2008年1月27日 板聚影片(全) - 鼓號樂隊 Drum Corps

By Suhail Hany
at 2011-12-13T07:42
at 2011-12-13T07:42
Table of Contents
※ 引述《sunrice (蘇打餅乾)》之銘言:
: drum corps板第一次板聚影片
: http://youtu.be/5LPhthOvkIc
: 讓大家回味一下
啟方放Phantom Regiment吹的Amazing Grace錄音
讓我想起今年在美國當PR義工時 一位很照顧我的阿公
在車上聽到這張CD時跟我說 他希望在他自己的葬禮時
樂團演奏這首曲子幫他送行 如果可以 我也好想選這首啊~~
啟方也提到"Phantom Regiment"這團名的由來
我補充一下,當年看到有首曲子叫做"Phantom Regiment March"
大家很喜歡這名 於是就取了"Phantom Regiment"
Mike had a recording of the Syracuse Brigadiers. We wondered what were
the song titles that they were playing and checked with a copy of Drum Corps
World where their repertoire was listed. One of the listings was Phantom
Regiment March. Well, we looked at each other, and together said, "How about
Phantom Regiment for the name of our corps?" Keep in mind we weren't exactly
sure which tune was in fact the Phantom Regiment March, but the title
certainly caught our imagination. We took the idea to Alex who was
immediately enthused. He said we would call the corps the Phantom Regiment
and the color guard the Phantomettes.
Phantom Regiment的旗隊叫什麼? 答案是Phantomettes
: drum corps板第一次板聚影片
: http://youtu.be/5LPhthOvkIc
啟方放Phantom Regiment吹的Amazing Grace錄音
讓我想起今年在美國當PR義工時 一位很照顧我的阿公
在車上聽到這張CD時跟我說 他希望在他自己的葬禮時
樂團演奏這首曲子幫他送行 如果可以 我也好想選這首啊~~
啟方也提到"Phantom Regiment"這團名的由來
我補充一下,當年看到有首曲子叫做"Phantom Regiment March"
大家很喜歡這名 於是就取了"Phantom Regiment"
Mike had a recording of the Syracuse Brigadiers. We wondered what were
the song titles that they were playing and checked with a copy of Drum Corps
World where their repertoire was listed. One of the listings was Phantom
Regiment March. Well, we looked at each other, and together said, "How about
Phantom Regiment for the name of our corps?" Keep in mind we weren't exactly
sure which tune was in fact the Phantom Regiment March, but the title
certainly caught our imagination. We took the idea to Alex who was
immediately enthused. He said we would call the corps the Phantom Regiment
and the color guard the Phantomettes.
Phantom Regiment的旗隊叫什麼? 答案是Phantomettes
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