2007/5/31 , from Paris - 拉斐爾·納達爾 Nadal

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2009-05-17T23:17

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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Hola, everybody once again. Today I write very late, very late and from the
hotel as always. Today was a day of competition and to tell you the truth I’m
very happy to be in the third round. I played on court Suzanne Lenglen which is
a bit slower and you never know. Carlos Moya told me that he lost five times

安排在比較慢速的Suzanne Lenglen球場。Carlos Moya告訴我說,他曾經在這個場地輸掉

Well, today I left the hotel at 10:30 in the morning. Before that I went
downstairs to have breakfast with my colleagues. There where Maymo, Lobito, Pere
and Carlos Costa who came in while he was having a look at the media. I had
bread with “nocilla” or Nutella, I don’t know. Or lets say bread with
chocolate and a few juices.

行的有Maymo、Lobito、Pere和在看完新聞報導才來的Carlos Costa。我吃了一些抹上
"nocilla"還是 Nutella巧克力醬的麵包。我不曉得它的正確名稱。換句話說,我早餐吃

Actually we left a bit later than 10:30 AM, around 10:40 AM because my uncle
Toni came downstairs a bit later. He usually comes downstairs a bit earlier and
goes for a walk in the morning. We waited downstairs in the tournament car to go
to the site. There I had to warm-up and do the same as always. I actually like
to do the same thing every time. I have my routine which almost everybody knows.
After warming-up I usually don’t leave the locker room if I don’t go to the
restaurant to eat something. Tomorrow I’ll tell you more about my routine in
the locker room.


Yesterday people were talking a lot about the crowd. I told the press that
besides two years ago during my match with Grosjean I’ve never had any
complaints about the crowd here. They treat me well, especially in places or
tournaments like Marseille. Here too. When I go to the courts to practice they
are always packed with people who say hi to me, ask for autographs and show me
that they like me. I really don’t have any problem.


Maybe the translation error after last year’s final had some influence. I
remember that I started my speech congratulating Roger Federer, saying that I
was very happy and proud to have beaten him and that he might be the best tennis
player of all times. The translator (which we know well because he’s also in
Monte-Carlo and at some others tournaments) didn’t understand well what I said
and translated the opposite, which would mean that I was the best player of all
times, etc. Afterwards he came to the locker room and said that he was sorry
about the mistake. He didn’t have his best day. That happens to all of us. The
case is that maybe the crowd still remembers that, but well, I don’t think that
it’s a big deal.

記得這件事情,不過,我想這沒什麼大不了的。 (果然是有風度的好孩子!)

Talking about today again, tonight a few of us we went for dinner and I’ll show
you a few pictures we took. We went to a pizzeria again and had some ice cream
afterwards. I had my typical gambas, which I love; olives, which I also like a
lot and a plate of pasta, which only I eat (because it’s white with butter or
oil). On the pictures you see Albert Costa who coaches Feli Lopez (Fidgiano),
Carlos Costa, Rafa Maymo, my uncle Toni and Francis Roig who stays in a club
outside Paris with a few pupils who play in a satellite tournament not far away
from here. He comes whenever he can and we also talk over the phone quite often.
You also know that he comes with me to some tournaments and to practise when
my uncle Toni doesn’t come.

油做成的)。在圖片中你將會看到Feli Lopez (Fidgiano)的教練Albert Costa、Carlos
Costa、Rafa Maymo以及我的叔叔和Francis Roig,他正在離巴黎幾哩外的網球俱樂部參加

Today we ate pretty fast and went back quickly at 11 PM, because we had another
“meeting”. You’ll already know what I’m talking about… A playstation match
!!! The legendary Ferru (David Ferrer) and myself against our tough opponents
Moyini (Carlos Moya) and David Nalbandian. A match of five again and something
at stake… I’ll tell you tomorrow and I hope that I’ll have photos… If I can
tell you that David Nalbandian broke a joystick again. A new joystick, which
we bought yesterday. This one I offered to him, but the one from tomorrow he
will pay for… You can imagine who the winners were…I don’t say anything…
you’ll see the pictures tomorrow…:-) Of course we played as pros.

由著名的Ferru (David Ferrer) 和我對上我們最難纏的對手Moyini (Carlos Moya)和David
我不會在這裡多說些什麼…明天,你可以看到一些照片…:-) 是一場專業級的比賽喔。

At the end of today’s press conference they asked me about those games. I don’
t know if Ferru or Moyini talked about what is at stake… I don’t and it’s
better because all of us lose at some point… Finally. Actually we were
laughing a lot in the press conference.


I would also like to comment a bit about what I told you in yesterday’s blog.
I usually don’t talk about matches here, about how I feel and also those more
technical things because the press who comes to Roland Garros tells you about
that. Here I tell you about the little things which I don’t think are very
interesting to write about in the newspapers or talk about on the radio or on


Well, as it’s so late I’ll go to sleep. I’m sorry that it’s so short again.
Tomorrow I’ll tell you more and lets hope that it won’t be only about the


Greetings to everybody and thanks for all your support messages. Today I didn’t
have time to see many of them.


Rafa Nadal


Vamos Rafa!!! :)

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2009-05-19T14:39
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2009-05-21T06:01
不客氣… 這是我的功課。 XDD
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2009-05-22T21:24
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2009-05-24T12:46
感謝翻譯推 ^^
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2009-05-26T04:08
也謝謝樓上兩位大大的收看! ^^
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2009-05-27T19:30
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2009-05-29T10:52
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2009-05-31T02:14
也感謝版大的閱讀! 翻到我也想弄一台來玩!XDD
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2009-06-01T17:36
我記得Moya有次跟豆豆打輸 也弄壞控制桿 XD
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2009-06-03T08:59
Ferru 也有弄壞一個… XDD
William avatar
By William
at 2009-06-05T00:21


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2009-05-17T22:46
【板主:Gronkjaer/a111156987】今晚10點 TMS Madrid Final!!! 看板《Nadal》 [←]離開 [→]閱讀 [^P]發表文章 [d]刪除 [z]精華區 [i]看板資訊/設定 [h]說明 編號 日 期 作 者 文 章 標 題 ...

快喔 衛視有GRAF +AA

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2009-05-17T22:44
根據AA板的情報 衛視正在播 溫布頓屋頂落成表演賽 由AA+Graf vs.Heman+Kim 我會錄下來 再看怎樣 - ...

決賽 Federer - Nadal

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2009-05-17T22:26
http://zh-tw.justin.tv/rimk03 開打囉!!! 大家來看吧~ Roger 加油! 你行的 補另一個要安裝附件的 http://sports.cctv.com/live/04/index.shtml - ...

馬德里決賽 豆豆 Vs 費神

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2009-05-17T22:15
http://zh-tw.justin.tv/rimk03 要開打囉 趕快來看 -- ╯ ∥ ╰ █ ︱ █ Levisjeans    ...

Nadal vs Federer

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2009-05-17T22:08
請問各位版大 有哪個連結可以在網路上 觀看比賽現況嗎 希望能分享 這場精采的比賽不想錯過 感恩 - ...