09美網第一輪賽後訪問 - 羅傑·費德勒 Federer

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2009-09-02T17:59

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Roger Federer
Monday, August 31, 2009R. FEDERER/D. Britton

6 1, 6 3, 7 5

An interview with: Roger Federer

THE MODERATOR: Roger today became the first player to win $50 million in
prize money, just to let you know.


ROGER FEDERER: No need to write about that. (Laughter.)

RF: 不需要寫這個吧(笑)

Q. Off to a very good start. How did you feel out there today?

Q: 今天你有一個很好的開始, 你的感覺是?

ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, obviously always happy to win matches at Grand
Slams or any tournament, so it was a good start to the tournament for me. I
didn't drop a set, and, you know, tricky match for me. Playing a guy who's
got absolutely nothing to lose obviously.
I'm here as a five time defending champion, so it makes it a bit tricky. He
did play I think really well. He had some very good spells, and I had to make
sure from my side that I stayed with him and come back, because I was down a
break in the second and in the third. So it was good to still get through in
three sets.

RF: 喔是阿, 不管什麼比賽, 大滿貫也好, 其他巡迴賽也好, 贏球總是會很高興的嘛,
今天是一個很好的開始, 沒有掉任何一盤. 不過面對完全沒有輸球的壓力的對手, 對我

我要在這裡嘗試衛冕五次冠軍, 這讓我感到有些難打. 他打的相當好, 有一些很不錯的
魅力. 我在第二盤和第三盤都被破發過, 比分上必須要努力跟上他並超越, 所以我很開

Q. He used the word "scary" when describing what it's like to be out there
playing you. We've talked in this room many times about the aura you've had
in the past. Last year there was a lot of conversation about, you know,
perhaps maybe you've lost a little bit of that. Do you feel like, you know,
it's back and you know, I mean, that aura with other players? If you can
describe where your head is about that right now.

當他用了一個字眼形容跟你對打的時候, 是"恐怖的". 我們過去也曾經在這個房裡談過
這種氣氛, 去年就有談到一些, 就是關於如果你輸了的話, 對於其他選手是種什麼樣感
覺, 你可以形容看看嗎?

ROGER FEDERER: Well, I think with the success I've had, you know, I think
especially young players right now, they'll always be in sort of awe maybe of
great players. These guys start to be like 10 years younger than me and
followed my generation, you know. They were 10 years old, and I was, you
know, playing maybe my best and stuff.

RF: 嗯我想, 當我已經有了現在這樣的成功, 特別是這些年輕球員, 他們現在一定對於
這些偉大的球員有或多或少的敬畏. 而且這些年輕人都比我年輕個十歲, 接在我的世代
之後, 在這十年裡面, 我可能打出我最好的東西出來了.

So it's like it's interesting now, with a new generation coming up and almost
idolizing some players. Some maybe me, I don't know, because that's what
happened with me. All of a sudden I was in front of Pete Sampras at Wimbledon
and I couldn't believe it, you know.

所以就像一些有趣的話題, 新的世代正在出現, 他們幾乎都有崇拜某些球員, 有些人可
能崇拜我, 也許, 我不知道, 因為這也發生過在我身上, 就跟Pete Sampras突然地就站
在你前面一樣, 很難置信.

I think, especially if you admire a player, it doesn't matter if he's lost
first round, you know, many times or he's won many times the last year or so.
It's what he's achieved and what you think of that player.

And then plus obviously the biggest stadium in the world, you're always going
to be nervous. Sure, I think I think with the top guys, if you beat them on a
regular basis and you're very successful, I think then you can maybe build an
aura again, that's for sure.

我覺得, 特別是你很欽佩一個選手, 你不會覺得他會輸掉第一輪比賽很多次, 不然他怎

再加上這是一個世界上最大的球場, 你總是會覺得很緊張, 又跟頂尖的選手對打, 如果
你可以正式的擊敗他, 那麼你會取得重大成功, 我想到時候你可能又會再次創造出一種
氣氛, 想要確定它是不是真的.

Q. You were just talking about young players, but what do you think the young
Roger Federer who was trying to win the Orange Bowl and trying to somehow
figure out the pro tour and get a rhythm, the young boy, what do you think he
would think of Roger Federer today with all your records, all your
accomplishments, your fame? What do you think his thoughts would be on Roger

你談論到了年輕選手們, 那你覺得年輕的Roger Federer, 那個曾經試著去贏下Orange
Bowl, 曾經試著去了解那些職業比賽並取得節奏的男孩, 你覺得這個年輕男孩對今天的
Federer, 這個擁有所有你的記錄, 成就和名望的你, 會是什麼感覺?你會覺得當時的他

ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, I think I've come a long way. I didn't ever
expect to be this successful. I knew I had something special in me, more
talent that other players. Maybe the belief, you know, that I could play at a
very high level on any given day.
But I knew I had many problems of showing that day in and day out, because I
struggled a lot in practice. So I think where I've come, it's absolutely
amazing. Yeah, I mean, if my career to end today, you know, I'm a happy man.
I achieved everything I could ever ask for, really.

