0717 note - 美國職棒

By Candice
at 2021-07-17T14:50
at 2021-07-17T14:50
Table of Contents
1.天使David Fletcher連續25場安打
追平隊史第二長(1982的Rod Carew)
隊史最長是28場(1998的Garret Anderson)
上一次是遊騎兵─2010/7/16的Bengie Molina (完全打擊附帶滿貫)
3.Jake Cronenworth完全打擊是教士隊史第三人 (三人都是在客場達成)
前兩位:Matt Kemp (2015) & Wil Myers (2017)
前兩位: DiMaggio (1937) & Brooks Robinson (1960)
前兩位: Frank Robinson (1971) & Roberto Alomar (1998)
6.藍鳥Vladimir Guerrero Jr., Marcus Semien and Teoscar Hernández今天都開轟
That's the most in MLB this season (no other team entered Friday with more
than 13) & the most by a team before the start of August since the 2011 Red
Sox (also 23).
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1626504660.A.95F.html
追平隊史第二長(1982的Rod Carew)
隊史最長是28場(1998的Garret Anderson)
上一次是遊騎兵─2010/7/16的Bengie Molina (完全打擊附帶滿貫)
3.Jake Cronenworth完全打擊是教士隊史第三人 (三人都是在客場達成)
前兩位:Matt Kemp (2015) & Wil Myers (2017)
前兩位: DiMaggio (1937) & Brooks Robinson (1960)
前兩位: Frank Robinson (1971) & Roberto Alomar (1998)
6.藍鳥Vladimir Guerrero Jr., Marcus Semien and Teoscar Hernández今天都開轟
That's the most in MLB this season (no other team entered Friday with more
than 13) & the most by a team before the start of August since the 2011 Red
Sox (also 23).
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1626504660.A.95F.html
推 ray020507: 推 07/17 14:53
推 Sulstan: The Human Vaccum Cleaner 07/17 15:15
推 saiulbb: 話縮有點好奇城迷對Buxton延長約的看法 07/17 15:50
看法就蠻佛系的 覺得他該答應長約留 但他若不想留也不強求 推 piggreat: 4. 這種紀錄竟然是第三次.... 07/17 16:38
推 oadas: Molina最稀奇的是三壘安打 07/17 17:17
※ 編輯: andy880036s ( 臺灣), 07/17/2021 21:06:21 推 wetteland: Molina那次,主播還說:豬在麻州波士頓飛起來了 07/17 22:09
推 whhw: 推 07/17 22:34
→ housesirking: 單日這麼多紀錄還滿猛的 07/18 00:30
推 chenaxia: Molina那次要衝三壘時記得主撥超嗨 07/18 03:21
推 david12763: 摸大哥衝三壘那畫面本身就超好笑吧0..0 07/18 09:22
All Comments

By Carol
at 2021-07-21T00:06
at 2021-07-21T00:06

By Linda
at 2021-07-23T23:16
at 2021-07-23T23:16

By Tom
at 2021-07-27T01:15
at 2021-07-27T01:15

By Carolina Franco
at 2021-07-29T14:00
at 2021-07-29T14:00

By Linda
at 2021-07-30T22:20
at 2021-07-30T22:20

By Una
at 2021-07-31T17:30
at 2021-07-31T17:30

By Zora
at 2021-08-04T18:08
at 2021-08-04T18:08

By John
at 2021-08-05T09:51
at 2021-08-05T09:51

By Wallis
at 2021-08-08T03:07
at 2021-08-08T03:07

By Regina
at 2021-08-08T14:50
at 2021-08-08T14:50
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