02/22 今日消息, Putnam - 美國職棒

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2019-02-23T23:38

Table of Contents

1. Bobby Dalbec擊出紅襪春訓首轟 (vs. Northeastern University David Stiehl)

「你看他打擊時很清楚自己要幹嘛。Dalbec進步很多,我們在live BP中也能看出來



2. 紅襪以6:0擊敗東北大學,投手群只被打兩支安打(Mike Shawaryn跟Darwinzon

Christian Vazquez and Blake Swihart已經在對Northeastern Huskies的比賽中
上場;Rafael Devers and Sandy Leon對戰洋基;Mookie Betts等多數主力球員
先發投手會比較晚才開始出賽─Eduardo Rodriguez下周五對雙城是第一個上場的

3. 接下來對戰洋基的先發球員: Devers DH, Leon C, Rusney/Gorkys/Brentz in OF,
Lin 2B, Ockimey 1B, Chatham SS.

4. Trey Ball在小聯盟春訓營進行野手訓練 (官方發出的媒體指南中依然列為OF/LHP)

5. 目前沒有安排Pedroia的上場場次─他昨天做了許多靈活度練習以及滾地球練習,接下

6. Ryan Brasier今天都待在水療池,尚未進行棒球練習。

7. Michael Chavis今天嘗試守二壘─第五局上場、第六局被盜壘時沒有cover壘包、第七


8. Zach Putnam說他在大學(mid-2000s)玩MLB The Show時都會挑紅襪─因為他是紅襪迷
、喜歡Manny Ramirez和Josh Beckett,現在終於穿紅襪制服、有機會為紅襪效力了。



9. 大聯盟將在春訓中嘗試使用20-second pitch clock,初期是主審提醒球員,春訓後半

10. 雙城簽下Marwin Gonzalez

11. 紅人隊以小聯盟合約簽下Jose Iglesias。據Ken Rosebthal說法兩邊原本就有在討論

12. 紅襪、金鶯PR和BBWAA都在記者會上紀念Nick Cafardo。今天Cafardo的位置上擺了鮮
花,金鶯隊則是送來甜甜圈,標上"These gifts were sent on behalf of the
Baltimore Orioles. They send their most sincere condolences."。

"I just want to echo the sentiment of the organization, the players,
everybody in our family and the baseball world. We work in a profession that
it seems like most of the time, you don’t have your loved ones around. You
spend so much time with other people and these people, you start caring
about. Most of you guys start loving people. You guys have spent so much time
with Nick and we spend so much time with the players and all that.

It puts everything in perspective. I was sitting at home yesterday just
thinking about what just happened. It’s one of those that, you guys know my
story and all that. I started looking at life a lot different the last five
or six years. There was an article that Nick wrote about my dad around Father
’s Day. I pulled it out yesterday. He did a good job, as he always did. It’
s life, man. I know how we feel. I know we’re gonna miss him. He was a great
man. You start reading social media and what people wrote about Nick, how
people feel about him. Not only the people from Boston, but from all over the
states and people from the industry.

It was amazing— the respect, the love that people have for him. You start
thinking about life and it’s like, you know what, that’s the way it should
be, I guess. You make an impact in life and obviously Nick impacted all of
us. All of us. Very respected. Class. In my case, very fair. He was great. He
was great. To read everything that people on social media were putting, and
the love, it’s amazing. He was a great man. He’ll be missed. His family… I
feel so bad because that’s where you go. I was in my house, by myself and
the kids are at home. You never know. You never know. You start missing them.
For his wife, his daughter. (His son) Ben, I had the opportunity to work with
Ben at ESPN. What he brings, the energy and passion that he brings to the
job, I was like, wow, this is unreal.

I just addressed the players. It’s funny because he was actually the guy who
got on me with the off days. I didn’t know why. I remember Mookie Betts’
off day the sixth day (of last season) and he’s like, ‘why?’ and then
Hanley (Ramirez) in Oakland and he’s like, ‘why?’ Then yesterday, I
realized it was an off day for him and he showed up. I was like, that’s why
he got on me. He never took an off day. He didn’t understand that part. He
did, but he didn’t. And you start appreciating that.