RF: 喔是阿, 我走過很長的路, 我從來沒期待過會取得現在這樣的成功, 我知道我有些
特別之處, 比別人有較多的天份. 或許是信念, 讓我在這些日子能打出這麼高水準的程

但是我知道我在一天早晚都會做的事情中, 都有過很多的問題, 因為我努力於大量的練
習中, 所以我覺得我所到達的成就, 是真的很令人驚訝的. 對阿, 就算是今天我的生涯
結束了, 我還是個開心的人, 因為我要求過的每件事情都達到了, 真的.

Q. What is that belief today? You've spoken a lot about the importance of
belief to your success every time you step on the court. How would you
describe that belief that you have right now?

Q: 那你現在的信念是?你每次都說了很多關於信念對你在賽場上成功的重要性, 你要怎

ROGER FEDERER: Well, I think I always had it as a little boy. I always knew I
could be, you know, a great player. I always knew I could beat the other guy
across the net, even though things didn't look very good. Then later on, you
know, it sort of changes because you've proven yourself, you've had success.

But then it's just belief that you can do it day in, day out. You can show it
against the best in the world. You can show it in any stadium around the
world. All those things, it's just important to have belief.

It varies, it changes, you know, throughout your career, but you've going to
make sure that it stays with you, because otherwise you start questioning
yourself. This is then when you take decisions on the tennis court which are
not the best.

RF: 是阿, 我總是在很小的時候就擁有信念, 我總是知道我可以成為一個很好的球員,
我總是覺得我可以擊敗網子對面的人, 即使事情看起來並不順利. 不過因為你總是表現
出你自己, 然後事情就會有些許的轉變, 你會取得成功.

然後你要相信你可以一日從早到晚都做到這些事, 你就可以展現出最好的給全世界, 你
就可以展現在全世界的賽場上, 所有像這些的事情, 所以擁有信念是很重要的.

當在你生涯中有些事情不同了, 改變了, 你要去確定信念是不是還跟著你, 否則你會開
始質疑你自己, 這會使你在網球場上做出不是最好的決定.

Q. Is your belief now the greatest that it's been?

Q. 你現在成為最偉大的球員的信念達到了嗎?

ROGER FEDERER: I don't think so, no. I've had times where I think I knew
exactly what I wanted to do, and I was going to do, and probably gonna win,
as well. So not really, no.

RF: 不是, 我不這麼認為, 我有想過幾次, 知道我想做什麼, 而我現在也正在做, 可能
就是繼續贏球下去之類的. 所以不是你說的那樣, 不是.

Q. We know you're a student of history. The question is: You don't hear the
name Bill Tilden mentioned a lot these days, but a lot of tennis historians
contend he's the greatest of all time. What would winning this tournament and
tying his record of six consecutive championships mean to you?

Q. 我們知道你是讀歷史的學生. 問題來了: "這些時日你不太會聽到Bill Tilden的名字
被提起, 但是很多網球歷史學者會爭論他是不是歷史上最偉大的選手. 你覺得能贏得這
個賽事, 並追平他的六連貫的紀錄, 對於你的意義是什麼?"

ROGER FEDERER: Sure, it's amazing. That's what I'm here for, trying to equal
Bill Tilden's record. But I've never met Bill Tilden. Never saw him play, so
it's hard to kind of relate to him in any way, you know, except through
Yeah, I mean, it's fantastic to be sort of, you know, compared to someone who
played such a long time ago, I guess. My generation, or the people I looked
up, you know, came much later than Bill Tilden. So it's hard for me to saying
about that, really.

RF: 當然, 這很驚人, 我要在這裡試著去追平Bill Tilden的紀錄, 但是我從來沒遇見過
他, 也從來沒看過他打球, 所以在任何方面都很難說跟他有所關連, 當然除了記錄啦.

不過是阿, 難以置信可以跟一個非常久遠的一些人做比較. 我猜, 我的這個世代的人都
比Bill Tilden的年代晚非常多, 所以這問題對我來說真的很難說些什麼.

Q. Along with your knowledge of history and tennis, do you think your spot in
history improved with Rafael Nadal coming along and giving you another
champion to challenge you?
ROGER FEDERER: Potentially. I think this is stuff you can talk about when my
career is over, really. This is when you analyze, okay, you know, how much
did Rafa Nadal help to my career and how much did I help his career? I think
it was great, a great rivalry we've had so far. I definitely think it
increased popularity in the game.
For my own career, I don't know. I can't answer this. I think this is to be
seen when both our playing days are over.

Q. Now that you've won 15 and you got the one that was missing, the French
Open, do you have to invent reasons now to win?
ROGER FEDERER: I didn't get that.

