3月22日美摔新聞 - 摔角 Wrestle

By Ula
at 2011-03-22T18:35
at 2011-03-22T18:35
Table of Contents
1、RAW結束錄影後進行的dark match main event是CM Punk & Sheamus vs. John Cena & Triple H。這場比賽持續時間不長,但Cena和Triple H都秀出了他們的看家本領。最後Cena壓制Punk獲勝,heels們被打敗後迅速離場,Cena和Triple H則在台上慶祝了幾分鐘。
2、除了確定The Rock將在下周RAW現場出現外,WWE在今晚的RAW上也確定了在WrestleMania 27之前,The Undertaker和Triple H會有次面對面的接觸。The Rock和Cena將在下周RAW發生激烈碰撞。
3、Alex Riley回來了,他再次被The Miz僱用到RAW,職務為Vice President of Corporate Communications。
4、Jim Ross在Twitter上這般回應Michael Cole在今晚Raw對Jerry Lawler家庭的評論:「真為King感到難過。他爸和他媽都已經去世了。Jerrys他媽在幾週前剛離開,Jerrys他爸在他19歲生日那天就走了。挺悲傷的。」
5、以下是截至到21日的RAW,WrestleMania 27上已確定的比賽
Special Guest Host: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
WWE Title Match
John Cena vs. The Miz
World Heavyweight Title Match
Alberto Del Rio vs. Edge
The Streak on the Line - No Holds Barred
Triple H vs. The Undertaker
WWE United States Title Match
Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus
Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole, Special Referee: Steve Austin
Cole's trainer Jack Swagger will be in his corner.
Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Snooki, Trish Stratus and John Morrison vs. Michelle McCool, Layla and Dolph Ziggler
6、在今晚的RAW裡WWE宣佈SmackDown!將進行另一場WrestleMania Rewind Match。
7、今晚Chris Jericho進行了他ABC Dancing With the Stars的首演,得到了19分(滿分30)。
Paul說Jericho已經很不錯了。在今晚的首演裡Jericho和Burke跳的是Cha Cha。
8、今晚的Raw錄影前進行的dark match中,R-Truth戰勝Zack Ryder。
9、今天錄製的兩場Superstars賽事分別是:The Great Khali & Yoshi Tatsu vs. The Usos以及Tyson Kidd & Melina vs. Gail Kim & Daniel Bryan
10、Shawn Michaels在最近BetweenTheRopes.com的採訪中被問及Triple H會否成為他今年WWE名人堂的引薦人時,他是這樣回答的:
被問到會否在WrestleMania之後繼續摔角,並會否和The Undertaker來一場的時候,他是這樣回答的:
「我們已經多次商量過這些事,如果那是個退休前巡演的話,這個做法無疑不錯。我記得那場比賽後,我,Taker和Michael Hayes坐在一起,大家都沒什麼話。Michael Hayes首先說,『如果這就是最後一場,我可以理解。』然後我看著他說『這就是最後一場。』我想說的是如果我覺得有那個需要,要進行退休前巡演或和所有人道別的話,他們會為我準備好一切的。但我覺得,既然有了那場比賽,我們已經不需要再做太多了。」
11、雖然一些Dish Network說WrestleMania 27今年將會在8pm EST開始,但WWE最終澄清仍和往年一樣會在7pm EST。
12、2011-03-18的WWE Smackdown收視率為2.06,有3,097,000的觀眾收看。
13、WWE計劃在今年晚些時候發行John Cena參演的WWE Studios電影Blood Brothers的平裝版小說。
14、以下是WWE和TNA 2011年計劃發行的DVD:
* WWE Survivor Series 2010 (Blu Ray) - 3/22
* WWE Big Show: A Giant's World - 3/22
* WWE Elimination Chamber 2011 (Blu-Ray and DVD combo) - 3/22
* WWE DX: One Last Stand - 4/5
* WWE DX: One Last Stand (Blu-Ray) - 4/5
* TNA Mick Foley: Hardcore Legend - 4/19
* WWE Wrestlemania 27 PPV- 5/10
* WWE Studios That's What I Am starring Randy Orton -5/10
* WWE Presents the Best of WCW Nitro - 5/24
* WWE Extreme Rules 2011 PPV - 5/31
* WWE Gorgeous George - 6/7
* WWE Over the Limit 2011 PPV - 6/21
* WWE The Million Dollar Man - 6/28
* WWE The Best Cage Matches - 7/12
* WWE Fatal Four 2011 - 7/19
* WWE Studios Breaking the Rules starring Edge - 8/9
* WWE Money in the Bank 2011 - 8/16
* WWE Raw Best of Seasons Three and Four - 8/23
* WWE Studios Inside Out starring Triple H - September 2011
* WWE Summerslam 2011 - 9/13
* WWE Randy Orton Experience - 9/21
* WWE Best of Smackdown 2011 - 10/11
* WWE Night of Champions 2011 - 10/18
* WWE Hell in A Cell 2011 - 11/1
* WWE Triple H DVD set - 11/8
* WWE Bragging Rights - 11/22
* WWE 50 Biggest Matches - 11/29
* WWE Studios' Blood Brothers starring John Cena - November 2011
* WWE Austin vs. Rock - The Rivalry - 12/13
* WWE Survivor Series 2011 - 12/20
* WWE Best PPV Matches of 2011 - 12/27
15、計劃出席2011-03-30 WWE WrestleManiart活動的巨星包括Alberto Del Rio, Booker T, Daniel Bryan, Jerry Lawler, John Morrison, Vickie Guerrero, Ezekiel, JTG, Tyler Reks, Beth Phoenix, Trent Barreta, David Otunga, Heath Slater, Tamina, Natalya, Tyson Kidd, David Hart Smith, Alicia Fox, Santino Marella, Vladimir Kozlov, Melina, Curt Hawkins, Zack Ryder, Hornswoggle以及 Matt Striker。
16、Curt Hawkins畫了一幅Shawn Michaels的畫作義賣。最近,Hawkins在Twitter上給Shawn展示了,Shawn說他會在WrestleManiArt活動前為這幅畫簽名的。以下就是Hawkin的大作:
17、Jim Ross在他的blog上說:
Tough Enough各方評價都很不錯,我期待這個節目的播出。TE首演將在WrestleMania 27後的週一Raw之後。Steve Austin非常享受他在TE的工作。
