2011年四大洲花式滑冰錦標賽 緊急通知 - 溜冰 Skating

By Rae
at 2011-02-10T21:32
at 2011-02-10T21:32
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2011年四大洲花式滑冰錦標賽 緊急通知
由於四大洲花式滑冰錦標賽女子組參賽選手,最後確認人數未超過女子資格預賽需求之人數30人以上,故國際滑冰總會(ISU)於2月8日臨時決定已正式宣布取消原訂於2011年2月17日12:00~15:20之女子資格賽(Ladies Preliminary Round),此一場次之入場券大會也將不予發放索取,若有不便之處,敬請見諒。
This is an urgent notification for the cancellation for the Ladies Preliminary Round (12:00PM ~ 15:20PM, 17th February 2011), due to the number of participation has not been achieved yet. Therefore, the Organizing Committee will not be issuing the event ticket for Ladies Preliminary Round to those spectators who already registered through the Online Registration System for this event session.
Truly sorry for the inconvenience caused and your understanding will be highly appreciated!
由於四大洲花式滑冰錦標賽女子組參賽選手,最後確認人數未超過女子資格預賽需求之人數30人以上,故國際滑冰總會(ISU)於2月8日臨時決定已正式宣布取消原訂於2011年2月17日12:00~15:20之女子資格賽(Ladies Preliminary Round),此一場次之入場券大會也將不予發放索取,若有不便之處,敬請見諒。
This is an urgent notification for the cancellation for the Ladies Preliminary Round (12:00PM ~ 15:20PM, 17th February 2011), due to the number of participation has not been achieved yet. Therefore, the Organizing Committee will not be issuing the event ticket for Ladies Preliminary Round to those spectators who already registered through the Online Registration System for this event session.
Truly sorry for the inconvenience caused and your understanding will be highly appreciated!
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