2019 World Cup - How to qualify (Asia) - 籃球

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2018-09-13T20:27

Table of Contents



How teams advance from First Round to Second Round ?
The top 3 teams from each group progress. In the Second Round, the First
Round Groups merge as follows:
A and C => E
B and D => F

All results from all games in the First Round (even the ones from games
against teams that did not advance) are carried over to the Second Round.


How teams advance from the Second Round to the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2019
The three (3) best placed teams from each group and the best 4th-placed team
(total of seven (7) teams) shall qualify for the FIBA Basketball World Cup
2019. For the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2019 Qualifiers, to determine the
final standings, the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2019 Host, China, shall not be
included. However all results related to the previous games of China in the
relevant group shall be taken into account for the final standings.


What happens if teams are tied (classification in the same group)?
- Win Loss
- Goal difference of games between teams concerned
- Higher number of goals in the games between them
- Higher goal difference in all games of the group
- Higher number of goals in all games in the group
- Draw


For more information, go to the Official Basketball Rules and consult Art.
D.1.3 Official Basketball rules (pages 75-80)


D.1.3 If 2 or more teams have the same win-loss record of all games in the
group, the game(s) between these 2 or more teams shall decide on the
classification. If the 2 or more teams have the same win-loss record
of the games between them, further criteria will be applied in the
following order:
● Higher goal difference of the games between them.
● Higher number of goals scored in the games between them.
● Higher goal difference of all games in the group.
● Higher number of goals scored in all games in the group.

If still tied before all games have been played in the group, tied teams
shall share the same ranking. If these criteria still cannot decide at
the end of the group phase, a draw shall decide on the final


W L 積分 總得分 總失分 總勝分差 第一輪同組淘汰隊
E3 紐西蘭 5 1 11 579 439 +140 香港
E2 黎巴嫩 5 1 11 531 398 +133 印度
F1 澳大利亞 5 1 11 525 392 +133 台灣
E1 約旦 5 1 11 575 452 +123 印度
F2 伊朗 5 1 11 454 351 +103 伊拉克
E4 南韓 4 2 10 530 502 + 28 *Best 4th 香港
F3 菲律賓 4 2 10 470 482 - 12 台灣

E5 中國 3 3 9 503 414 + 89 香港
F4 哈薩克 3 3 9 420 436 - 16 伊拉克
F5 日本 2 4 8 469 464 + 5 台灣
F6 卡達 2 4 8 408 465 - 57 伊拉克
E6 敘利亞 2 4 8 402 503 -101 印度




Tags: 籃球

All Comments

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2018-09-18T06:31
最大的差別是E組有可能打到第5還會晉級 F組則是第4還不
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2018-09-23T03:29
所以當初說的7名額 應該不包刮中國本身?
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2018-09-23T10:42
這樣亞太區實質上有8個名額? 哎呀台灣這樣還被淘汰


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2018-09-13T10:37
軸心腳離地、運球......走步 軸心腳離地、起跳、出手......完全沒有問題 這個走步跟新規舊規沒有關係 基本上新制走步是針對 「三步上籃」 「後撤步出手」 這兩個動作造成的曖昧步伐做加寬的處理 https://youtu.be/ppwQVzylOEE 1:36 羅密歐運球突破林志傑與Q對抗後左 ...

2019世界盃資格賽Window4 Eleven頻道直播場次

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2018-09-12T15:46
9/13 21:50 哈薩克 vs. 日本 Eleven Sports1 9/15 09:50 美國 vs. 烏拉圭 Eleven Sports1 9/17 15:50 日本 vs. 伊朗 Eleven Sports1 9/17 18:5 ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2018-09-12T14:40
嗨~ 本週人少缺人,徵求一隊 (你可以來5-8人都沒關係) 就是收一隊的錢 附冷氣+廁所+飲水機 一隊750, 意者站內信 暴力者勿來 謝謝 - ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2018-09-11T23:07
打球常常聽到人家說 打全場很累 所以很少有場會有全場可以打... 但是全場真的會很累嗎? 半場每秒都要專注防守 但是全場偶爾可以偷懶一下 甚至蠻常可以偷懶XD 大部分時間幾乎都是慢跑 站著 關鍵的時候認真守一下就好 大家喜歡在外面打全場比賽 還是半場?? - ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2018-09-11T16:46
各位前輩好:因十字韌帶斷裂,醫生建議開刀重建。 但有關費用想請問一下:醫生說現在有更先進的醫材,可以更快出院更快好,是類似一個 固定鈕,手術要用兩個,一個3萬共6萬。 照片如下: https://i.imgur.com/2wsVZB4.jpg 醫生說:16000多跟3000多的一定要出,而6萬的看自己,若6 ...