對了.... 我覺得Wade Barrett在WWE很有前途,我覺得WM27之後Barrett在內的新星們將大大地閃耀,非常有機會經常出現在WWE的主戰賽。Barrett又能打又能說,看好他。
2、除了確定The Rock將在下周RAW現場出現外,WWE在今晚的RAW上也確定了在WrestleMania 27之前,The Undertaker和Triple H會有次面對面的接觸。The Rock和Cena將在下周RAW發生激烈碰撞。
3、Alex Riley回來了,他再次被The Miz僱用到RAW,職務為Vice President of Corporate Communications。
4、Jim Ross在Twitter上這般回應Michael Cole在今晚Raw對Jerry Lawler家庭的評論:「真為King感到難過。他爸和他媽都已經去世了。Jerrys他媽在幾週前剛離開,Jerrys他爸在他19歲生日那天就走了。挺悲傷的。」
5、以下是截至到21日的RAW,WrestleMania 27上已確定的比賽
Special Guest Host: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
WWE Title Match
John Cena vs. The Miz
World Heavyweight Title Match
Alberto Del Rio vs. Edge
The Streak on the Line - No Holds Barred
Triple H vs. The Undertaker
WWE United States Title Match
Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus
Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole, Special Referee: Steve Austin
Cole's trainer Jack Swagger will be in his corner.
Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Snooki, Trish Stratus and John Morrison vs. Michelle McCool, Layla and Dolph Ziggler
6、在今晚的RAW裡WWE宣佈SmackDown!將進行另一場WrestleMania Rewind Match。
7、今晚Chris Jericho進行了他ABC Dancing With the Stars的首演,得到了19分(滿分30)。
Paul說Jericho已經很不錯了。在今晚的首演裡Jericho和Burke跳的是Cha Cha。
8、今晚的Raw錄影前進行的dark match中,R-Truth戰勝Zack Ryder。
9、今天錄製的兩場Superstars賽事分別是:The Great Khali & Yoshi Tatsu vs. The Usos以及Tyson Kidd & Melina vs. Gail Kim & Daniel Bryan
10、Shawn Michaels在最近BetweenTheRopes.com的採訪中被問及Triple H會否成為他今年WWE名人堂的引薦人時,他是這樣回答的:
被問到會否在WrestleMania之後繼續摔角,並會否和The Undertaker來一場的時候,他是這樣回答的:
「我們已經多次商量過這些事,如果那是個退休前巡演的話,這個做法無疑不錯。我記得那場比賽後,我,Taker和Michael Hayes坐在一起,大家都沒什麼話。Michael Hayes首先說,『如果這就是最後一場,我可以理解。』然後我看著他說『這就是最後一場。』我想說的是如果我覺得有那個需要,要進行退休前巡演或和所有人道別的話,他們會為我準備好一切的。但我覺得,既然有了那場比賽,我們已經不需要再做太多了。」
11、雖然一些Dish Network說WrestleMania 27今年將會在8pm EST開始,但WWE最終澄清仍和往年一樣會在7pm EST。
12、2011-03-18的WWE Smackdown收視率為2.06,有3,097,000的觀眾收看。
13、WWE計劃在今年晚些時候發行John Cena參演的WWE Studios電影Blood Brothers的平裝版小說。
14、以下是WWE和TNA 2011年計劃發行的DVD:
* WWE Survivor Series 2010 (Blu Ray) - 3/22
* WWE Big Show: A Giant's World - 3/22
* WWE Elimination Chamber 2011 (Blu-Ray and DVD combo) - 3/22
* WWE DX: One Last Stand - 4/5
* WWE DX: One Last Stand (Blu-Ray) - 4/5
* TNA Mick Foley: Hardcore Legend - 4/19
* WWE Wrestlemania 27 PPV- 5/10
* WWE Studios That's What I Am starring Randy Orton -5/10
* WWE Presents the Best of WCW Nitro - 5/24
* WWE Extreme Rules 2011 PPV - 5/31
* WWE Gorgeous George - 6/7
* WWE Over the Limit 2011 PPV - 6/21
* WWE The Million Dollar Man - 6/28
* WWE The Best Cage Matches - 7/12
* WWE Fatal Four 2011 - 7/19
* WWE Studios Breaking the Rules starring Edge - 8/9
* WWE Money in the Bank 2011 - 8/16
* WWE Raw Best of Seasons Three and Four - 8/23
* WWE Studios Inside Out starring Triple H - September 2011
* WWE Summerslam 2011 - 9/13
* WWE Randy Orton Experience - 9/21
* WWE Best of Smackdown 2011 - 10/11
* WWE Night of Champions 2011 - 10/18
* WWE Hell in A Cell 2011 - 11/1
* WWE Triple H DVD set - 11/8
* WWE Bragging Rights - 11/22
* WWE 50 Biggest Matches - 11/29
* WWE Studios' Blood Brothers starring John Cena - November 2011
* WWE Austin vs. Rock - The Rivalry - 12/13
* WWE Survivor Series 2011 - 12/20
* WWE Best PPV Matches of 2011 - 12/27
15、計劃出席2011-03-30 WWE WrestleManiart活動的巨星包括Alberto Del Rio, Booker T, Daniel Bryan, Jerry Lawler, John Morrison, Vickie Guerrero, Ezekiel, JTG, Tyler Reks, Beth Phoenix, Trent Barreta, David Otunga, Heath Slater, Tamina, Natalya, Tyson Kidd, David Hart Smith, Alicia Fox, Santino Marella, Vladimir Kozlov, Melina, Curt Hawkins, Zack Ryder, Hornswoggle以及 Matt Striker。
16、Curt Hawkins畫了一幅Shawn Michaels的畫作義賣。最近,Hawkins在Twitter上給Shawn展示了,Shawn說他會在WrestleManiArt活動前為這幅畫簽名的。以下就是Hawkin的大作:
17、Jim Ross在他的blog上說:
Tough Enough各方評價都很不錯,我期待這個節目的播出。TE首演將在WrestleMania 27後的週一Raw之後。Steve Austin非常享受他在TE的工作。
對了.... 我覺得Wade Barrett在WWE很有前途,我覺得WM27之後Barrett在內的新星們將大大地閃耀,非常有機會經常出現在WWE的主戰賽。Barrett又能打又能說,看好他。
All Comments

