2012澳網第一輪賽後訪問(無翻譯) - 羅傑·費德勒 Federer

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2012-01-17T01:53

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Q. Everything fine, moving okay, twingefree?

ROGER FEDERER: Twinge means pain?

Q. Yes. Everything good?

ROGER FEDERER: Yeah. I mean, I expected otherwise honestly I would've been
worried and I would have mentioned something. I'm not keeping secrets about
that stuff.

But I've been feeling fine for three, four days now. Been able to practice
full out. Today was fine. It was just tough against a guy who hits big and
flat from both sides and takes a lot of chances.

In some ways, for the first match, it was a bit more how do you say intense,
where I felt a lot of pressure. Because in Abu Dhabi they were exhibitions,
and then in Doha, the first match with Davydenko was somewhat straightforward.

Then after that I got injured. So everything was a bit on a relaxeder [sic]
mode maybe, or then trying to come through with injury or the matches were too
easy, you know.

Here I really tried to put in an effort to every point play as hard as I could
first to see how the back felt, try to get into it, hopefully win, and then see
how I feel tomorrow.

I'll get a lot more information tomorrow, but I'm sure I'll be fine.

Q. Good day to play at night probably because of the heat.

ROGER FEDERER: No, I mean, I don't mind the heat. Actually, I would have
liked to play in the heat. It's been a tricky week in terms of practice
because there's been a lot of rain. I practiced twice indoors.

This has definitely been the hottest since we've been here. When I was warming
up, the ball was definitely flying much more than, again, tonight, because
conditions get significantly slower in these types of conditions.

Look, I'm just happy to be on Rod Laver Arena. Sure, nights is always quite
something. It's electric and it's nice to be out there.

Q. I'm sure you would have been made aware of some of the things that Rafael
Nadal said in here yesterday. You could call it criticism of you, perhaps.
Certainly the comments were quite outspoken. In those circumstances, do you
have any response to what I'm sure you've been told he said?

ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, I kind of heard it, you know. I saw him after he
said the comments Sunday was it, I guess? I saw him Sunday afternoon. I
asked him how the press went. I didn't know he spoke to the press.

He said, Yeah, it was fine. Mentioned a few things here and there. I was,
Okay, whatever. Then I read the comments. So things are fine between us, you
know. I have no hard feelings towards him.

It's been a difficult last few months in terms of politics within the ATP, I
guess, trying to find a new CEO and chairman. That can get frustrating

He's mentioned many times how he gets a bit tired and frustrated through the
whole process, and I shared that with him. It's normal. But for me, obviously
nothing changes in terms of our relationship. I'm completely cool and relaxed
about it. He seemed the same way or at least I hope so.

Q. It's fair to say you have differing views in terms of what should happen.

ROGER FEDERER: You want to know the issues or?

Q. He said you've got one view and the others have got something else.

ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I think that's normal. We can't always agree on
everything. So far it's always been no problem really. Back in the day he
used to say, Whatever Roger decides, I'm fine with.

Today he's much more grown up. He has a strong opinion himself, which I think
is great. It's what we need, especially on the council. It's been nice
working with him.

That he has a strong opinion also creates sometimes good arguments about where
you want to move the sport forward to.

You know, we talked about that in London after we played at midnight before, I
don't know, my semifinal match. We called each other after Davis Cup, and then
we met again here.

So we're always constantly trying to get on the same page, or at least talking
about it, so we can do the best for the sport. That's at the end of the day
both our goals.

Q. Specifically are you willing to talk about the point that possibly you
sometimes stand outside the process, maybe not getting behind some of the top
100 players, or does that come back to the differences in points of view, for
example, pushing for changes to prize money, things like that?

ROGER FEDERER: I was in the meeting, you know. I completely understand and
support the players' opinions. I just have a different way of going at it.
I'm not discussing it with you guys in the press room. It creates
unfortunately sometimes negative stories.

