16強賽後Courier的訪問 - 羅傑·費德勒 Federer

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2006-01-24T02:36

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很有趣,給大家看完整版 :p

JC: Roger, that was a close one. Tell us about, okay you were up two sets to
love, you obviously saw Davydenko came back two sets to love. Did it cross your
mind at all? Were you focused? What were you thinking man?
RF: Well I had the feeling. Everything turned around, really. I was playing
fantastic for the first two and he was playing fantastic for the second- uh
three and four that's the thing everything's going well so quickly it was the
same way for him in the beginning, after that it's tough to break the momentum
I missed my chance early in the third and I had a couple of break points and
after that it was really hard. But this is for me a good match to win in 5 here
on Rod Laver Arena I haven't done it yet I think in my career. I lost many
heartbreakers so this is a good feeling right now.

JC: Well all credit to Tommy Haas. Tommy Haas took his game to another level
tonight. Tommy Haas realized that he had to play outside of his comfort zone
to just stay in the match with you. Did you think you had to play even better
in the fifth set? Did you push your game to another level because the numbers
sure indicate that it did. You had 18 winners in the fifth set alone against
6 unforced errors. What is it in your mind to do that or did it just happen

RF: Obviously like I said I was really trying to just break his momentum and I
knew that all I needed was a break. I was serving pretty good, I was happy with
my serving. It was just Tommy was making it difficult for me to sort of get on
top of him I had a feeling that my forehand let me down through the match but
it came back in the end and that's what made the difference.

JC: Yeah your forehand was pretty crappy for awhile. You were shankin' it. You
were making us feel pretty good in the booth

RF: You had a good forehand too, so you know how it is.

JC: Had?!
RF: I haven't seen you play. You want to come back on tour like Martina? So, no

JC: I'm not coming back on tour, man. Come to the senior tour. You've got time,
it's okay.

RF: You're not playing any doubles?

JC: You asking?

RF: Yeah, I'll play.

JC: Okay, let me check my calendar, I'm free. Where we playin?

RF: What's that?

JC: I'll check my schedule. I'm open. Where do you want to play?

RF: Uh-

JC: Don't say Wimbledon. Don't say Wimbledon. I'm not good on grass.

RF: We're not going on grass. We'll go hardcourt somewhere in the States, it's
good for you.

JC: Hardcourt, I appreciate that. Speaking of hardcourt and hard matches you do
have Davydenko here in the next one. Do you like being pushed in a match like
this, it's a question I want to know, because you've been winning so easily. Da
ydenko is a great player, Haas played beauitfullly today. Do you prefer to get
pushed and tested like this? Or would you rather just cruise?

RF: (laughs)

JC: Partner...

RF: Yeah, um...to be honest I like to be pushed like this you know
because the media people they really get on my nerves 'Wouldn't it be good you
lose a set? Wouldn't it be good if you had a more difficult match' All this-
this crap. So, I'm happy that I had a tough one now and I'm in the tournament
so it's all good.

JC: You're definitely in the tournament. Okay. What about your people. what
about Mirka, Roche. You're putting them through tough times. Is that okay? Does
she get mad at you when you get back tonight?

RF: I hope not. (crowd laughs). I just hope that she's not going to get gray
hair earlier than... than she should. But uh, Tony already has. So we don't
have to worry about him.

JC: They have the Garnier booth we can get color for her if she has a problem.
It's all good.

RF: Tony too. We can get him into black or something.

JC: Okay Roger I think we need to get to a commercial break and you need to get
some rest. A great match of tennis, we all enjoyed it, I certainly did. Roger
Federer, a true champion, he's into the quarterfinals.

For Your Consideration

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Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2006-01-24T07:00
請問板大 這篇訪問的網址是? 問你比較快^^
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2006-01-24T11:24
JC很有趣 他還叫Rogi: partner...
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2006-01-24T15:48
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2006-01-24T20:12
如果是比閒扯蛋 應該沒有吧 XD
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2006-01-25T00:36
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2006-01-25T05:00
I'm not coming back on tour, man.XD
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2006-01-25T09:24
Come to the senior tour. XDXD
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2006-01-25T13:48
James avatar
By James
at 2006-01-25T18:12
ㄟ...我找不到, 請問在哪個分頁?

Federer vs Haas

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2006-01-24T00:25
※ 引述《fusan (living in health)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《fishlau (減肥是明天的事~)》之銘言: : +1 有同感 atatand#34; : : 我也是耶!!! : : 而且整個主播也太扯了 : : 前兩盤還誇Federer很冷靜 : : 第三盤輸了就變成說 他今天 ...

Federer vs Haas

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2006-01-24T00:14
※ 引述《fishlau (減肥是明天的事~)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《jlts (牙島)》之銘言: : : 我也不喜歡胡娜.. : : 總是說一堆怪怪的譬喻... 有同感 atatand#34; 他們太迷Rogi了 : 我也是耶!!! : 而且整個主播也太扯了 : 前兩盤還誇Federer很冷靜 : ...

辛吉絲 奪后聲勢大漲

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2006-01-24T00:04
【記者王樹衡/綜合報導】 「美少女網球」先驅代表人物瑞士辛吉絲,今天於澳網第四輪對決地主選手絲托索,若能 獲勝將挺進8強,對每一步都是奇蹟的她而言,究竟能否演出大驚奇,贏得最後后冠,無 疑是讓人相當期待的話題。 世界排名第349位,爭取到外卡資格參賽的辛吉絲,賽前賭盤完全不看好,如今卻一路過關 斬 ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2006-01-23T23:59
哈~~ 今天一補完習衝回家就馬上開網球比賽, 期待是撥Hingis的比賽, 沒想到還真的剛好在撥, 真的是超興奮的!! 為了享受比賽的感覺, 我還特地先不跑來看說誰贏了的說, 害我緊張死了!! 超級超級緊張的啦~~ 尤其是第二盤的後半段, 每當他破了對手一局, 我就想說..恩 應該沒有問題了, 可是沒有 ...

嗚嗚嗚 我的p幣

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2006-01-23T23:34
剛剛在下注時 打算全壓Roger 滿腦子在想我剩多少p幣 按下f後看到剩521 就一直想著呆會要按5 呆會要按5呆會要按5呆會要按5呆會要按5呆會要按5呆會要按5呆會要按5呆會要按5 呆會要按5呆會要按5呆會要按5呆會要按5呆會要按5呆會要按5呆會要按5呆會要按5 結果我忘記先按1阿 全壓到 ...