A. Zverev未告知發燒即與Sinner 出賽 - 網球 Tennis

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2020-10-05T12:08

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※ 引述 《gjiiiiii》 之銘言:
: 上篇新聞原文連結:https://reurl.cc/14bQ4V
: 我一時之間沒找到新聞影音
: 某個可能有畫面的要求要加拿大ip但我只有美國的ora
: 其他新聞網站ex yahoo有稍微多一點資訊
: 主要都是z的口頭發言,但沒特別多說什麼了
: 個人覺得z發言的時候好像沒覺得這很嚴重
: 只是抱怨該死的我身體不舒服所以沒打好
: 順便說一下「我有先講我生病了」
: 以下不專業翻譯
: October 4, 2020 Alexander Zverev, Roland Garros, Tennis News
: 10/4的新聞
: ‘I’m completely sick’ – Alexander Zverev reveals he played French Open mat
: with coronavirus symptoms
: z:我徹底生病了
: z揭露自己在有新冠肺炎症狀狀況下打法網
: Alexander Zverev has revealed he has coronavirus symptoms after being knocked
: t of the French Open on Sunday.
: z在已經被淘汰後才揭露。
: The German reached the US Open final last month but was completely outclassed
: Italian teenager Jannik Sinner in Paris.
: He, though, said the symptoms started after his last match two days previously
: meaning he opted to play despite the symptoms.
: “No it was nothing wrong but I am completely sick after the match with [Marco
: Cecchinato in the night,” Zverev explained.
: z承認症狀始於10/3比賽後,意思是他選擇上場比賽,儘管自己有新冠症狀
: z解釋:「不,我和Marco比賽時沒問題,但和他比賽完我就徹底的生病了」
: “Yeah, what can I say? I’m completely sick. I can’t really breathe, as you
: n hear by my voice. I had fever, you know, as well.
: 「yeah,我能說什麼呢,反正我就有病」
: 「我幾乎不能呼吸,我聲音你也聽的出來」
: 「我就是流感啦」
X: 我就是流感啦
O: 我發燒了,就像你們知道的那樣.
: “I’m not in the best physical state, I would say. I think that had a little
: t of an effect on the match today.
: 「我得說,寶寶人家今天身體狀況不佳,所以沒打好」
: ‘I warmed up today; I shouldn’t have played.”
: 「我今天有說了喔,我今天不該打的」
O: 我今天還有熱身,我不該打的.
: Zverev was also asked if he had been tested recently for coronavirus, but refu
: d to answer, claiming it was because he had a problem with the journalist who
: ked it.
: 某記者問z最近有沒有篩檢新冠,z聲稱他和那個記者之間有齷齪(x)齟齬(o)所以拒絕回答

Tags: 網球

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Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2020-10-07T12:26

A. Zverev未告知發燒即與Sinner 出賽

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2020-10-05T10:54
上篇新聞原文連結:https://reurl.cc/14bQ4V 我一時之間沒找到新聞影音 某個可能有畫面的要求要加拿大ip但我只有美國的ora 其他新聞網站ex yahoo有稍微多一點資訊,主要都是z的口頭發言,但沒特別多說什麼了 個人覺得z發言的時候好像沒覺得這很嚴重,只是抱怨該死的我身體不舒服所以沒 ...

A. Zverev未告知發燒即與Sinner 出賽

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2020-10-05T09:56
Alexander Zverev has revealed he has coronavirus symptoms after being knocked out of the French Open on Sunday. The German reached the US Open final last ...


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