2013/8/10 DCI World Champ. Finals - 鼓號樂隊 Drum Corps

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2013-08-11T15:31

Table of Contents

2013 DCI World Class Finals
August 10, 2013 (Saturday)
Indianapolis, IN

World Class GEV GEM VP VA VC MB MA MP Pen Total
1 Carolina Crown 19.60 19.85 196 198 198 200 198 187 98.30
2 Blue Devils 19.75 19.30 198 197 199 196 194 196 98.05
3 The Cadets 19.25 19.50 191 192 189 197 197 198 96.95
4 Santa Clara Vanguard 19.40 19.25 193 194 196 193 193 195 96.85
5 Bluecoats 18.35 18.60 185 188 184 190 189 192 93.35
6 Phantom Regiment 18.75 18.45 188 189 192 188 187 177 93.25
7 The Cavaliers 18.35 17.80 182 181 180 180 182 182 90.50
8 Boston Crusaders 18.05 17.75 179 184 186 181 183 179 90.40
9 Madison Scouts 17.55 18.00 178 183 177 184 180 189 90.10
10 Blue Knights 17.55 17.60 177 173 182 175 177 168 87.75
11 Spirit of Atlanta 17.10 17.20 173 176 169 178 175 171 86.40
12 Blue Stars 16.75 16.95 171 170 172 176 171 175 85.45

GEV1: Marie Czapinski VP: Michael Turner MB: Albert Lo
GEV2: Richard Kemp VE: Michael Lentz ME: David McGrath
GEM1: John Bell CG: Lee Carlson MP: Jeff Prosperie
GEM2: Wayne Dillon

Carolina Crown 成為DCI第九支冠軍隊伍 Congrats~

1AK 2SCV 3MS 4BD 5Cadets 6Star 7Cav 8PR


All Comments

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2013-08-14T23:36
推Carolina Crown

Big, Loud & Live 10

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2013-08-10T00:23
沒辦法到Indianapolis看比賽 只好到LA的戲院看轉播 LA的觀眾支持Carolina Crown的比較多 BD的表演我在史丹福看過一次 但跟昨天一樣 觀眾的反應都很冷 但是昨晚的比賽之後還是BD最高分 比Carolina高0.15分...還有機會翻盤嗎? Troopers的表演我很喜歡 雖然他沒 ...

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