2010法網第二輪賽後訪問 - 羅傑·費德勒 Federer

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2010-05-27T02:12

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Q. How much did the conditions bother you at all today? Was the coming on and
off the court annoying, or how did you feel about that?


ROGER FEDERER: Well, I thought ?? obviously the court played very different to
two days ago. You know, the texture of the clay changes drastically when
there's no sun. It gets wet. Conditions slow down, you know, a lot.


So that was a bit of an adjustment I had to make when I started the match.
Obviously I practiced before, and that gave me a sense of how it was going to
But the first rain delay wasn't too long. We got in and, and 10, 15 minutes
later we're back out. It was a matter of quickly changing shirt and getting a
chance to speak to your coach and coming up with the proper game plan
depending on the scoreline.


I think that helped me, actually, because after that I played a good set. He
gave me some good advice, and obviously the second rain delay was actually
quite comfortable because I was up two sets to love.
So from then on, everything is much more easier and much more relaxed.


Q. As you said, here the playing conditions change a lot with the weather. Can
you elaborate how they change? Secondly, what is the best playing condition
for you here? Is it very hot or very in between?


ROGER FEDERER: Really, to me, it doesn't matter too much. I've learned to play
in all conditions. These kind of conditions are hard to practice in because
usually you don't have the covers, you don't have all the guys doing all the
hard work.
But, I mean, it's great you have it here obviously for all of us, really. What
did you say?

問題?? (恍神了嗎??)

Q. How did the weather conditions change the game? 天氣如何影響比賽?

ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, the ball travels differently. I don't know how to
explain it. I guess it travels faster through the court, so I hit a slice
that's a bit floating.
In these conditions it maybe stays in the court. In the other one, it just
travels out by a meter. This is the kind of stuff you feel. Then on the serve,
the way the ball bounces off the court, it jumps off the court. Here it just
kind of like, okay it's there. Doesn't pick up more pace when it hits the
ground. Those kind of things.
And then the dropshot though in wet weather like today stays really low, and
you can knife the ball through the clay. So, you know, I think there's
advantages and disadvantages, and you've got to use them to yours if you can.


Q. When you spoke about coming back after the rain delays, you said your coach
gave you good advice and therefore you were able to hit Alejandro while he was
maybe cold. Was that a particularly planned strategy during both the first and
the second rain delays?


ROGER FEDERER: Well, the first rain delay I was trying to play more aggressive.
He convince me that I should do it and try it and come to the net more often
and take chances, which I started to do. That's what worked second set.
Then the third set, as the conditions were getting so slow, he said, Use the
dropshot more often, as well, which I did on a couple of key points. So those
were good things he told me. Those little details make a crucial difference.
That one break, for instance, in the third. Instead of having to play at even
score I can play with a break advantage, and that changes momentum big time.


Q. Why do you think the first set was so hard for you? Do you think he was
playing at a very high level, or do you think you were not in the match yet?


ROGER FEDERER: I thought the first set was good, actually, from both sides.
Maybe we had a lot of, how do you say, unforced errors, but rallies were long
and we were neutralizing each other. So then obviously the points would always
end usually with a mistake sooner or later.
I think he really pushed me to come up with something special, which I
couldn't do in the first set, really. I definitely got a little bit lucky to
get out of that one. It's a matter of getting into his service games a bit
better, because many times I just was always down 15?Love, and then he had the
ad side to serve against.
As a lefty that's an advantage, so he went up 30?Love quite often. I never
really got a chance to get into his service games, only until really I was
able to break him at 6-5.
So, you know, I think he played tough. I mean, both times when I played him
before, he was -- I had much more control from the baseline. But he was able
to today to take the ball early and guide it into wherever he wanted to play
it to. I thought it was impressive what he was able to do today.


Q. So much is made of a player/coach relationship. Do you think that Severin's
role in your career at the moment is slightly underrated, and perhaps people
don't give him as much credit as he perhaps deserves?


