2012/07/03 Corps Encore - 鼓號樂隊 Drum Corps

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2012-07-05T23:23

Table of Contents

Corps Encore

Place Corps Score
World Class
1 Blue Devils 81.300
2 Phantom Regiment 78.100
3 Santa Clara Vanguard 76.200
4 Boston Crusaders 73.400
5 Blue Knights 69.900
6 Cascades 51.800
Open Class
1 Thunder 68.300

這場比賽從Boston Crusaders開始看
整個就是爽 完全沒有冷場

我目前聽到最好的編曲是Boston Crusaders的羅馬之松跟馬勒第一號


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Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2012-07-02T02:23
Corps at the Crest Walnut Place Corps Score World Class 1 Blue Devils 77.650 2 Phantom Regiment 75.800 3 ...

2012/06/28 DCI Central Indiana

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2012-07-02T02:19
DCI Central Indiana Place Corps Score World Class 1 Carolina Crown 76.900 2 Madison Scouts 72.800 3 The C ...

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Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2012-06-25T04:40
DCI West Place Corps Score World Class 1 Blue Devils 74.750 2 Phantom Regiment 73.100 3 Santa Cl ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2012-06-22T14:55
離開熱死人的亞利桑那 PR抵達加州 早上氣溫濕度很舒服 晚上是冷的20度 才隔一天我們已經有20度的溫差體驗....... 這周末要在史丹福大學跟BD同場 今天的全表演看起來 只有對音質沒有信心 XD 其他都有可能贏 - ...

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Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2012-06-21T22:41
Wednesday, June 20, 2012 Battle Creek, MI Place Corps Score 1 Bluecoats 70.200 2 Blue Stars 66 ...