11/18 NHL scores - 曲棍球

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2011-11-18T16:37

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1 2 3 Total
Canadiens 0 2 1 3
Islanders 0 4 0 4

Canadiens: Max Pacioretty(9)、Erik Cole(5)、Brian Gionta(5)
Islanders: P.A. Parenteau(3)、Jay Pandolfo(1)、Mark Streit(2)、Matt Moulson(6)


1 2 3 Total
Coyotes 0 0 1 1
Flyers 0 1 1 2

Coyotes: Mikkel Boedker(3)
Flyers: James van Riemsdyk(7)、Matt Read(6)

*Matt Read在比賽剩18.6秒時的進球,幫助飛人險勝土狼,飛人門將Ilya Bryzgalov也順

1 2 3 OT SO Total
Blue Jackets 0 1 0 0 (1) 1
Bruins 0 1 0 0 (2) 2

Blue Jackets: Derek MacKenzie(3)
Bruins: Adam McQuaid(1)

*Rich Peverley與David Krejci在Shootout PK戰中的進球,使棕熊擊敗藍夾克,並取得

1 2 3 Total
Penguins 0 0 1 1
Lightning 1 1 2 4

Penguins: Tyler Kennedy(2)
Lightning: Vincent Lecavalier(7, 8)、Brett Connolly(4)、Steve Downie(2)

*Vincent Lecavalier的兩次進球,加上門將Dwayne Roloson全場擋下對手33次射門,

1 2 3 Total
Avalanche 0 0 0 0
Wild 0 0 1 1

Wild: Devin Setoguchi(6)

*Devin Setoguchi在正規賽剩不到三分鐘時的進球,使荒野險勝同組對手雪崩,荒野
門將Niklas Backstrom全場擋下對手27次射門,演出個人本季第二次的完封勝

1 2 3 Total
Maple Leafs 0 1 0 1
Predators 1 1 2 4

Maple Leafs: John-Michael Liles(3)
Predators: Martin Erat(4, 5)、Ryan Suter(4)、Matt Halischuk(5)

*Martin Erat的兩次進球,加上門將Pekka Rinne全場擋下對手38次射門,使掠奪者擊敗

1 2 3 Total
Panthers 1 0 0 1
Blues 1 1 2 4

Panthers: Mike Santorelli(3)
Blues: David Backes(5, 6)、Chris Porter(1)、Kris Russell(4)

*David Backes的兩次進球,幫助藍調擊敗美洲豹,藍調也在這次主場五連戰中,取得四勝

1 2 3 Total
Capitals 1 0 0 1
Jets 1 3 0 4

Capitals: Alexander Semin(4)
Jets: Evander Kane(7, 8)、Blake Wheeler(1)、Kyle Wellwood(6)

*Evander Kane的兩次進球,以及門將Ondrej Pavelec全場擋下對手31次射門,使噴射機

1 2 3 Total
Senators 3 1 1 5
Oilers 0 1 1 2

Senators: Colin Greening(5)、Kaspars Daugavins(2)、Milan Michalek(12)、
Jesse Winchester(1)、Zenon Konopka(2)
Oilers: Anton Lander(1)、Ryan Jones(4)

*Bulin Wall在第一節面對七次射門,被打進三球,結果在第一節結束提早下班,油人

1 2 3 Total
Kings 0 2 3 5
Ducks 0 1 2 3

Kings: Mike Richards(6, 7)、Simon Gagne(7)、Slava Voynov(3)、Anze Kopitar(9)
Ducks: Andrew Cogliano(3, 4)、Corey Perry(7)

*Mike Richards的兩次進球,幫助國王在連續兩天面對猛鴨的背靠背比賽中,大獲全勝

1 2 3 Total
Red Wings 1 0 1 2
Sharks 1 3 1 5

Red Wings: Niklas Kronwall(5)、Danny Cleary(3)
Sharks: Joe Pavelski(10)、Joe Thornton(5)、Marc-Edouard Vlasic(2)、
Torrey Mitchell(2)、Brad Winchester(1)



All Comments

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2011-11-20T13:18
請問 背靠背比賽 是什麼意思呢!?
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2011-11-25T07:44
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2011-11-26T21:31
國王和猛鴨還是 home-to-home
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2011-11-29T18:26
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2011-12-01T23:09
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2011-12-05T03:37
Bulin Wall 已經連兩場不穩了, 是被看破手腳嗎?

11/17 NHL scores

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2011-11-17T15:27
今天NHL總共進行了四場比賽,各場比賽的結果如下: 1 2 3 Total Hurricanes 0 0 0 0 Canadiens 2 2 0 4 進球的球員: Ca ...

11/16 NHL scores

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2011-11-16T16:25
今天NHL總共進行了九場比賽,各場比賽的結果如下: 1 2 3 Total Wild 0 2 2 4 Blue Jackets 2 0 0 2 進球的 ...

4 enter Hockey Hall of Fame

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2011-11-15T16:03
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11/15 NHL scores

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2011-11-15T15:35
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Ryan Miller out indefinitely

William avatar
By William
at 2011-11-14T15:42
網址:http://tinyurl.com/d76oztv 軍刀當家門將Ryan Miller在球隊的前一場中,遭棕熊前鋒Milan Lucic衝撞, Miller雖然撐完了兩節比賽才退場,不過今天球隊宣佈他出現腦震盪的情況, 因此何時歸隊目前沒有時間表,軍刀同時也宣佈從農場球隊call up Drew M ...