ROGER FEDERER: Well, I don't know. It depends on who you ask or who speaks.
Maybe he doesn't have the biggest name in the game because he wasn't No. 1 in
the world himself or has coached 15 other top guys, you know.
I don't think you necessarily need that to be a good coach, you know. He gives
everything he has every day, and people still think he's a part-time coach,
which he's obviously not because he's traveled the last two, three years with
me now full time.
He's also Davis Cup captain, so he has a lot of experience by now, obviously.
It works really well with me. Also in tougher times, which we had to go through
the last three years, he's always been very positive. Maybe he's underrated
because I don't follow too much what you guys write about him, maybe.
I know he doesn't speak too much to you guys,so we don't talk about it.

是part time的教練。但他顯然不是,因為過去兩三年他都跟著我到處比賽。
他也是davis cup的隊長,顯然他有很多經驗。他和我合作的很好,總是很正面。也許

Q. You have such a deep understanding of the history of the game and an
appreciation of the heritage of our sport. You spoke briefly on this the other
day, but I wanted to ask you to reflect on what it would mean for the
tournament to move from this site which has such a heritage. Would this be in
some way a loss for our game or not?


ROGER FEDERER: Well, do you think really it's gonna change, or is it more just
story than...


Q. I don't know for sure, but I think it's ?? I think it's a possibility, and a
significant one.


ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, we'll see. I mean, I also believe in traditions
and everything, but it's got to make sense for sense for everyone. Obviously
it would be very disappointing if it moves away from here.
But if they do it, they must have good reasons. Those reasons sometimes are
more important than all the history and all the traditions we've had. I mean,
I hope it stays here. I'd love to come back in 20 years', 40 years' time.


Q. You had the rain delays today in your match. Do you think for a match in
a Grand Slam tournament on center court it's acceptable, and do you think
there should be a necessity for any Grand Slam tournament to have a roof on
center court?


ROGER FEDERER: Poor guys are getting hammered, eh? Yeah, we need a roof badly.
Tomorrow, if possible. What can I say? It would be great to have a roof. But
this is how this game has been played for decades. We're used to walking on
and off the court and being flexible about these kind of things.
Now obviously it looks a bit like Paris and the French Open is a bit under
pressure because Wimbledon and obviously the Australian Open both have roofs.
At least you have a few matches in, so we have at least some things to write
You know, it's one of those things. They gotta know when the right time is to
make these kind of moves. I think everybody would love to see matches going on
the whole time. But for me, it's totally acceptable to walk on and off the
court a few times during a match.

Poor guys are getting hammered(啥意思?)是的,我們非常需要屋頂。最好明天

Q. Roger ?? over here.

ROGER FEDERER: It's coming from this speaker, you know. It's like you're
sitting in the closet. (Laughter.)

Q. Sorry, my ventriloquism trick will be next. You've used a variety of
practice partners in tournaments or in Dubai. What kind of quality do you look
for in a practice partner?


ROGER FEDERER: Well, it's a lot of fun, I think, if juniors come over 16, 17,
18 year olds, because for them, anything I need them for in practice, they're
excited. They learn and improve themselves, you know, which is important to
me, too.
Because I don't like to just say, Okay, stand in the corner, and I know the guy
hates it and he leaves and he feels like it wasn't worth it. You couldn't do
that to another top 10 player, for instance, because for him it's not his goal
to do that.
But with a junior, he finds that very interesting to then see me, how I
practice or what I do and how I breathe and live tennis, really. So I think
that's something I look for, is the guy who is eager and excited to come to
practice with me and gives 100%.
And maybe he's tired, he lets me know, because that's completely normal, too,
in hot conditions like in Dubai sometimes. Then sometimes you feel like, you
know, that I would love to have a lefty; sometimes you feel like you need a
righty; obviously you always have the coach.
So sometimes I have two sparring partners or two juniors come over and -- or
then a good friend, you know, from Switzerland. That always works very well.

但和年輕人練,他會非常有興趣看我如何練球、我做什麼,我如何breathe and
live tennis(非常傳神...)。很興奮要和我練球、並且盡100%努力,就是我要找

Q. Sorry, the question is not too technical, but when you come out of the
locker rooms and you have to come for a press conference ??

ROGER FEDERER: Yeah. (laughter.)