Q. Now that you've won 15 and you've got the French, do you have to now
invent reasons in your mind to win? And what will be those reasons?
ROGER FEDERER: Try to win again and again. That's what it is. I like being
the winner of any tournament in the world. That's why when I enter: I try to
win it.
If I don't, okay. I walk away. I know tennis is not everything, so it's not a
problem. But if I enjoy playing tennis, why should I stop just because I've
beaten the all time Grand Slam record? That's not what tennis is all about.
I don't think if you ask all the other 100 players in the draw, that their
goal is to win 16 Grand Slams now. That's not the goal here. It's trying to
enjoy, having a great career, and being the best maybe in your country.
You can set different types of goals. Mine are at a very, very high level.
That's just the difference.

Q. How has your training regimen changed since you've become a dad? And if
so, how?
ROGER FEDERER: Not a whole lot yet, to be quite honest. They're only five
weeks old. It's not like they're five years old yet.

Q. You have to give Mirka more attention these days now?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I did before. (laughter.) That's part of the deal, you
know. I like spending time with her, and that doesn't change. We had a great
relationship beforehand. Now it's the same, you know. There's just two babies
involved, as well. We're trying to do our best. It's a lot of fun. When I go
back to the hotel.
Yeah, I mean, I'll see how it goes the next few months and years.

Q. Your game, the results you've attained, can you talk a bit more about the
process, what it means to you being a champion?
ROGER FEDERER: I didn't get it.

Q. I just want to know what it means to you to be a champion beyond just the
numbers. We talk about all these numbers all the time. Things you pride
yourself on throughout the years of being a great player.
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, I think for me was also I gave a good image for
the game of tennis. Because for a very long time I was No. 1 in the world and
became Laureus Sports Award champion. I was compared to other greats in other
I think it's great if I was part of making the game more popular. That was
something I was I'm not proud of, because I don't know the impact it really
had. But I think it's nice to have maybe a face in the game, and we've had
that, you know, with Rafa, myself at the top, you know, in a very good way, I
That's something. Then obviously trying to be a good role model for kids. I
think that's obviously something I've always wanted to be, that I can make
maybe more juniors play tennis, that they enjoy it, that they understand
tennis is a fair game, it's a great game to play.
Then I hear that I'm people's favorite player or they love me. For whatever
reason it is, it's just nice to hear. So those things I'm very proud of.

Q. A question about serving, not necessarily germane to today's match, but
when you're on those rare occasions when you're struggling with your serve,
can you figure it out within the match, between the matches, or is it really
something that is for the nontournament...
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, I think it depends on how you're feeling.
Sometimes you have a back problem, chest problem, shoulder problem. Then
sometimes your serve is up and down. It can be up and down during the match,
it can be up and down during a tournament, or it can be up and down
throughout a year.
Once your serve is sort of doing well and your body is fine, I think you just
sometimes go through maybe a set where you don't serve very well. But I think
it's always important that your second serve is good, you know. No matter if
your first serve goes out, you know, you have a very solid second serve.
That's why you actually can go after more on your first serve, because you
know you have you're backed up by a good second serve.
That's why one of the reasons I can also go for aces, because I feel like I
have a very reliable second serve and I can still mix it up actually a lot.
Sometimes when things go bad on the serve during a match, it's hard to change
them. You try to find what it is, if it's the toss, is it the wind? Is it,
you know, the swing? Are you going too fast in the beginning?
But then you're asking yourself many questions, and the next thing you know
you're not focusing about playing the baseline points anymore. You're just
trying to serve well. It's not a good approach to have. That's why then you
just almost say, You know, what? I'll just serve and hopefully it's going to
work out for me, you know, in the long run of the match.
But sometimes it doesn't. Then you lose, you leave, and you try to fix it.

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All Comments

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2009-09-05T21:25
剩下的要晚點再翻 吃飯先:)) 這次問題都好長= =
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2009-09-09T00:51
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2009-09-12T04:18
感謝翻譯 翻譯真的很辛苦
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2009-09-15T07:44
感謝翻譯吶!能力不足,無能為力丫= =
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2009-09-18T11:10
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2009-09-21T14:37
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2009-09-24T18:03
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2009-09-27T21:29
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2009-10-01T00:56
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2009-10-04T04:22
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2009-10-07T07:48
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2009-10-10T11:14
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2009-10-13T14:41
有空我也來翻翻 https://daxiv.com
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2009-10-16T18:07
感謝翻譯~~Roger https://moxox.com


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George avatar
By George
at 2009-09-02T13:00
http://sports.qq.com/a/20090901/000268.htm 安迪-穆雷希望自己能稱霸網球界,他認為這是早晚的事情,不過他也承認,自己肯定是 沒指望像布萊恩兄弟一樣在音樂界也闖出一番名堂。 美網首輪迎戰古爾比斯,這是他在超越費德勒的道路上邁出的第一步,但這位英國天才卻 似乎並不把這 ...