2018 in Review: Tzu-Wei Lin - 美國職棒

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By Jake
at 2018-12-22T17:38

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2018 in Review: Tzu-Wei Lin

A look back at a solid year for the depth piece.
By Matt_Collins@MattRyCollins Nov 28, 2018, 10:30am EST

The Season in a Sentence

Tzu-Wei Lin was far from the most important player on the 2018 Red Sox,
but his presence of depth was always important and he played well in the
major-league chances he did get.



The Positives

Just by looking at Lin and knowing that he is mostly an up-the-middle
player, there are some assumptions one could reasonably make about his game.
Given his smaller stature and thinner frame, it’s expected that he is more
of a defense and speed oriented player who could single his way to a solid
batting line. That’s not unfair, and has mostly been him over his career.
However, he showed some unprecedented pop both in the majors and in Triple-A
in 2018.


Coming off his 2017 breakout, he showed even more improvement by
posting a .141 Isolated Power in 302 Triple-A plate appearances and a .169
ISO in 73 major-league plate appearances. Now, those numbers don’t really
jump off the page, particularly in the modern launch angle era of the game,
but context matters. Prior to 2018, Lin had only posted an ISO over .100
once in his six professional seasons, and that came in a 184-plate
appearances stint at Double-A last year. This was a different kind of Lin
that stuck around pretty much all year, and it was nice to see.


Sticking with a similar part of his game, Lin’s general quality of contact
was fantastic all year long. That’s not super surprising given the uptick
in power and the relative consistency of that uptick, but it’s still worth
mentioning. Along with the ISO’s that broke from his career norms, Lin was
posting strong batting averages on balls in play. Although some of those
numbers are simply good luck, and another portion is due to minor-league
defense, Lin deserves credit here. In the majors, according to Fangraphs’
batted ball numbers, he hit the ball hard over 41 percent of the time
(league-average is 35 percent) and hit line drives 27 percent of the time.
Granted, these come over a very small sample so a grain of salt should be
taken, but it’s worth mentioning his line drive rate stuck through his
Triple-A stint as well. Hard-hit rates aren’t available in the minors.
Combine the line drives and his above-average athleticism and you get a
recipe for strong BABIPs. Lin posted a .385 BABIP in Pawtucket and a .319
mark in Boston.

力,就能知道為何他把球打進場內時有優秀的上壘能力。他在3A的BAPIP達到0.385, 而

Finally, we move away from the offense and look at the defense, which has
always been the calling card for Lin. Fangraphs has him providing negative
value with the glove in the majors, but given the size of the sample I
think that can be ignored. What’s most important for Lin at this point is
to build as much versatility as possible. Even with the strides he has made
with the bat, his future role is off a major-league bench, and the more
positions he can play the more value he’ll bring to his future team. Lin
didn’t play a ton of positions this year, but he did get time at shortstop
(his natural position) and center field. It’s the outfield that is so
important. We have seen him enough to know he can be at least passable all
around the infield, and that he continues to get time in center field means
he could be able to play all around the outfield as well. If that sticks,
Lin becomes a true super utility player and has legitimate value in the
majors as long as his bat avoids becoming a black hole.


The Negatives

As Lin’s power and general quality of contact has improved, we’ve seen a
backslide in his plate discipline as a result. It’s not terribly surprising
to see a worse overall approach at the plate as a player starts to hit for
more power, but it doesn’t make it much easier to swallow. Over his
professional career, the utility man has always been able to walk at a high
clip while also striking out at a rate well below the league average. That
wasn’t the case in 2018. In Triple-A, where he spent most of his time, he
walked just 7.6 percent of the time while he struck out 21.2 percent of the
time. It was a version of Lin we’ve almost never seen. In his short
major-league stint, to his credit, his walk rate did creep up above
11 percent, but he also struck out 23 percent of the time. If Lin can keep
up the power and BABIP, he can survive with these less-than-stellar plate
discipline numbers, particularly as a bench player with his versatility.
That’s betting big on relatively new developments in terms of contact
quality, though.


Lin also wasn’t the kind of baserunner we’ve grown accustomed to over his
professional career. Now, without seeing him everyday (since most of his
games were in the minors) it’s hard to know if this was simply a team
strategy thing or something had changed with Lin. The 24-year-old (he’ll
be 25 in February) had been a double-digit steals guy throughout his
professional career, but this year he only swiped three bases, with all of
them coming in Triple-A. In fact, Fangraphs rated him as a negative on the
bases in the majors, though again the sample is very small. Even worse, he
was caught more often than he was successful. Lin has never been a true
burner, but as we talked about above the amount of versatility he has is key
to his value. That doesn’t just mean defense, and if he can be a true pinch
running asset that will only help him. He took a step back in that area in


The Big Question
Was Tzu-Wei Lin’s 2017 a fluke?

It was a little while ago now, but Lin absolutely came out of nowhere in
2017 to be a legitimate major-league depth piece. He exploded in Double-A
to start the year after never showing any upside with the bat previously in
his professional career, and as the Red Sox were decimated by injury and
underperformance in the infield that year he got a shocking call-up to the
bigs. Given how surprising the surge in performance was, it was only natural
to think there was at least a chance it was a fluke, but Lin proved the
strides he made at the plate were very real. Again, he’s probably not
going to be a starter in the majors, particularly on a good team, but prior
to 2017 he was very likely not even a major leaguer. Now he should have a
solid career as a bench player after he continued to improve at the plate
in 2018.


The Year Ahead

Lin is expected to serve in a similar role in 2019 to the one he served in
2018. That’s not great news for the player, who likely feels he’s earned
a real chance at sticking on a major-league roster all year. He’s probably
right, but the Red Sox aren’t in a position to make that happen, and they
also aren’t in a position to trade him to a team that will. Lin’s best
chance at real time depends on the health of guys like Dustin Pedroia and
Marco Hernandez, which may actually be good news for Lin. The good news for
him is that this is his final year with a minor-league option, so this year
is just about maintaining value so he can be in a position to take a roster
spot with someone in 2020.

員,像Dustin Pedroia 或 Marco Hernandez的健康;而這對林子偉可能不是壞消息。


All Comments

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2018-12-24T20:12
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2018-12-25T12:31
就是明年之後取代Nunez了 Chavis明年應該也會上來看看能
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2018-12-26T05:40
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2018-12-29T05:59
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2018-12-31T14:20
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2019-01-03T21:27
推 搞不好能長成holt的生涯成績
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2019-01-08T15:21
除了打擊 其他武器不要失常啊
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2019-01-12T17:00
今年看他守備沒啥安心感 希望是小樣本誤差..
Una avatar
By Una
at 2019-01-15T12:09
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2019-01-17T21:40
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2019-01-21T01:47
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2019-01-22T04:49
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2019-01-25T13:49
推 主委加油
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2019-01-25T18:22

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