5/3 Lleyton's blog - 澳網 Tennis

By Cara
at 2011-05-16T14:48
at 2011-05-16T14:48
Table of Contents
3 May 2011
Hi everyone,
The foot is slowly getting better and I am having so much rehab on it to push
it as much as possible without risking further problems. I am still planning
on having a crack at the French Open but I will know more over the next week
to how it is progressing. You always want to give yourself the best chance
of playing in the 4 majors. I will perhaps try and even play doubles at the
French to get more matches before the grass court season (will let you know
who within a few weeks).
It has been great hanging out lots with Bec and the kids. We love doing
everything as a family and Cruz even got to experience his first AFL match
Happy Mother's Day to my Mum and Bec for this Sunday! You both mean so much
to me.
小希的腳傷有明顯好轉 這陣子的療程
最後祝福媽媽和老婆母親節快樂 :)
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