I think we've done really well over the years now since me and Rafa in
particular have joined the council, and also Novak in the past. And when Adam
led the ATP, I think we had a really calm relationship about politics and
about, you know, dealing with you guys.

So I choose not to talk about those issues with you guys. That doesn't mean
I don't support the players. I think of the players first. Usually when I
take decisions, I think of the lowerranked players first. I hope they know

Otherwise I wouldn't be sitting on the council, just trying to do what's best
for the top guys. I mean, I've been around for too long to just say, Okay,
we need more stuff for the top guys. I'm very happy if the lowerranked players
are doing better, too.

Q. Do you disagree with the concept of a strike in principle, or do you just
think it wouldn't work?

ROGER FEDERER: You know, it's such a dangerous word to use. That's why I
always say, Let's try to avoid it as much as we can, right? I think that would
be the best for all of us: you guys, fans, tournaments, players. It's not
good for anyone really. We've seen it in other sports happening in the States.
That's why I'm always very careful about it.

If there's no avoiding it, I'll support the rest of the players. But I just
think we have to think it through how we do it, if we do it, can we do it,
whatever it is, instead of just going out and screaming about it. That's not
how I think you're going to get results.

There's been too many tries and too many things done in the past that haven't
worked. That's where I just think we're on the right track and things are
under control, I think. I'm confident we'll get to a good solution in the near

Q. There seemed to be so many mentions of so many different issues, bits of
this issue here, that issue there, prize money, Davis Cup, whatever. How
important is it that there is one argument from the players' point of view?

ROGER FEDERER: One argument?

Q. Just one, a consistent view. Is that important, in your opinion?

ROGER FEDERER: I don't quite understand. I just want to make sure I
understand you.

Q. You ask 10 players, you might get 10 different issues raised.

ROGER FEDERER: Well, it's not normally that bad, but...

It's usually two or three. Well, there are more, many more, but they're
smaller problems.

Sometimes do you want to play white balls or yellow balls. Is that going to be
a big issue? Sometimes yes; sometimes no. It depends on how big the issue is
and how it impacts every layer of the tour. That's sometimes how you go at it.

Obviously within the system, you can't ask every single opinion, but you try to
represent every opinion that you have and you try to work on all those issues.

I thought we're going in a good direction. I thought the game was healthy.
We're in a golden era right now. Everybody is happy, talking positive. We've
been able to sign sponsors. We've been playing well. Al those things.

But I understand we can always try to do better. It shouldn't be just saying
like, Things are great. Let's not change anything. I think as a
perfectionist, professional, whatever you do in the business or as a tennis
player, I think you should always try to become as good as you can be or try to
just, you know, change things to as good as they can be for everyone.

Q. Is it perhaps taking it too far to say this could be potentially a defining
year in the relationship between the players, the tournaments, the Grand Slams?

ROGER FEDERER: Potentially. I don't know. I really don't have the crystal
ball with me. I wish I knew. But, like I said before, I'm confident that
we'll manage the year in a good way and we'll come to good terms with whatever
it is.

Right now I don't know what it is, but I'm sure it's going to be okay.

Q. Do you feel extra pressure coming to this tournament since it's been a
while since you won a Grand Slam, almost two years?

ROGER FEDERER: Not really. I mean, I feel pressure coming out and seeing my
girls on the other side of the court, seeing me walk on court. Maybe that
makes me nervous, which was the case today.

But otherwise I feel not particularly more pressure. I'm always excited. I
felt it, you know, actually walking down that Walk of Champions, getting out on
court and feeling like, you know what, I have good intensity and I am really
excited to see the Aussie crowd. Just go after another victory here hopefully
in the first round, and then take it from there.

So I was anxious to find out how I was going to play, how my opponent was going
to play me. So, yeah, I was really excited and a little nervous actually going
into it, which was a good feeling to have. I'm looking forward to the other

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All Comments

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2012-01-18T07:03
回應都蠻正面得體的 Roger辛苦了


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2012-01-17T00:03
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