2010 Roland Garros QF - 拉斐爾·納達爾 Nadal

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2010-06-04T01:36

Table of Contents

R. Nadal/Nicolas Almagro
7-6(2), 7-6(3), 6-4

An interview with:Rafael Nadal

Q. Last year you had a tough game against a Swede, Robin Soderling. Yesterday
he won over Roger Federer. Were you surprised over the way he won that game?

Q. 去年你和瑞典人Robin Soderling有一場艱辛的比賽。昨天他打贏了Roger Federer,

RAFAEL NADAL: Sure, no, for me Roger was the favorite, but played
unbelievable. I think his serve was very difficult to return, the first serve
and the second serve, too, was very hard.
And from the baseline, all the balls, he touch all the balls. He's 100%, I
think, and most of the ones was very close to the lines inside. It's very
difficult to win against Robin when he is play like this.


Q. If you will meet him this year again, do you feel that you have a big
revenge to take out on him?

Q. 如果你今年又和他再次對上,你覺得你有機會復仇嗎?

RAFAEL NADAL: I never think about revenges. And I am in semifinals against
Melzer. Will be very difficult match. So I am focused on that match right
now, no?
I gonna tell you that right now. When I go on court, I don't think if I lost
last time is gonna be revenge. I never go by this way. I think that's if you
think of that, you think this way, your mind is not 100% calm to think what
you have to do.


Q. It seemed to me in the first point of the second tiebreak you served and

Q. 就我看來,在第二盤的搶七的第一分,你好像發球上網?

RAFAEL NADAL: You like it today, no?


Q. Yeah. Is that fun for you? All the thinking, is this the right time?
Should I try now? Is that enjoyable to think of all the tactics?

Q. 對。這對你來說很有趣嗎?思考這些事。現在是時候嗎?我要試試看嗎?對你來說

RAFAEL NADAL: I gonna repeat the same like last time: I am not thinking I
gonna do serve and volley before the serve. But if I see the serve is good
and the opponent was like this, I have the chance to go inside?
Today I served much better the rest of the days, especially the slice serve,
so I had the chance to go inside a few times, and I did well.


Q. When you do that, is there a satisfaction because maybe it's very clever,
very smart that you surprise your opponent?

Q. 當你這麼做的時候,你可能會因為你很聰明,可以嚇唬對手而感到滿足嗎?

RAFAEL NADAL: I am satisfaction because I won a point (Smiling.)


Q. How pleased were you with your focus throughout the match today, Rafa?
Because Nicolas was hitting a solid, clean ball for most of the match. You
have to stay very strong.

Q. 你對你今天整場比賽都很專注感到滿意嗎?因為Nicolas幾乎整場比賽都打的相當乾淨

RAFAEL NADAL: I started terrible. I started the beginning of the match
terrible. I threw all the balls outside. I have a chance in the 2 0. I played
little bit better that game, but Nicolas give me the chance himself because
he had some mistakes, too.
But after that, was very difficult to play against him, because I came back
very soon with the 3 All. So that was very important for me in the first set.
After that was very difficult to have a break on him because his serve is
hard, and he was playing very hard from the baseline, touching the ball very
well, long with the backhand, with the forehand, and quite difficult, no?
You know, I was a little bit nervous to play as long as I really would like
to play. I really wanted to play a little bit longer, but I can't today. But
is because of the opponent too, no?
So I am very happy how I played the tiebreaks. I played very aggressive, very
focused, and in important moments I think I played better than the rest of
the match. That's a very good news, no?

Q. Do you prefer to play Soderling or Federer on clay?

Q. 你比較想在紅土上和Soderling還是Federer打?

RAFAEL NADAL: I prefer to play that match, because if I have to play that
match, well, will be because I am in the final. So for me it doesn't matter
the opponent, because I think about my part of the draw.
I know how difficult this is be in the final of Grand Slam, and the player
who gonna be there will be the more difficult. If it's Roger, it's Roger. If
it's Soderling, it's Soderling.
But I repeat: For me, the thing is be there. When I am in semifinals, it's
very good news for me. But remain a lot of work to be in this time final, and
a very difficult opponent.


Q. You're facing the Austrian Jurgen Melzer in the semifinals. What do you
know about him, and what do you expect?

Q. 你在半決賽要對上奧地利人Jurgen Melzer。你知道什麼有關他的事,你預期會怎樣?

RAFAEL NADAL: He's playing unbelievable. He played against David Ferrer, I
saw him in the match. Last round against who? Gabashvili really was difficult
match, too, because Tiemuraz was playing really well, too.
And today is a big comeback against Djokovic playing high level. I saw him in
the end of the match playing very aggressive, serving well.
So will be very difficult opponent. If he's in semifinals, is because he's
the best of his draw.

豆:他打的相當不可思議。我看了他對上David Ferrer的比賽。上一輪對上誰?

