athletes have shown you can be at your best through your 30s.

Q. In other sports, maybe.

ANDRE AGASSI: It's a young sport. You come into it young. A lot of
wear and tear, no off-season. You travel the entire globe. It's just mental,
physical demands on your body, your joints, elbows, shoulders, knees, back.
There's no time, no off-season to rest, then prepare, go again. I think the
body takes a pretty good beating.

Q. Was there discussion of you taking part last night physically in
the ceremony, being on the court?

ANDRE AGASSI: No. Pete didn't ask me to do it. I mean, if there's
anybody that knows what it's like the night before you play, it would be Pete.

Q. Did you watch it on television?

ANDRE AGASSI: Oh, yeah. Sure, I did.

Q. What was your quick reaction as you watched?

ANDRE AGASSI: You know, how do you find words for that, you know?
It's a special time to be here and to watch it happen. I mean, I've had the
privilege of watching him from the other side of the net so many times, to
compete against him, to be pushed by him. So many memorable matches. He's truly
deserving of everything that's come his way, especially this, enjoying his
family and moving on from the sport.
But, you know, it's sad for me. I've been with him a long time.

Q. What is your impression of how Roddick has played this summer and
what BradGilbert's influence may have?

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, he's played great this summer. I mean, it's
hard for me to say exactly where Brad has sort of made a difference, but I can
definitely assure you that Brad will make a difference. Brad's a great coach.
You know, Andy just seems like a lot of things are coming together for him. He
is a young kid who is getting older and getting better by the month. You know,
that's going to happen if he stays in bed every day.

Q. People are talking about you and Andy as being the two guys
drawing the interest in this tournament. With Sampras and Chang gone, most of
your contemporaries, do you like the fact at 32 you're still being asked to
carry that load?

ANDRE AGASSI: 33 (smiling).

You know, I enjoyed carrying the load with Pete. Now, to still be here doing it,
is certainly something I take a lot of pride in. But, again, for me it's about
what happens inside the lines. Every day is a new one. I don't think much
about that.

Q. Is there any chance that in not having Pete as a foil, that could
hasten your departure?

ANDRE AGASSI: No. I would like to believe that my decision sort of
would be independent of that. I mean, you know, I don't think any athlete
really has an idea of how things are going to end for them. For me, like I've
addressed before, you know, I feel a strong sense of obligation to this game
for everything it's given to me. I feel like there are thousands and thousands
of children in the inner city of Las Vegas that benefit from the fact that I
still am out here trying to be the best at tennis,

Q. Benefit financially?

ANDRE AGASSI: They benefit every way. They benefit through the
money that we raise for the foundation, through the school that's been put up,
through the Boys and Girls Club, Assistance League, we clothe 3,000 children
a year plus. There are a lot of great things that have come from it.
For me, I want to give everything I have as long as possible. How it comes to
an end is going to be news to me as well.

Q. But that's all financial. I'm wondering, when you say the
obligation to the kids, is it for them to see you fighting?

ANDRE AGASSI: That's part of it. I also would think the biggest p
art is just the awareness of what these children's lives are like. To be able
to bring hope into a child's life is one of the greatest differences we can
make in the world. I believe the awareness to it is every bit as important as
the monetary contributions and time that people have given.

Q. Do you find this day format with a day off better? Is it better
to have the day?

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, I prefer that. You know, I feel like I can go
every bit as hard and every bit as long as I ever could. But playing matches
back to back to back, they can take their toll. Sometimes it's mental, as well.

Q. How much of a consideration is the fact that the final is after
the semis with no day in between?

ANDRE AGASSI: That's always been difficult. It makes winning it a
little bit more special. But it's something you wish you didn't have -- the
standard of tennis is compromised for it.

Q. I don't know if you know about this letter that John McEnroe and B
ecker sent to the ITF saying the new racquets are making the game
one-dimensional. Do you know about the letter? Do you agree with that in any
way, the technology has changed the game to its detriment?

ANDRE AGASSI: I don't know about the letter. You know, these guys
are the best in the world. You can give them anything and it would still be
the same people out there competing for it.
Yeah, I think equipment does get better. There's no question about that, which
picks up the speed of the ball. The last two years, Hewitt has been No. 1. I
mean, that's a guy that is 5'10" and runs from the back of the court, you know,
keeps the ball in play.
Whenever somebody has a strength, there's a way to oppose it. The idea is two
people going out there and getting the job done, whatever rules you throw in
the game. That's what I believe makes tennis so special.

Q. Do you think fan-wise some people don't want to see guys slugging
it out from the baseline, they'd rather see more serve and volley, and that's
kind of being lost?

ANDRE AGASSI: I don't know if the game would be necessarily
affected that way. If you put a wood racquet in my hand, I don't think I'm
going to be coming to the net - unless I was shaking hands or something.
Yeah, no, it's hard to say how the game would be affected. I know today we were
playing a lot of rallies from the baseline. It will be that way probably in my
next match. So you get a wide range of play. I think the versatility of the
different kinds of players is what makes tennis interesting. It's what was nice
about me and Pete playing. It was two different styles. I could sort of -- I w
as challenged by the way he played the game and he was challenged by the way I
played the game. It's important to see all parts of the game.

Tags: 網球

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Re: 阿山哥的小孩

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2003-08-27T11:10
※ 引述《Deportivo (ESP)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《gRoSjEaNfRa (gRoSjEaN)》之銘言: : : 哪裡有可愛小孩的照片呢:)?...我是說AA的。 : : 謝謝:) : 其實我覺得Jaden最可愛的畫面還是和Graf一起出現的時候 : (通常出現在Agassi的重要比賽 : ...

Agassi Heads!

James avatar
By James
at 2003-08-27T05:55
Arthur Ashe Menand#39;s Singles - 1st Rnd Andre Agassi def. Alex Corretja 6-1, 6-2, 6-2 Wahahahahahahaha! -- 少爺的明日報個人網頁 http://mypaper2.tt ...

Re: 破發成功!

William avatar
By William
at 2003-08-27T05:26
※ 引述《akgbking (大白鵝)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《cypres (明年去巴黎看法網)》之銘言: : : 6-1拿下第一盤囉!! : 依舊順利的以6-2拿下第二盤,狀況穩定 : 看樣子第三盤大概會6-3獲勝吧 XD 猜錯了,結果是6-1 6-2 6-2直落三輕鬆過關, 一個小時 ...

Re: 破發成功!

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2003-08-27T04:52
※ 引述《cypres (明年去巴黎看法網)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《akgbking (大白鵝)》之銘言: : : 漂亮的左右調動!破了Corretja的發球!! : : 3*-1第一盤領先中!! : 6-1拿下第一盤囉!! 依舊順利的以6-2拿下第二盤,狀況穩定 看樣子第三盤大概會6- ...

Re: 破發成功!

David avatar
By David
at 2003-08-27T04:23
※ 引述《akgbking (大白鵝)》之銘言: : 漂亮的左右調動!破了Corretja的發球!! : 3*-1第一盤領先中!! 6-1拿下第一盤囉!! - ...