I’ve gotta tell you guys, something about this and something about losing a
loved one, I hated life for a while. I was so upset at life. Something
changed six or seven years ago. Instead of looking at my loss, like ‘how
could this happen to me?’ it was the other way around. I had (my dad) for 12
years, 13 years. I started thinking of all the cool things my dad did for me,
and for Joey, my two sisters and my mom. I started thinking about Nick, and
that’s my message to you guys.

This is not the manager, this is Alex Cora… it’s me. It’s just me. Let’s
actually celebrate his life. Like I told the guys, just go out there and have
a great day. We hate off days anyways. Let’s have a blast on the field. He
loved the game. I think he was the only guy that in Game 3 (of the World
Series), he loved that game. I think Pete (Abraham) was the guy who was like,
he turned around and said, ‘this is awesome.’ I’m like, think about it.

That’s what I’ve got for you guys, man. That’s why I don’t get caught up
on the whole game. It’s just a game, bro. When you leave, that’s real. Life
is real. Everything you have to do as a parent, as a husband, as a son… that
’s real. This is just a game, man. We get caught up on the whole wins and
losses and rivalries and whatever. Life is real, man.

He’s gonna be missed, obviously. It’s not gonna be the same, we know that.
I was thinking about it on the way here and I was thinking about you guys
(the media), too. From our end, we’re here for you guys. I know there’s a
lot of guys in the organization… our medical staff did an outstanding job
yesterday. They were amazing. They’re in shock right now.

We’re gonna miss him, but like I said, let’s celebrate his life. You guys
keep doing the job you’re doing. You guys work in (a market that) they ask a
lot from you guys and you guys do an outstanding job doing it. Nick did it
the same way and like I said to the guys, ‘hey, let’s go get ‘em.’ Keep
going. We’re here for you guys. I know sometimes we don’t agree on
everything but like I said, it’s a three-hour game or four-hour game. After
that, we’re real human beings.

From my end, my condolences. He’s gonna be missed but let’s keep going,
okay? Thank you."

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Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2019-02-27T09:20
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2019-03-02T06:36
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2019-03-03T14:41
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2019-03-05T10:18
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2019-03-06T03:22
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2019-03-07T02:31
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2019-03-10T03:05
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2019-03-13T03:18
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2019-03-18T01:49
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2019-03-21T12:20
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2019-03-22T06:44
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2019-03-24T02:33
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2019-03-28T01:21

02/21今日消息,Nick Cafardo passed away

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2019-02-23T00:17
1. Boston Globe資深記者Nick Cafardo今天在球場與打擊籠之間的走道中突然倒地,雖 然隊醫很快就到場搶救,但仍回天乏術,享壽62歲。 據信Cafardo的死因是血栓(embolism)。 這天雖然是他的排休日,但因為他對棒球的熱愛驅使他到球場取材。 許多紅襪 ...

Cafardo 病逝

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2019-02-22T06:31
Sad news in the baseball world.. Baseball writer for the Boston Globe Nick Cafardo unfortunately passed away at the age of 62.. Via Bleacher Report 才62歲 ...

02/20 今日消息

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2019-02-21T23:36
1. Alex Cora過去一直認為Eduardo Nunez是個具有爆發力的球員,而Nunez今年比去年更 健康了。 Cora:「Nunez狀況看起來很棒,爆發力變好了。他現在有兩個膝蓋。」 「去年的過程很艱辛,他在簽約前的workout結束後得放慢復健速度,然後再一步一步 建立他 ...

02/19 今日消息

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2019-02-20T23:50
1. Ryan Brasier腳部小指發炎,保險起見飛回Boston接受檢查。Cora預期Brasier不會缺 席太久。 2. 在與紅襪簽約一年的今天,Eduardo Nunez坦承去年的真實狀況與外界知道的消息並不 一樣。 2018年2月16日Nunez在簽約之前參加workout ...

02/18 今日消息

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2019-02-20T00:49
1. John Henry坦承紅襪在2014年春訓中「搞砸了跟Jon Lester的談判」 -- 當時紅襪只開4y $70M的低價約,讓原本想留在紅襪的Lester感到失望。Lester後來 說只要紅襪開到5y $120M他就願意接受了。 有關紅襪開出的合約在2014球技很早的時候就 ...