Q. Does playing a left hander pose you any different problems?

Q. 和左手球員打會讓你有任何不同的問題嗎?

RAFAEL NADAL: Always is a change a little bit the tactics and a little bit
the game. But he's the third one for me in this tournament. I don't hate to
play against left handers. I like.


Q. Someone was telling me that you changed your strings in December, January
maybe. Are you playing with different strings now this year?

Q. 有人告訴我你在12月或是1月的時候換了線。你今年是用不同線打嗎?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, the black. I had before yellow.


Q. Is it just the color or is it...

Q. 只是顏色不同還是…

RAFAEL NADAL: No, it's totally different string, yeah.


Q. Have they helped the spin, or does it provide more difference for you?

Q. 它們是會讓球更旋轉嗎?或是對你來說有更多不同?

RAFAEL NADAL: Maybe. I think it's easier to feel the ball. Probably feeling
the ball better more times than before, so that's maybe is very important
Seems like the ball stays more time on the racquet, so is easier to have the
control. I changed the string in December, yeah.


Q. Are you going to celebrate your birthday tomorrow? Because, well, at least
this year you're here. Last year you went home and relaxed. But this year you
have time.

Q. 你明天會去慶生嗎?因為,嗯,至少今年你還在巴黎,去年你回家休息了。但今年你

RAFAEL NADAL: I gonna celebrate during the day, not during the night, I
think. I gonna have time at Mallorca to celebrate the birthday during the
night (laughter.)


Q. When you're watching Roger last night, are you hoping maybe he will win
because he's No. 1, you're No. 2, you're very close, you're the best players
so you like the best players to win? Or are you hoping maybe he doesn't win
because maybe it makes it easier for you?

Q. 當你昨晚看Roger比賽時,你會想要他贏嗎?因為他是世界第一,你是第二,而身為

RAFAEL NADAL: No, the true is I always love to see the best players win,
because I know that the loses for the best players are harder than for the
For example, I sure if I lost today against Nicolas was much harder for me
than for him if he lose today. Sure, for everybody is hard to lose, no?
But, well, if I have to say seriously what I prefer to play against, for me,
I not thinking this way. We think about the ranking. Sure is better if Roger
lost, no? But, you know, I always say the same. I believe if you are No. 1 or
you are not No. 1, you can't be all the time thinking about No. 1.
We will see the end of the season what has happened.


THE MODERATOR: Questions in Spanish.

Q. That was a very difficult, very tough match, wasn't it, at the beginning,
and it was hard?

Q. 這是場非常困難的比賽,對嗎?尤其在一開始的時候,非常艱難。

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, it was hard all the time. Well, not at the beginning. It
was rather easy at the beginning, even for him.
I think that, yes, it was a difficult match, especially from a mental
standpoint. I had to return well, and I had the feeling that I was not
capable of playing the way I wanted because he was so powerful. I had to be
very careful on the serve because I could make mistakes, and this is what I
At the beginning I lost my serve, and then I managed to win his serve and not
to allow him to break me. When I really needed to play my best tennis, I had
the opportunity of doing that.
So I'm very happy I played this match in three sets, because it was very


Q. In the Melzer/Djokovic match, there were 28 match points, and for you just
a few match points. So it was very tight, very close.

Q. 在Melzer/Djokovic的比賽中有28次的賽末點,而你只有幾個。所以比分咬的很緊,

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, that's a quarterfinal of a Grand Slam. I mean, you can't
get an easy match. It's very rare you can get a rather easy match. But those
who make it to quarterfinals, they deserve it. They play very good tennis.
So I managed to win, because there were some tiny differences on the
tiebreak. So I played better. He had a beautiful game, but I managed to serve
well today. And if I won this match, it's thanks to his mistakes.


Q. It's been a long time you've not had a warning from the umpire for the
time you take, and at 5 4, did you talk about it with Carlos? Was it about

Q. 你有很久沒被警告過發球前準備時間太長了。這次,在5-4時,你是跟Carlos在講這個

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I talked to Carlos because well, on the first one to
accept this, because if I deserve it, I deserve it. And I think this put a
bit of pressure on me, and then I had to play with pressure.
But these are the rules, and I understand the rules. So if I need a warning,
and if I deserve it, I deserve it. They told me already I was a bit slow and
taking a bit too much time.
I said I would improve, and at 5 4 in the second set I had this warning
because I was taking a bit too much time. I was a bit too slow.
I thought I was being very fast. I didn't even take the time to wipe my face.
I need a bit of time to think, and I had the feeling that I was, you know,
too much aware of the time. I didn't want to be fined or to get a penalty
point. I was making big efforts to be as quick as possible.
But I couldn't be any quicker, honestly. I think the second warning was not a
warning I deserved. But, well, okay. I have a watch. I could have watched it.
I didn't. (laughter.)


