A.Radwanska第四輪賽訪 - 網球 Tennis

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2012-09-04T16:48

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An interview with: AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA
Monday, September 3, 2012

Q. It looks like you never found your game out there today.

AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Yeah, I think I really had the worst day than other
days before. For sure I didn't play that well as in the beginning of the
tournament. For sure, she was just better today, yeah.


Q. What was especially difficult for you out there with her game?

AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, you know, she's really playing very uncomfortable
tennis to play. I was really struggling today with that. You know, with
slow courts, with opponent like that, it's tough, especially when you're not
playing your best, yeah.

Q. You've played her four times. You won four times. How tough is this
loss to take?

AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, you know, she's a top-20 player. She's really
playing much better this year than before. Really had some good results this
year. Of course, you know, it's always disappointing, especially when you're
losing in a Grand Slam. I think I'll have to leave it at that now.


Q. Can you comment more about when you say that she played uncomfortable

AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: She really mixes it up, a lot of slice, then suddenly
hitting very well from the forehand side, then kick serve, dropshots, volleys
as well, coming to the net. It's really tough because she really had an
answer for everything today.

Vinci用很多切球,正拍強勁,又有kick serve、小球、截擊,變化多端。打順了真的

Q. You're actually known for doing that as well sometimes, playing
uncomfortable tennis.

AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I'm trying, as well. I think she just did this one
better today.

Q. Do you think the fatigue of the season can play into this?

AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, of course, it's always difficult, especially the
US Open, the last of the Grand Slams. It's always tough because, you know,
season is long. I really played a lot this year. Sometimes it's really hard
to stay focused all the time because you're really tired after the whole
season. But, you know, everybody have the same situation. Everybody playing
the same whole season. For sure I really have a lot of matches this year,

漫長賽季的疲累? 多少有影響,今年到美網前的比賽真的打得比往年多。

Q. No regrets playing the week before?

AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I didn't even finish one match. Actually this year,
because of the Olympics, we didn't play that much on hard court. I was
really trying to play more because, you know, it's very hard to change the
surface just three weeks before a Grand Slam. That's why I wanted to play


Q. Taking a look at the tournament from the outside now, who would you say
would be the favorite, in your opinion, or some of the favorites left in the
women's draw?

AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, when I was waiting for my match today, I just saw
Serena's match today. She's really playing good. So I think I would say her.


Q. What is it like for you to face Serena? Have you ever played her when
she's been in the form she showed today?

AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, uhm, I played Serena I remember a couple times, I
think it was a long time ago, four years ago, five years ago. I was coming
up. I think I was already top 10, top 20. I was really playing good. I was
winning three or four games in the match, so... But I think, you know, when
she's on fire, you can't do anything about it. It doesn't matter what you
try to do, it's going to be a winner, so... It's just Serena. She's a great
champion. When she's really on fire, it's really tough. The last time I
played her at Wimbledon. But I think I just play very well there, so we had
a very good, tight match. But I just play really, really good that day.

Q. Whether you're winning or losing you seem to maintain the same demeanor?
Is that a strategy to throw your opponent off?

AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I think it's just me just trying to stay focused. It
doesn't matter what score it is, if I'm losing or winning, yeah.

Q. Saying you're playing against an opponent that you are expected to beat,
they have match point against you, what runs through your mind at that moment?

AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, depends what kind of match is that and who is on
other side. It's always tough. I know how it was when we were going on the
court and you have nothing to lose because you are playing against top seed.
Then it's a bit easier. There is no pressure, anything. But, you know,
it's always tough. Always just fighting, match point down. Sometimes you
can win that match, but sometimes it's over.

Q. You reached a slam final this year. Now that the four slams are done, do
you feel pretty excited about the year you had so far?

AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Yes, of course. It was the best season of my career,
first major final, first time No. 2 in the world. I can't complain about
that, for sure. Of course, it's not over. I would like to defend some of my
points from Asia and of course play my best tennis in the Champs, of course.


Tags: 網球

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