By Bennie
at 2011-03-25T23:12
at 2011-03-25T23:12

By Charlie
at 2011-03-29T03:50
at 2011-03-29T03:50

By Hedy
at 2011-04-01T08:28
at 2011-04-01T08:28

By Susan
at 2011-04-04T13:05
at 2011-04-04T13:05

By Zenobia
at 2011-04-07T17:43
at 2011-04-07T17:43

By Audriana
at 2011-04-10T22:20
at 2011-04-10T22:20

By Dinah
at 2011-04-14T02:58
at 2011-04-14T02:58

By John
at 2011-04-17T07:35
at 2011-04-17T07:35

By Joseph
at 2011-04-20T12:13
at 2011-04-20T12:13

By Madame
at 2011-04-23T16:51
at 2011-04-23T16:51

By Frederic
at 2011-04-26T21:28
at 2011-04-26T21:28

By Aaliyah
at 2011-04-30T02:06
at 2011-04-30T02:06

By Rachel
at 2011-05-03T06:43
at 2011-05-03T06:43

By Franklin
at 2011-05-06T11:21
at 2011-05-06T11:21

By Suhail Hany
at 2011-05-09T15:58
at 2011-05-09T15:58

By Gary
at 2011-05-12T20:36
at 2011-05-12T20:36

By Hedwig
at 2011-05-16T01:13
at 2011-05-16T01:13

By Robert
at 2011-05-19T05:51
at 2011-05-19T05:51

By Yedda
at 2011-05-22T10:29
at 2011-05-22T10:29

By Genevieve
at 2011-05-25T15:06
at 2011-05-25T15:06
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