Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2007-04-15T09:52

Table of Contents


Spring has arrived, freshness and an eagerness to head outdoors takes hold of
many tennis players breaking free of European winter. But few can claim or have
defined the exhilarating beauty of clay court tennis as Justine does under the
sun. In six weeks the best players of the world will compete at Roland Garros,
but the Queen of clay is anticipating her challengers.

Justine has returned back to the clay courts this week, and continues training
sessions for the next two weeks. She will participate in two tournaments prior
to Roland Garros. The first is the J & S Cup in Warsaw at the end of the month,
and the second is the Qatar German Open in Berlin to be played early May. There
will be two weeks without tournament play for the Belgian tennis icon to
culminate training before heading off to Paris.

It's never the stereotypical conservative backboard clay tennis that Justine
showcases, but percision, power and progressiveness. A thrilling style closer
to modern board riding sports with explosive speed, angles, cutbacks, backhands
and forward momentum. And always executed with a sliding nod to the classic
artistry of clay legends from generations before.

Get the latest news, stories, and information on Justine's return to clay right
here exclusively at www.justine-henin.be.Don't miss it!

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2007-04-15T19:30
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2007-04-18T11:59
紅土女王快快現身吧 !我好想妳喔 ~~


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2007-04-13T16:17
因為最近報告要做阿格西的生涯發展史 希望喜歡阿格西的大家 可以幫幫我 我要負責的是阿格西當初退到一百一十四名的低潮期 請給我相關的資料可以嗎 請大家把相關資料寄到我信箱 zachary110284atyahoo.com.tw 感激不盡 或是有其他有關阿格西的生平和自傳都可以寄到我信箱 謝謝大家^^~ ...


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2007-04-13T09:19
哇哇哇~~ 是我們家的Henin球后坐到第六十週耶~~ 有一種超級開心的fu~~ 希望可以一直坐下去 從現在開始一直到明年的這個時間 然後一直延續 哈哈哈,我覺得我超級貪心的XD - ...

海寧攜三孩童暢游迪斯尼 冷面女將展現溫柔顏色(圖)

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2007-04-10T15:35
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2007年04月10日12:10 新浪體育 新浪體育訊  僅用了四項賽事就把年初丟掉的世界第一寶座給奪了回來,海寧似乎已經完全走 出了離婚的陰霾。前幾天帶著三個可愛的孩子,來到位於巴黎的歐洲迪斯尼樂園時, 海寧就是帶著一副燦爛的笑容出現在賽場之 ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2007-04-08T17:25
差點以為走錯版哩 沒啥好說的 過了就算了 幫Henin下一場比賽加油 這才是最重要的吧!! 邁阿密 不也創下了最好的成績了嗎?? 至少 是進步阿 對小威 看看小威跟其他選手的對戰 有誰有這能耐給小威賞了個蛋? 紅土 是Henin所擅長 與其為了過去吵吵鬧鬧 不如給HENIN更多的期待還有鼓勵 這樣才比 ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2007-04-07T22:17
竟然有一位選手是讓我這麼投入... 贏了可以讓我高興得在沙發滾來滾去...輸了可以難過得睡不著覺... 她就是~~ and#34;北海小英雄and#34;.and#34;小婦人and#34;.and#34;女人香and#34;.and#34;女版費得羅and#34;...(還有什麼媒體暱稱嗎XD) ~ ...