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Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2006-06-14T19:27

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My Blog: June 9th, 2006
June 9th, 2006 06:54 pm
By Andy Roddick Translate This Article:

-Heat are in the final!!!!! take it home Shaq and co.
熱火的冠軍戰 額 好像0-2了是吧?!

((版眾們 我們一起來幫熱火加油吧!? XD))

- It is great to see Andre Agassi cruising around the practice facilities at
Queens club fit and healthy.


- I really do love London. I think I feel more at home here than in any other
city we travel to.
倫敦讓Andy有家的感覺啊! *嘖嘖*

((London vs Austin!! Dochi!!? XD))

- ok so how does Da Vinci Code get trashed? I am convinced movie critics get
paid for negativity…Where do they get off criticizing when they have never
gone down the road of making a movie…I guess it is easier to sit back,
watch, and trash.
Andy之影評人刻薄論 達文西密碼啊~!

((影評人本來就都是刻薄的啊!! 雖然我覺得達文西密碼不是很好看 = =+))

- I did my first assignment for the Presidential Fitness Council, and I must
say it is a very nerve-wracking process of trying to write something that may
eventually reach the President…kinda weird.


Self Chuck of the Week— I have seen some guys walking around with man purses
here in London…. anything bigger than a money clip or a wallet is to be left
to your girlfriend / wife…and just so we are clear you should not be able to
throw your “wallet” over a shoulder…if you have a man purse, the wall is

Butthead of the week— Kevin Federline…he really did nothing out of the
ordinary, but let’s be honest. this was inevitable.

Fine of the Week— my sister in law Ginger wins again…she was groggy from a
hard nights sleep and went into the bathroom in the morning to take an
aspirin for a headache…only she took a sleeping pill instead….. must have
been a fun rest of the day

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Tags: 網球

All Comments

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2006-06-16T00:59
今天熱火大逆轉 在家裡扳平系列賽1-2落後
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2006-06-19T20:44
喔喔!! 最近都在關心足球....忘了熱火...XD
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2006-06-23T18:30
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2006-06-25T17:25
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2006-06-28T05:19

Happy Birthday to Steffi

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2006-06-14T11:19
To 我心中永遠的女神.. 雖然發表在這 好像沒什麼意義.. 因為你也看不到 Anyway, just wanna to send my regards to you, Stefanie Graf. Happy Birthday to you!!~ - ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2006-06-14T02:27
目前打完晉級的有美國的Blake,Ginepri 跟泰國老虎斯理查潘 小Andy(Murray)的比賽打到第2盤 Murray5-2領先,但先輸第一盤搶七 7-6(3) 至於大Andy的比賽 由於雨一直未停 賽會決定推延至明日舉行 明天一起幫Andy加油吧! -- !Amor AndY RoDdiC ...

美國傳奇名將復出首戰失利 阿加西否認溫網奪冠可能

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2006-06-14T01:17
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年06月13日 新浪體育    新浪體育訊  倫敦6月12日消息,在英國女王草地杯的首輪比賽中,36歲的 美國傳奇名將阿加西以4-6/4-6不敵「英國紳士」亨曼,無緣下一輪。阿加西此前 缺席了整個紅土賽季的比賽,此番在草地賽 ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2006-06-14T01:14
剛剛在看BBC的線上轉播 中間 因為下雨 比賽暫停 所以播了Andy在賽前接受訪問的影片 我看機不可失阿(大家應該也有一段時間沒看到Andy的帥帥身影了XD) 於是截了約30張圖 不算很大(因為怕太大解析度會很差atat) 不過還是可以看到我們又帥又可愛的ANDY啦 這裡先放一張給大家看看 http://im ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2006-06-13T23:40
http://www.willhill.com/iibs/EN/buildcoupon.asp?couponchoice=TE1074599 juju排在第三 只是我以為大威會是第二熱門 畢竟是衛冕者..三屆溫網冠軍耶 有沒有人要賭一下juju?哈 我看等熱身賽打完賭盤應該會有些變化 倒是Vaidisova ...