2010 Roland Garros 6/8 - 拉斐爾·納達爾 Nadal

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2010-06-09T10:22

Table of Contents

Hello everyone,

I write (finally) this last blog of Roland Garros already in London. My most
sincere apologies for not writing to you all since Friday but I think I have
the perfect excuse. I just didn't feel writing anything on Saturday, before the
final. I was a bit nervous, a bit wanting to go to sleep and let Sunday begin
to play the final.


I truly don't know where to start writing this one. There are so many things I
could tell, to write, so many emotions!


I can tell you that I didn't have one minute off since the end of the final
till now, this morning, already Tuesday. Since the end of that match point till
last night when I went to my favourite restaurant here in London, I have not
had 5 minutes to rest. And I am playing today too!!!


So to make the story short, this is what I did Sunday after the final: Media
for 2 hours, back at the hotel live TV with Spain, main news show. Then the
dinner/party that Benito and Carlos had prepared. Amazing. We had really a
great time! We went to L'Arc that was specially open for us. Had a great dinner
there... we were 50! and they treated us great. Then party there too,
downstairs, an amazing place. We had a lot of fun. My family, my team, most of
my sponsors and some friends were there.

西班牙電視台的現場直播訪問;跟著是晚上Benito & Carlos為我準備的生日趴,那真是太好

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2010-06-12T20:55
感謝翻譯!!! 這篇還有"繼續閱讀"喔(伸手等翻譯XDD~)


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2010-06-09T08:21
每一次大滿貫期間,我日常生活的心情,總隨著federer的表現好壞起伏不定 越是接近決賽,我就越來越心神不寧 每天又興奮又害怕,緊張到胃都痛了 他贏了,我總是笑到好幾天合不攏嘴 他輸了,我覺得好像世界末日來臨一樣 我喜愛的球類比賽不多,其實也只喜歡看籃球和網球 曾經令我這麼瘋狂著迷的球員也只有michae ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2010-06-09T06:20
[1] R Federer (SUI) d J Nieminen (FIN) 64 64 草地重新開始! 第一場比賽還蠻不錯的,幾個扣殺都讓人看得很過癮, 發球也還蠻強勢的,第二盤發球局只讓Nieminen拿到三分, 當然還是有一些要再加強的地方, 許我們一個美好的草地賽季吧! Rogi的賽後發 ...

London (Queen's) & Halle

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2010-06-09T03:44
昨天po的時候忘記Mahut第一輪對小盧0rz AEGON Championships ATP World Tour 250 London, England 7-13 June, 2010 Tuesday, 8 June 2010 Singles - Second Round R Schuettler ...

AEGON Championships R2 Match Statistics

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2010-06-09T02:02
Menand#39;s Singles-2nd Rnd Finals. Match Completed Central Court ════════════════ ╔══════════════╦════╗ ║ Match Statistics ║ Ⅰ Ⅱ║ ╠═════════ ...

最新ATP Race排名

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2010-06-08T21:41
http://www.menstennisforums.com/showthread.php?t=155559 Year to date積分 01 Rafael Nadal (ESP) 6300 (確定進入年終八強) 02 Roger Federer (SUI) ...