Q. Last year Soderling beat you, and he plays very well; yesterday he won to
Federer. So he looks like this giant eater. What do you think about him, and
has your perception about him changed?

Q. 去年Soderling打敗了你,而他打的非常好;昨天他贏了Federer。你覺得他怎樣,

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I think that he's more solid from a mental perspective.
He's won many matches, so he's capitalized with regards to confidence. He had
a very good game level, but he lacked confidence. Now he has that confidence.
And that was strange his ranking was not that good when you consider his
level. And in Spain, Fernando Verdasco, that's a similar case. We know he has
huge potential, but at one stage well, you know he plays exceptional tennis,
but it's a bit late now. He's 26.
Whereas Soderling, well, he started slightly earlier, and he is a great


Q. You're in semifinals. That's obviously very important for you. I do
realize you're not thinking about the final and being No. 1.

Q. 你現在進入了半決賽。這顯然對你來說相當重要。我發現你不太考慮決賽或成為世界

RAFAEL NADAL: It's not I'm not thinking about it. That's the way it is.
My objective is to make it to the final, and then if I come out No. 1, fine.
But, you know, it's a long year, and it's probably not Roland Garros that's
going to decide it.
But that's not my objective. I want to be focused on each match, and I've
seen that my next opponent is very solid. I've seen him play, and all I can
well, some of you might think it's a surprise he makes it to semifinal.
But trust me, if he made it to the semifinal it's because he played extremely
well. He has an extremely good level, and he is a very dangerous player.
What else can I tell you? Well, I'll try and do my best. I'll try and be
positive. In any case, I'll be No. 2 after this tournament. We'll see later.
I think I played better than Murray, Djokovic, so maybe I'll score more
points for the ranking. But my ranking will also depend on the final outcome
of this tournament. Then we'll see. But I know I have scored many points so

  世界第一,這很好。但你知道,這是很長的一年,或許不是Roland Garros就決定

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2010-06-04T10:01
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2010-06-04T18:26
第三輪我正在翻 有人要領走第四輪的嗎?...
James avatar
By James
at 2010-06-05T02:51
Rafa真是個好孩子~~ 不過想到蘇打綠戲仿他準備動作就很難
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2010-06-05T11:15
喜歡這瑞典人啊 北歐倫不是都比較害羞內向的嗎 XD
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2010-06-05T19:40
感謝!!翻得真好!! :)
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2010-06-06T04:05
完全體= =a 這翻的真是簡潔有力阿
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2010-06-06T12:30
有實力又謙虛 他真的很成熟
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2010-06-06T20:54
辛苦了 真的很長 謝謝翻譯^^
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2010-06-07T05:19
謝謝翻譯 他真是會說話XD 好討人喜歡
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2010-06-07T13:44
謝謝翻譯 真是顆貼心又討人喜歡的豆豆<( ̄︶ ̄)>
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2010-06-07T22:09


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2010-06-04T01:02
可惜了! 決勝盤搶十9-8領先時,浪費一個賽末點, Shvedova/Knowle挑戰個人第一座混雙冠軍失敗,屈居亞軍; 這也是Srebotnik/Zimonjic搭檔的第二座法網混雙冠軍。 Mixed Doubles Final: (6) K.Srebotnik (SLO) / N.Zimonjic ( ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2010-06-04T00:52
男雙方面,三號種子Paes和Dlouhy的組合打進男雙決賽, 決賽將對上二號種子Nestor和Zimonjic的組合, 這是Paes繼99年、01年及09年之後第四次打進法網男雙決賽, 將挑戰個人第四座法網男雙冠軍。 男雙四強: (3)Dlouhy(CZE)/(3)Paes(IND) d. (10) Kn ...

Day 12

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2010-06-04T00:33
一起畫下了句點~ Boysand#39; Singles - Fourth Round James Duckworth(AUS) def. Gianni Mina(FRA)[3] 6-3 6-4 Girlsand#39; Doubles - Third Round Timea Babos(HUN) ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2010-06-04T00:25
對費迷來說 這次的法網失利 應該是個沉痛的打擊 不只無法破山普拉斯記錄 滿貫四強的神話也隨之煙消雲散 我想~時候到了 我們必須承認 我們的國王也會老去 縱使再怎麼不情願 時間是無法視而不見的 ROGER的神乎棋技 也終究會流失在時間的洪流裡 但我想它帶給我們的感動 是時間帶不走的 ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2010-06-04T00:22
ID:silvia0522 性別:女 什麼時候成為Rogi的球迷:2004年的溫布頓..最近才發現這個版 最喜歡Rogi的一點:沉穩優雅的球風,感覺是個好相處的人 對Rogi的期許(或明年的期待):費拔繼續破紀錄吧~要多打幾年等我存好錢去看現場阿 最喜歡本版的哪一個地方:許多Rogi的球迷,以及li ...