Q. ?? how easy it is? Because you come, you have to wear the hat which has to
match the color with the jacket...


ROGER FEDERER: No, it doesn't need to.

Q. No? You don't pay attention to that?

ROGER FEDERER: No, that's all I have in my bag. It's pretty simple.

Q. You never get confused?

ROGER FEDERER: No. Because does this shirt match this jacket? I don't think so.

You know, that's all I had with me. Sometimes I feel like my hair is not the
right way so I put the hat on. Like today. That's why I'm sitting here this

Q. It's not a sponsor? Okay. All right. Thanks a lot.

ROGER FEDERER: No, no way.

fed說他沒有注意過,這些東西都放在他包包裡。他不覺得他的t shirt有配他的外

Q. My question is about your coach, coming back to your coach. What do you ask
to a coach exactly? I mean, the level you are, the knowing you have about game
and everything, the experience you have, which answer your coach, this coach
can give to you that you don't know? And what are you really looking for in a
coach now?


ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, I don't have the time to go scout out future
opponents. Like today, for instance, I don't know if they will be able to play
Rochus and Reister. But Reister, I think I've only warmed up with him once in
Hamburg a couple years ago. Obviously I don't remember how he plays.

Obviously Olivier I know well, but there's still maybe that something extra out
there I have forgotten or I don't know still and he can come up with. Then
it's just good to have someone to be able to debate about my game and the
opponents' game and come up with a game plan, obviously.


I have my ideas from all my experience, but then he's also seen my past matches
the last day, the last weeks, the practice sessions, and then he's got a good
sense of what I'm doing well and not so well. Then you can structure a game
around those problems or those strengths.

Yeah, so it's been going well and smooth. But then again, every player needs
different things. It's crazy how players think. You know, for some, the coach
is not important; for some it's the physio; for some it's not the physio but
the condition trainer; for some it's just good to have a friend on tour.

I think every player needs to look what they need most, really.


THE MODERATOR: Questions in French, please.

Q. We'll still be talking about the coach. Now, in such a situation like today,
does it sometimes happen that you don't agree with your coach when you analyze
this situation? You know, like the tips he gives you, Severin? If this is the
case, who's going to decide finally?


ROGER FEDERER: Well, I know I'll ask him, Why have you said this? Why have I
said this? We never say the other one is totally crazy. No, no, it's never
happened to us. Never.
It's never happened with any of my coaches, because it's always reasonable.
There's always a reason why they say these things.


Q. I think that before the press conference you received a DVD with statistics
for your match. I'd like to know if you look at statistics with attention, if
you draw conclusions for the future match, or not.


ROGER FEDERER: Not really. I don't know if the DVD is just about the statistics
or the match. What is more important for me is to watch the match. So, you
know, I keep on CD 80% of my matches, and then my coach can analyze the old
matches, for instance.
And also, for me,it's for me so that I have a nice connection. My father likes
this collection. We can't watch these 800 matches, but at least a few hundred.


Q. You never shout on court, almost never, when you hit the balls. Today during
the first point during the tiebreak you were running on a dropshot, and then
you shouted a little. Is it because you felt some type of relief or to
encourage yourself? And when the opponent shouts a lot, do you think about
this? Do you forget about this? Or does that give you hints about his mental
position at the moment during the match?


ROGER FEDERER: I don't shout very often because I don't need to play better and
shout. Some people think that when they shout they're in a trance, you see.
Some do this during practice and not during a match and vice versa.
I understand this, because if you start doing this then you feel that you can
hit more strongly, because when you shout you have the impression that it's a
bigger effort. Well, there is, depending on the player.

What I don't really like is when some players shout during three shots, and
then they don't shout for two shots and then they shout again for three shots.
This is something incomprehensible.

Frankly, I don't know when it happens to me, but it's important to have this
fire with me. When I'm excited, if the point is important, then this is what
is important. This is the key to me.
Sometimes you might think I shout more because I'm a bit more tired, but it
could be like pretending. No, I don't really pay attention to this.


Q. Now, the match is not yet over and it's bad for him.


Q. For Olivier. But let's say Olivier wins. What about playing against him?
What are the memories you have when you played against him?


