6/21 Moonlight Classic - 鼓號樂隊 Drum Corps

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2015-06-24T13:03

Table of Contents

Open Class

1 Blue Devils B 57.150
2 Vanguard Cadets56.650
3 Golden Empire 49.050
4 Blue Devils C 38.850

World Class

1 Blue Devils 75.150
2 Santa Clara Vanguard73.350
3 Phantom Regiment 68.300
4 Blue Knights 66.850
5 Pacific Crest 59.550
6 Mandarins 58.200


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2015 Santa Clara Vanguard WGI

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2015-05-10T10:23
https://youtu.be/PeBbJi7zpG0 Santa Clara Vanguard 旗隊在剛落幕的WGI決賽贏了去年的冠軍Onyx(SCV去年居第二), 如願拿下冠軍,這是SCV旗隊在WGI拿下的第三次冠軍(前兩次分別是2009年、2011年) 另外SCV應該也是少數分組運作戰績輝煌的鼓 ...

Most watched YouTube videos of 2014

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2015-01-03T20:32
Most watched YouTube videos of 2014 http://www.dci.org/news/view.cfm?news_id=e8fd429f-d0d2-42d0-af09-065c497c3e03 快看看你跟上了幾個收視熱潮? - ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2014-12-28T21:15
DCI每隔幾年就會被拿來改編的熱門經典 1995 Cavaliers 用這套曲子拿下該年的冠軍 個人則最喜歡2012 SCV的版本 來自團員的head Cam(團練) http://youtu.be/EaSo-fL1bzc Percussion http://youtu.be/TEPaUi8txEE ...

2002 PR: Shostakovich Symphony No.10, Mvt. II

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2014-12-21T23:55
http://youtu.be/S07TFMUwzDo WOOOOHOOOOO - ...

魅影的On the Road 2014 Trailer

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2014-12-17T21:52
影片熱鬧發售 http://youtu.be/bwL8YKcWiFs 雖然今年的成績不像前幾年那麼威 但看了預告還是亂感動一把 順便回顧這一年魅影的畫面 Swan Lake beginnings http://youtu.be/gRr0wDZzw_o Everything Changes http: ...