ROGER FEDERER: Well, he's a good friend. I like to play with him. I played
juniors at Wimbledon a long time ago with him, and we always had difficult
matches when we played against each other.
One of the best backhands on the tour. He's exceptionally talented. Therefore,
playing against him is always something very pleasant. He has such a touch. He
reads the game and anticipates.


Q. When you were playing juniors he would beat you or defeat you regularly.
Were you frustrated to some extent? Because you were saying that when you were
playing juniors you were more nervous than usual.


ROGER FEDERER: Well, you know, under 14s, under?16s or 15s, he was really
strong. He was the strongest one, and, you know, it's the world of tennis.
I knew I was not stable enough, my backhand was not good. My forehand was
dangerous, and my serve, as well. I started growing when I was 15 or 16 only.
It happened once. I can tell you what happened. I was so powerful and my
backhand improved a lot, and then I could defeat him.
In 1998 when I was No. 1 I defeated him I think once or twice, and I felt that
things were changing for me. I made many efforts, a lot of progress, but to
start with it was frustrating. I felt I was so far away from some people, like
Malisse as well 6-1, 6-2. It was a dropshot and then a lob. (laughter.)
So, you see, after the match you'll think, Okay, he was a year older at that
time. It makes a difference. And, you know, at least I can tell you this
calmed me down.

那時他很強。我不夠穩定,我的反手、正手、發球,都不夠好。我15 16歲時開始進步
那時Malisse 6-1 6-2贏我。比賽過後,我安慰自己他大我一歲,這真的很有效。
Tags: 網球

All Comments

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2010-05-27T06:49
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2010-05-27T11:26
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2010-05-27T16:03
推 辛苦了 翻譯真的累 這次的訪問問得不錯
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2010-05-27T20:40
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2010-05-28T01:17
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2010-05-28T05:53
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2010-05-28T10:30
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2010-05-28T15:07
會扯到教練大概是 Paul Annacone要離開LTA... XD
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2010-05-28T19:44
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2010-05-29T00:21
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2010-05-29T04:58
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2010-05-29T09:35
George avatar
By George
at 2010-05-29T14:12


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2010-05-27T01:53
今日賽程因雨僅完成下列賽事,其餘賽事順延至明天。 女單方面,Amanmuradova直落二生涯首度晉級大滿貫第三輪,將對上南非選手Scheepers, 有機會繼續創造個人大滿貫最佳成績。 男雙方面,五號種子Bhupathi及Mirnyi的組合順利晉級; 女雙方面,十號種子詹詠然及鄭潔的組合也順利晉級。 ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2010-05-27T00:12
Court Philippe Chatrier Menand#39;s Singles - 2nd Rnd. Roger Federer SUI (1) 7(7) 6 6 Alejandro Falla COL 6(4) 2 4 Elaps ...

Kimiko Date Krumm def. Dinara Safina …

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2010-05-26T23:50
俄羅斯頂尖女將都有一個明顯的特徵。容易出成績,也容易掉成績。 容易得天下,也容易失天下。這可能跟他們打法單一,一但武器失靈, 就沒有第二套抗衡的辦法有關。我們來看看下列例子: 1.始祖級:Anastasia Myskina Tournament 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 C. ...

Re: R1 Recap

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-05-26T23:32
女單方面, 最受矚目的似乎是Venus的球衣而非眾家女將的戰績:P Venus/Serena都順利過關,Oudin則中箭落馬。 Mattek-Sand和Lepchenko在美國人對決中勝出, 老將Craybas擊退英國選手Oand#39;Brien晉級。 今年男女單第一輪都繳出5-5成績,總計10-10, ...

R1 Recap

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2010-05-26T23:23
Roddick這個世代的美國男單,對紅土和法網的不擅長眾所皆知。 近一兩年領軍的Isner/Querrey開始有了突破,也讓人期待今年的表現。 第一輪的法網賽事已經全部告一段落,對美國男單可說憂喜參半。 Andy在Miami之後就沒有出賽,這場第一輪對上老將Nieminen的比賽, 是他今年第一場紅土比賽, ...